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Old 04-11-2017, 06:08 PM   #214
sir sam
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Originally Posted by MarvHarvey View Post
I will send a PM when I know I am going ahead.
As for the time - previously up to 60 minutes a few times, so more than double.
It's really upto you, but indeed, IF you send pm or post about when you do you can be assured I will think of you.
If you do, please do about 6hrs in advance. I am in NY timezone now and during work I only check gd about every 3 hrs.

Originally Posted by MarvHarvey View Post
And counting to chill out a bit? That's too long a period. I might probably count breaths from time to time just to get into the relaxation of the rhythm, but that's about it. Are you challenging me to not do that?
Well,,.. challenging,.. yes.. but it's up to you to accept or not.
Counting "from time to time" is perfectly OK to me.
Last time however you counted to "estimate how far you would be". Again,.. it's fully up to you, but i am indeed challenging you to let go of that final piece of control.

Originally Posted by MarvHarvey View Post
Are you getting warm thinking about these long periods of standing quietly?
Are you getting warm thinking about these long periods of standing weary?
Are you getting warm thinking about these long periods of standing bored?
Are you getting warm thinking about these long periods of standing wondering...?
Not sure whether you intend to ask real questions or that you are just "stating" these. But, I like to consider them as real questions and answer them.

The answer on all of them is "yes", "yes" in the sense:
Getting warm thinking about these long periods of having someone standing quietly for me.
Getting warm thinking about these long periods of having someone standing weary for me.
Getting warm thinking about these long periods of having someone standing bored for me.
Getting warm thinking about these long periods of having someone standing for me.

Handing out cornertime is a big like of me (you can check my profile, >>I have an old blog on that here<<)

You may like some background
I often have "live" cornertime with my pet (cornertime is also a like of my pet). I order her to stand in "some position". She does normally NOT get a timer. Time stops when I send her a message over chat and she hears the "ping".
I will normally be present at my computer during the whole time of that. In other cases I delibarately get off the computer. Once i drove home from work during such stand. I always tell my pet whether I am present or away. If I am away i tell her what i do. Driving home from work i did once and that was very hot.
Sometimes I allow my pet to stop only when she gets 3 messages in a row (ping-ping-ping). Then it is very hot to send only 2 messages. I may end it by sending 2 messages, wait 5 seconds and then send the last message.

So,.. yes!!! I get warm of that!

It is probably very weird. You may know that i do text-play with my pet only >>read my blog on that<< so I really see or hear nothing from that.
But then... i guess not more weird than a grown-up man or woman standing voluntarily for that long.
M, Europe, dominant

Proud owner of sweet little pet

Want to read? my pets 2016-awarded story

Last edited by sir sam; 04-11-2017 at 06:16 PM.
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