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Old 04-04-2017, 07:41 AM   #37
Smilemusic's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 56

Next dare: 30 STOP HERE Show yourself off! Get in your best slutty outfit - shortest skirt, sexiest top, and highest heels and go out to: (roll for location). Stay out till you give 25 guys your number, and make at least one of them cum
30a. The nearest mall

This is where everything became very very real. I did not want to do this dare. I was scared, and nervous. But I was committed.

I put on one of my new skirts that only came up about halfway up my thigh and some high heels. I thought for a long time about the top - finally deciding on a tank top that I hadn't wore outside the house in a while. My boobs are big on my body so they get attention no matter what - in this they were obscene.

I remember looking in the mirror before I left thinking "Oh my god".

Walking around the mall trying to get my courage up I felt how exposed my legs and boobs were. To be honest, I didn't get that many glances but I felt all of them.

I stopped in a ATT store and bought a pay as you go phone with a new number so that I had at least some way of backing out of all this. Then I set to it.

The first was the hardest - I went into a game store and wandered around until I found a cute guy alone and came up and just said "Hey".

I had meant to say "hey - want my number?" to get it over with, but I stopped at "Hey". We got to chatting for a bit until I finally said "I've got to run, you want my number?". He said yes and I gave him my new number and left.

After the first one I got a little bit easier as I counted down the number. I started at around 5:00 and by 6:00 I had given my number to 10 people. It was slow going... everyone wanted to talk and flirt, which was kinda fun but also I was like on a mission. I stopped for some dinner and decdied to try the cashier. He gave me a long glance and said "I'd love that but I've got a girlfriend". I was mortified.

After that the next two guys also turned me down claiming they had partners. It made me feel wanton. For some reason they all were also the ones who looked at me the longest. After that I felt the eyes on me even more.

I wanted to quit but I had already gone this far. I had to stop being so picky - choosing only guys my age who were clearly single.

Finally I stop being so cautious, and went up to a group of six guys and offered my number to all of them. They laughed and smirked but took it. Some of them may have even been in high school ugh.

By now my phone was already getting texts from some of the guys I'd started off with. I was mostly ignoring them but realized that the second part of the dare was still to come: "Make at least one of them cum".

I thought about responding to a text but instead got caught up in a long conversation with a tall cute guy in a shoe store. Normally his flirting would have made me get away, but I knew I had to make someone cum... so when he started talking about how hot I was I said "You wanna see more?" I felt like a fucking slut when I said it - and I guess I was.

He grinned big and we flirted some more. Until I realized that I didn't want to bring a stranger home and he didn't live close by. Finally I said "Look I've been dared to make a guy cum today? You wanna go somewhere?"

Long surreal story short. We ended up in the bathroom at the mall. I hated it - but once he suggested it I knew I couldn't say no - it was too nasty too gross to not. He wore a condom, I gave him a blowjob, it was super quick and nobody came in.

Still by far the nastiest thing I've ever done. This time I took the condom off after and kinda held it. We snuck out and I said I had to go and ran to my car. My heart was beating, i wanted to throw up, the whole thing had been so intense and out of character. When I got to the car, I drank the cum from the condom still in my hand. It was nasty and salty.

I felt like a slut, and it was gross, but I was also horny as hell - and now I can't cum withut asking a guy... which I didn't want to do. My adreline was pumping so i rolled the dice again.

NEW RULE : Sluts can always take another – From now on, add 1 more person anytime a challenge states a specific number of people!

Likes: Still exploring. Doing strange and unusual things that feel humiliating.

Dislikes: "edging",

Limits: No pics or other identifying things. No fisting/stretching/permanent damage.

Last edited by Smilemusic; 04-06-2017 at 07:21 AM.
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