Thread: Fiction: Game Rule Enforcer
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Old 06-07-2017, 02:58 PM   #57
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After they both moved the game they talked for a while until the doorbell went off. “I’ll get it” said Kati to which she stood up and went to the door. Once she opened the door she saw Charles wearing a black t-shirt, jeans, some shoes and a hat. Behind Charles was Jeff who was wearing a sweater with track pants and shoes. On Jeff’s left side was Samantha who is wearing a simple top with a single short sleeve, a small jacket and a short simple skirt, as well as a pair of boots. On the other side of Jeff is Nicole, Jeff’s twelve year old sister, who only just recently started to develop a chest. She was wearing a long wrap dress with no sleeves, as well as a pair of sandals and a hair ribbon with narrow figure, dark brown mid length hair and a tanned skin. Behind the three of them there was also Janet, Jeff’s 15 year old sister who was wearing a medium-length dress with a flared skirt, a fitted waist, and short loose sleeves, as well as a pair of sandals with an average build, has a nicely tanned skin, green eyes and long wavy black hair. Next to Janet is Catherine, the last of Jeff’s siblings, a 21 year old woman with a pale skin color, long straight blonde hair, dark brown eyes and an average build. She is wearing a shirt with a single strap sleeve and a pair of trousers, as well as a pair of lace-up shoes and a medium-length overcoat. “Uhm, are you all joining in?” asked Kati “Yes” replied Nicole “Amy invited us all” she added “I might not join, it depends on the rules that are laid out” added Catherine.

“How old are you Nicole?” “Twelve” she replied “Jeff …. Isn’t she a little young for this game” asked Kati. “Yea I think so too but because Amy invited her she kept on insisting” “HEY! I am right here you know” complained Nicole “I will play and you will not treat me like a kid, the same rules apply to me as anyone else and if I notice that you are going easy on me, then I will …..” “Ok, fine” said Kati “You can play and we won’t treat you like a kid”. The whole group entered the house and said their hello’s to Amy.

“Who else is still coming” asked Charles to Amy “Well, Lisa for sure and then possibly Colin, Alexis, Gene, Tyler, Chloe, Ian and Harry” answered Amy. “That’s a lot of people” said Kati. “I know, that will make it more fun!” replied Amy. A few minutes later the doorbell went off again and Amy went to open the door, this time it was Lisa dressed in a shirt with a single long wide sleeve and a short layered skirt over a pair of leggings, as well as a pair of shoes. Next to Lisa was Jesse who was wearing a t-shirt with some shorts, a jacket and some shoes. Behind the two of them is Tyler, Samantha’s 14 year old brother who is wearing a t-shirt, some shorts and sandals. Tyler has a medium brown skin color with short curly hair, he is also somewhat tall and muscular. Next to Tyler is Ian, Samantha’s 15 year old brother who is wearing a sweater, jeans and some shoes. Ian is a less muscular and more broad guy with dark brown short hair. On the other side of Tyler is Harry, Samantha’s last brother who is 19 years old and already gave an interest in fucking Samantha. He is wearing a leather jacket with jeans and sneakers. Harry has mid length straight blond hair, dark brown eyes and has an average build. “Jesse, what the hell are you doing here?” asked Amy. “Lisa invited me thinking that you would not have invited me while you did invite the other’s siblings” Amy looked at Lisa to which Lisa smiled and nodded “Dammit” thought Amy. “Fine, come inside” said Amy as she let the group inside. “I take it your sisters don’t want to join?” asked Amy to Lisa “No, they don’t, maybe next time they said”. “What about Chloe?” asked Amy to the siblings “No, she didn’t want to join either” replied Harry. “Okay, then we only gotta see if Colin, Alexis and Gene want to join” said Amy “I’ll go ask them” she added as she started to walk upstairs to their rooms.

A few minutes later Amy came back into the living room with Colin, Kati’s 15 year old brother, behind her. Colin is wearing a super hero t-shirt, some shorts and slippers while being a skinny short pale guy with curly ginger hair. Behind Colin is Alexis, Colin’s twin sister. Alexis is wearing an outdated top and a pair of calf-length pants, as well as a pair of short boots with heels and a medium-length jacket. Alexis is a thin, short ginger girl with hair halfway down her back and hazel eyes and a fair looking skin. She clearly had prepared for the game as she is wearing a jacket when not even going outside. “Now we have everyone that will play here” said Amy “Let’s go over the rules”

“As we are here with quite a few people, let’s limit the game with a few things” said Amy “First off, as we all know, it is a strip game so let’s limit how many clothing pieces we can each have, what do you guys think is a good number?” she added. “Six sounds like a good number” said Charles. A couple people started to think about how many pieces they have. “Does both shoes and both sock count for two pieces each when you have less than six pieces?” asked Nicole “Sure” replied Amy to which Janet said “Instead of six, can it be five as even with my sandals being two I only have five, that way it is fair for everyone” “I agree” said Tyler who also only had five pieces if sandals are counted as two. “Okay, that sounds fair, so five pieces each” said Amy “Everyone, take off pieces so you only have five pieces remaining”.
I am not looking for a slave / master.
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