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Old 04-25-2017, 03:36 PM   #243
sir sam
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Originally Posted by ZacharyBratt View Post
One evening I saw a post on the getdare forum called “Corner-Time I did more.” I looked thru the thread thinking “Hmmmm that looks like a fun challenge to try.” so I posted a reply asking for my turn to my delight it was accepted so I was put on the reserved to do the 145 minutes that is 2 hrs and 25 minutes of pure corner-time I must now complete.

I made a corner of my bedroom all clean and comfortable without any objects to distract me from this long corner-time.
To prepare for the cornertime i did a test on my cellphone for the timer to make sure i could hear when it goes off. And as a backup i set the alarm clock to got off in 2hr and 30 minutes later. I then set the timer on the phone for 2hr and 25 mins and 30 seconds to give me a bit to get into position. I then walked over to the corner pressing my nose to the corner walls and started the 145 long minutes.

OMG what was I thinking when I agreed to do this Was the first thing that popped into my head once I started this challenging task.
This won’t be that bad I first thought.
I was stuck in the corner for a a little over an hour before I realized I could not have been more wrong this was a very hard task just standing facing a boring corner wall.
At the start my mind was so busy thinking up everything of what i was to write in the report and everything else in the world behind my back while while stuck in the corner for what seemed like forever.

I then took some deep breaths to try to calm my mind down. That worked for awhile then my legs started to get sore so I squirmed around keeping my poor nose on those walls.
About an hour into the corner I tried to distract myself from the situation of being stuck in the corner, at least i think it was about an hour as i had no idea on how much time as passed or how long I have left.

“10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Blast off into the deep space to go on a journey to the stars.” that did not help very much as my mind was to connected to the soreness in my legs.

Taking more deep breaths again to try to calm myself down.
“Why am I doing this no one will take and grab me by my ears and drag me back to the corner if i walk away and who would know if i have not completed this task and just said I did” the easy answer was I would know.
Not only would I disappoint strangers on the internet I never met but more importantly i would be very disappointed in myself for not completing this simple task of just standing in a boring corner.
About 90 minutes into the task I started to get content with just me and that corner. “Hello left wall, Hello right wall. This is my nose pressed against you as my new home for awhile.”
I then just let nature take its course and accepted that I am stuck in this corner until the alarm goes off.

After a long 145 minutes the alarm finally goes off.

“Yeaaaa it is all over” at least that is what i thought as when I went to lay down to goto bed my mind was still in that dang corner for some time. In away i kind of missed being there. I know that sounds a little strange but I ended up at the end so content with just me a the corner.

Now if this tasks ends up going on to the 3 hour (180 minutes) mark I may try it again So if anyone does decide to go ahead and bring up the time to 180 minutes I guess I will be stuck in the corner again.
Thanks for doing time for me!
Thanks for th nice report.

I must say, your introduction is almost casual. It makes it sound easy. Like,.. "oh, i just found this thread and thought it would be nice to do 2hrs &25 minutes of cornertime". In reality this is a lot.
It is amazing how calm and without worry you just went for it.

Anyway,.. having said the timer, having pressed your nose against the wall, ratio settled in, realizing 2h25m is fricking long. A full first hour of worries, earthlike worries. It is amazing and actually funny to read all your thoughts. Funny to read your greeting of the walls. Funny to read how you tried to make friends with the walls.

Then you clearly were able to get some peace. Just accepting. It is amazing how such thing eventualy happens. How resistance got broken and just a long stretch of peace settles in.

The remarkable thing is that you started to "miss" the corner. This is actually an amzing thing that Also happened to Asher MarvHarvey and Allykat. It seems to belong to the long "over 2hr" contributions. It seems that such long period gets one over an edge.

Wel sure.... when the 3hrs get in sight.... I sure hope you will join again!!!!

And so.... its amazing.....but...... the 2.5hr milestone is now at stake.
A nice round 150minutes... 2.5hrs........

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