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Old 04-15-2017, 05:38 AM   #225
sir sam
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Originally Posted by Asher88 View Post
Okay so let's begin.
So the prep for this one was a bit more time consuming. wunnolf first made sure that everything was okay with the puppy and he had had his dinner as she had just eaten hers. Stocked up the fire and then went upstairs to do the long corner time. Before even beginning it was a situation of what the fuck was wunnolf thinking? She wanted her place back in Sir Sam's signature but this was absolutely crazy. That idea set aside her desire took over and she started to get everything ready. Wunnolf already had her tail in her ass as it was something that sire had requested and she had waited until the pain had stopped from it to begin corner time. (corner time isn't about pain at all it is simply about nothing ... no distractions, just your thoughts and surviving the time).
Puts the towel down on the floor again, so she can kneel on it. Her gag goes in her mouth and cuffs go on her wrists as well as her paws on one hands. Kneeling down on the towel, putting her hands behind her, pressing start on her phone, connecting the cuffs and lastly putting her paw on her other hands.
And finally she is ready to start this long time.
The Beginning -
Thoughts race through wunnolf's head. Everything from how many minutes to why she actually is doing this? It has been a long day and asking sire to let her do this wasn't so easy. She wiggles her tail and can touch it with the tip of her paws currently. its soft and cute and it makes wunnolf actually feel like a bunny. Her jaw is starting to get slightly sore, wearing the gag for part of the day may have been a bad idea. but still her time right now is okay she actually isn't thinking about the time she has left. Oh wait she can't her phone with the time on it is behind her and with her nose placed against the wall it is really hard.
The Middle -
Now this is where things actually start to get nice. The sinking feeling into sub space. This time with nothing else to think about wunnolf's mind sinks there much faster it seems. Slowly all her muscles start to relax and not have a care in the world. If her nose wasn't pressed against the wall her head would probably be bowing down now. Her eyes close close as slowly she sinks deeper and deeper. This is what she was waiting for. The stressful week is finally over and now this sinking is a relief. It is calming. This is why corner time is a like, wunnolf loves this sinking feeling that she gets as long as the time is long enough. The point when nothing else matters. When every part of you is just there content with doing nothing and just waiting for Sire to say that he needs wunnolf. It's a time that let's wunnolf just be there. After all the worry about this time, this is what is nice. Time has actually at this point lost all meaning. Hours could pass and they did before wunnolf really knew what was happening.
The End -
When the alarm goes off it is very quiet. One of wunnolf's favourite songs pulls her from her state only slightly to tell her that it is all over. That she can get up if she wants to. Wunnolf enjoys this state though and so staying in it a bit longer is actually fine with her. Yet eventually coming out fully will have to happen.
It's all over !!!
It took more than a few hours for wunnolf to fully rejoin the world of the regular humans. Her mind stayed in subby mode for quite some time. but it was alright. it was actually nice. So sleepy and subby and really quiet wunnolf crawls over to her bed. Sent a message to Sir Sam to tell him it was done and that wunnolf would write a report when her mind returns from subspace but she didn't want to pull it out just yet.
Thanks!!! You did amazing!
Oh yes,... you had made it very clear,... you wanted your spot back. Well... check the signature..... you're in again. I proudly carry your name.
I must say... I am now carrying a list of people who did more than 2 hours. It is very special to do so.
I remember all 3 reports. I remember all 3 stands. All are very special to me. All are extraordinairy achievements. All above 2 hours. A magnificent grossness!

I want to thank your sire Trenho for letting you do this. It was a friday evening. I can imagine that to be private play-time. I thank Trenho for setting aside his ideas and desires on you and letting you do your time for me.

Then your time.
It's actually amazing. It is amazing how you can fully get into submode and float about endlessly. It makes me wonder how long you could do that. I really get curious towards a next phase you could reach. How long would you need to float to enter a next phase? What would that next phase be?

Settingup things I can imagine to be hard. It's indeed the feelings. "why the heck did I volunteer for this?" "Why the heck sit for over 2 hours just to get a place in some lousy signature". At the same time being fully aware. You promised. There is no way you are going to break that promise. It's a desitiny. No escape.

Beginning is alike most experience. Lots of thoughts. Connection with the real world. Some regret. Some pains. There is a clear awareness that this is just the beginning. A clear awareness that the end is sooo far that thinking about it does not make any sense. You are just sitting there. Enduring the situation. Enduring the moment.

Your mid-phase is amazing. Getting in a float-mode is actually a real nice thing on cornertime. But you are quite extreme. Your floatmode is very deep. As said,.. I start getting curious towards your envelope on this. I am not your sir (and have zero intention to be as I have my pet and wish to be very exclusive to her), but if I was i would start exploring that. Well,... I am a dom with "handing out cornertime as a big like" so i guess no surprise.
There is not so much else to comment on this. You're just floating.

Non-surpisingly the end is peacefull. The alarm indicates that it's over but you need some time before you can pull yourself out. A big contrast with Allykat and MarvHarvey. You're completely at ease. Nicely soft and subby. A great way to head for bed.

I started thinking about that. I like handing out cornertime. Which type do I prefer? The long and floating type? Or the painfull "drive to the limit" type? I conclude I like both.
I really enjoy the feeling of someone "being there" doing nothing, just to please me. I like the floating type, I would like to stretch that to find the envelope.
I also like the painfull type. I enjoy the slow builtup of discomfort. I like the slow drive towards impossibilty. I like the endurance and sacrifice needed to please me. I like to drive someone to the ultimate, BUT...... I like it to succeed. I feel very bad if someone tries and cannot proceed in a late phase. I will not call that failing. Pushing oneself to an extreme cannot be seen as failing.

Sooooooo.... you did it! 135minutes of cornertime to please me! You earned your spot in my signature.

135minutes have been done...... sooooo.... this devious thread calls for...... 140minutes!

(announce in the thread if you want to go, you can claim and block a slot for 72hours to allow compatibillity with rl)
M, Europe, dominant

Proud owner of sweet little pet

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