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Old 04-12-2017, 07:56 PM   #217
Truth or Dare Junkie
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I had a crazy day -- but what do you expect when you spend the morning with your nose pressed against a wall? I will try to keep this short (I have a reputation for long and detailed reports!) but it will not be.

First, I was not sure up until this morning just which day I could do it, and then timing was a bit of a choice, if and when other things were done. But it was on!

So I got ready and set two timers (good thing too!). Had food and water, bathroom break, OK. Clothes off. Set for 2:10:10 (130 minutes + 10 seconds to get in position) and clicked both timers.

To the wall and place nose against, lean head forward and rest with arms behind back and feet comfortably apart. Fine.

Now let me say that at a meeting or class I am the guy who does not sit still. I pick a seat near the edge so I have room to rustle around a bit. I don't go to movies because sitting still for 2 hours is not on my list of fun. So this would be a challenge. I knew this at the start and I was very worried about it. What would happen when I got restless - when my body would want to move all on its own?

For a while I thought about a couple of erotic stories I am going to write up: sorted out possible details and endings, and that was good. Then I noticed that I had not closed all the windows - there was one open and that was enough to make a draft where I was standing. I was getting cold. My hands were feeling it the most, so from then on I just changed the way they gripped each other very often, to cover different parts. I thought that at least the cool was better than warm and stuffy, which would knock me out!

I suppose it was after that I moved into the "middle" zone.

I don't know how much time this was, but I was getting restless. I shifted my feet regularly - this way and that way. Never perfect, but always good just to move. When it got too much I would try to just chill out by counting breaths. 100 at a time. Is that 5 minutes or so - doesn't matter. I have lots of time to go no matter what. I did that a few times, with breaks in between. I could hear traffic on the street. One time it was truck(s). Hmmm. What else is going on?

This was getting long - I was moving about a lot. Nose still pressed on the wall though. I did try changing the way I held my head. Did that a few times as I went along.

What else could I think about - this was long and I was sure I was nowhere near half way. Could I last? I was just beginning to get the need to move, it would be worse - much worse. At last I tried picking up each foot in turn to flex my legs - that helped a lot.

Wait - I heard the building heating system come on. How long does it run? How often has it been on? I figured 5 minutes, and again in 15-20 -- maybe? So how long had I been there? That suggests maybe 40 minutes if it was on once before, but maybe 30 to 60 or more. Hmmm. The analytical mind always ready to go to work.

Aagghh - no place is comfortable to just stand still. Legs twitching in various places. Arms moving to different behind-the-back positions and with the chill I started to bring them around to grip my chest from time to time. Shift feet, change hand grip, concentrate on being as still as possible. Once in a while shift head. Nose feeling smushed.

Was I bored, I wondered? Too worried and trying to hard to stay still, but getting bored. Count breaths again, try to calm down. Then I remembered sir sam challenging me not to count - not at least to estimate time. So I tried making lists of things by the alphabet. First: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo.... Then animals, then something else I don't remember. Some letters harder to do. Time passed. Legs fidgeting around.

The heating again? What did it mean? I decided that it would come on 6-8 times while I was there, if I noticed it every time. It wasn't really a measure but it kept the boredom away. And I had to move.

Suddenly I noticed my arms were swinging out to the sides and stretching! I didn't do that, they just went. It felt great! Was this breaking position? Too bad. It was done. And time went on. Feet together, apart, back again. Bend knees for a minute. Do whatever felt different over and over. Nose smushed and not happy about it.

Was this nearing the end? No idea! I was sure it was past half way - 65 minutes - but how much? Wait and twitch. Shrug shoulders for the Nth time. Shift feet. Too worried about not making it to be bored into a stupor. I worried about that too. AH! Suddenly my head shook, shoulders shrugged and legs flexed for a split second - like my body just twitched itself. Heating comes on again.

Getting to the end. (I hope!)
Constant discomfort - I refuse to call it pain. This is the end - at least I hope it is. But how long to the end?? No clue. I am sure I have to be past 90 minutes, I just have to be. Twitch and shake and twitch and shake. Am I bored, no, trying too hard to make it through. Not comfortable enough to be bored - yet kind of bored in a weird sort of way because this is certainly not very interesting. Count breaths - oh yeah - make lists instead, but of what. Can't think that way. Don't lose focus on just standing still. Time passes. Heating comes on again - whatever that means.

Legs in almost constant micro-motion. All their muscles crying out to move and do anything. Brain is starting to have enough of this. Tell the damn body to hold still. Legs hurt. Just lean on nose on wall and hold still.

It's not pain, really it is not. But it is vast discomfort. Nothing is comfortable and I just move around - as much as I can with my nose in a fixed place! And for these last minutes - tens of minutes - this is all I do. My brain seems to know that it has pushed far enough that the end must be in sight. I laugh when I hear the heating system again. I still don't know what it means except for some unknown passing of time. And so I am back to just letting my mind wander. What about those stores again? They are fun. And I twitch and shiver and need to release the tension stored in my body.

And time passes. Somehow I am calmer now. I must be past the largest amount of time, so I can do this. Be calm and just do this. Don't let up the focus. But let the body focus by itself - for some reason I am shaking less than before. Rest and wait and shake a bit. Not hurting as much - maybe I am losing control and my arms and legs are about to just spring into action?

Wait and wait. Think about the timers. One device I have used before, the other is a new timer installed - but it was loud when tested. Might I have turned the volume down? Its pretty quiet and I hear every sound. Every tiny sound of a message coming in, I hear. So the ringing I will hear. Wait and wait. I *am* near the end. I *am* near the end - I must be.

And so even breathing and my heart seems slowed down as probably the last 10 minutes or so passes slowly. It will never end. My hope is beginning to weaken and I wonder about timers again. My brain is as quiet as at anytime in all of this. But I am not giving up,I just know it has to be at the end. It must be soon - time passes now as it must always pass.

BEEP BEEP BEEP the old one rings softly - the backup. I was done - I moved away and muscles cheered although they were so surprised they almost didn't know what to do.

+++ +++
I can go back an hour after writing and try to say something about how I felt at the end (in response to sir sam below) but it is still not easy. I was just damned glad it was done. Yes, seeing the time on the timer screen at the start was a reality check - not just the minutes column but the hours! And at the end it was the same bleak feeling. Yes: Relief. RELIEF! RELIEF! And yet I felt a bit empty.

I had pushed and focused and yet at the end there was just nothing. It was eerie but it was over and what was there then.... In the emptiness I wanted to do it again and do it better. WTF? That was a very brief thought! I was saved by the busy day that picked me up and carried me on with no more time to think about it. Its very very hard to think I would do it again, <knock knock - anything inside that head?> but stranger things have happened...on Mars.

+++ +++

The new timer - the one I was expecting - stopped when the device went into low-power mode. Safety first and I had checked its sound and the battery charge but not what happened when the device was partially shut down because of inaction, and was saving power. Learn!

Last edited by MarvHarvey; 04-12-2017 at 08:52 PM.
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