Thread: Fiction: Game Rule Enforcer
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Old 05-27-2017, 10:05 AM   #46
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This time the bottle stopped on Samantha. “I choose dare” came from Samantha. “Great, okay, Sam, I dare you to have your hands tied behind your back until you arrive home” said Lisa “Okay, I’ll use my feet to spin the bottle and do everything else then, go ahead and handcuff me” replied Samantha. Once Samantha’s hands were handcuffed behind her back she went to the bottle and used her feet to spin it around which stopped on Kati. “I too choose dare” “Perfect” said Samantha “I dare you to sing a song without mistakes while we try to make you cum, if you cum before you are done singing, then you lose” “Uhm, what song do I sing?” asked Kati “Good question, let’s say, I want it all by queen” replied Samantha.

“Okay” said Kati who then stood up and got ready to sing. “Okay, here I go” she said before taking a deep breath “I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now!” she started to sing as Samantha started to suck on Kati’s breast while Amy started to rub Kati’s clit. Kati kept on singing and felt the orgasm coming closer and closer as Lisa started to massage her breasts while Samantha was still sucking and Amy was expertly fingering Kati and stimulating her clitoris “It ain’t much I’m asking, if you want the truth. Here’s to the future, hear the cry of youth” sang Kati clearly struggling but almost being done. “I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, and I want it now! I want it now! I want it, I want it!” finished Kati who was shaking on her legs from the stimulation but didn’t have an orgasm from it. “I won” said Kati to which Samantha said “Yes you did, lucky you, now go ahead and spin your bottle”.

Kati spun the bottle which landed on Charles. “I will chose dare this time” said Charles. “Yay, I get to dare Charles” said Kati who was still recovering from the stimulation. “Charles, I dare you to convince one girl that is not in this group to agree to have sex with you, you can choose what girl but you can not say that you are playing a game and that it is for a dare” said Kati. “Uhm, I will choose to try and convince Sarah, my classmate” “Okay, go ahead and call her on speaker phone please”. Charles took his phone and dialled Sarah’s number. “Hello?” “Oh, hi, Sarah, it’s Charles” “Oh hey, what’s up?” “I got a serious question for you” “okay, what’s this about?” “Well, I was wondering if you and I could someday maybe …. Uhm …. “ “maybe what? What are you on about?” “If we could maybe one day sleep together?” “Did I just hear you right? Did you seriously just ask me to sleep with you?” Charles didn’t want to respond but decided to anyway “Uhm, yes” he said in a soft voice “I can’t believe this, I thought you were a nice guy, if you would have asked me on a date I might have said yes, but this, hell no, goodbye Charles” said Sarah before hanging up. “Well, that went terrible, what the heck was that” asked Samantha. “I never asked anything remotely like that to anyone, I didn’t know what to say or do” replied Charles. “Okay, well, you failed, so roll your dice and then spin the bottle” “Can I at least salvage my friendship with Sarah?” asked Charles “Since you already lost, sure, go ahead” said Samantha.

Charles send a text message to Sarah saying that he is sorry and that he is playing a truth or dare game and was dared to ask for sex. “I hope she forgives me” said Charles before rolling the dice which landed on a 4. “Great, now it’s also a four, just my luck” said Charles who was clearly upset about the dare he had to do. “I’ll make it up to you” said Samantha before Charles spun his bottle. “Oh yea, what will you do?” “I’ll call her and explain everything …. When my hands are not handcuffed” said Samantha. As Samantha said that the bottle stopped on Charles again “I’ll choose a question for now” “Who is the person you are closest to falling in love with or are already in love with?” “Damnit, why did I put this question in there?” said Charles who then sighed and said “Sarah”. “Oh my” said Lisa “So you asked the girl you like to have sex with you? That was a dumb move”

“I know” said Charles before quickly spinning the bottle again. This time the bottle stopped on Amy “Question please” said Amy. “What vitamin that helps maintain the skin, eyes, healthy bones and teeth, is found in milk, liver, eggs, butter, and vegetables?” “Uhm, I will say that that is Vitamin D” “Wrong” replied Lisa “It’s Vitamin A”. “DAAAAMN!” screamed Amy who then took the dice and rolled it to a 4 & a 5. “Darn it, my luck really has been used up I guess” said Amy before spinning the bottle.

The bottle stopped on Samantha. “I choose a dare” “Okay, Sam, I dare you to pour us all a glass of juice with your hands still handcuffed behind your back, if you spill, then you lose” said Charles “That is near impossible but a dare is a dare” said Samantha who went to the stairs and started to walk up. Once she was at the door for the basement she struggled to open the door but managed to do so anyway. Samantha then started to walk to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Once the fridge was open she looked where the juice was and then turned around and practically sat down in the cold fridge while trying to take the juice. Right as she managed to get a hold of the juice she heard a car door slam closed and looked out the window. “Shit, Lisa’s parents are home” she thought to herself before quickly closing the fridge with her feet and hurrying to the basement door. Unfortunately the basement door had closed on her and now she had to try and open it again while holding the juice. Samantha managed to get the basement door open at the same time as the front door started to open. As the basement door is visible from the front door she started to panic and quickly went inside the basement and closed the door hoping nobody saw her. Samantha then locked the door with some struggling and went down the stairs. “Lisa, your parents are home” said Samantha. “Oh shit, let’s hope they don’t come down here” she said. Samantha then went to the glasses that were used for drinks before and poured some juice in each of them. “There, all done” she said to which Charles stood up and looked at where the glasses are. “You spilled some” he said pointing at some spilled juice on the table. “Crap” said Samantha “Ok, fine, ill roll my dice” The dice stopped on 1, 5, 6, 5 and 5 making it 22 minutes of slave time if Samantha loses again. Samantha then went to spin the bottle which stopped on Charles.

“I will do a dare” “Ok, I dare you to ….” “Wait!” said Jeff “It seems we forgot something important” “Oh, what did we forget?” asked Lisa “We didn’t spank Charles for losing before and we didn’t get Oral from Sam” “Oh, that’s right” said Amy “They should get punished for that, how about they have to fuck each other and the person that orgasms first loses causing them to be a slave and ending the game that way?” everyone except Samantha, Charles and Jeff agreed that it was a good punishment. “As Samantha and Charles don’t have a say in this it is one versus three so that is the punishment and last part of the game, but as the time has not really been decided for Charles we will roll three dice and spin the bottle to decide how much time and who the master will be of the one losing.” added Amy.
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