Thread: Non-Fiction: My Life of Dares (mostly non-fic)
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Old 05-05-2010, 06:32 PM   #45
Funny pie
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Default Sorry for how long it took. Hope you all enjoy.

As soon as these three kids surfaced right in front of us, I could not even find the words to describe how horribly shocked I was. I know the first thing we all did was cover up. Ben was looking down at himself and his hands under the water. I was just looking at everyone’s faces while covering my lower body’s more intimate parts. And Tanner was all below the water minus his nose and eyes, he was very red from what I could see. The three kids who were in the center of us just stared at our bodies and faces for a few more seconds before, “Hi, we were swimming and found these.” The girl speaking held up Tanners bathing suit, “and we came to give back that persons swimsuit, but from what we all saw you boys aren’t looking for it…”

I was so embarrassed, Ben looked up and stared at the girls, and I was waiting for someone else to speak first. Just then Tanner asked, “So do you want to play with us? If you lose we get our suits back.”

The kids in the middle huddled together and when they were done discussing for around 10 seconds the same girl asked, “What are you boys playing? And what are the rules?”

This time I spoke up, “We are playing Dare. Rules are simple; say a dare to another person on the other team for them to do it, no matter what. If they don’t do the dare, or fail to do the dare, then that person is out. When all three are out the other team, that team wins.”

Ben shot me a horrified look. While the kids in the middle started to talk, Ben swam over to me. He whispered in my ear, “Dude, I’ve never been seen naked by another girl before, I don’t want to start now!”

I just causally replied, “Dude, they already saw us for who knows how long. Also they have our bathing suits. We need to get them back, besides now you can see a girl naked, and get her and her friends back!”

“Deal!” said the girl holding Tanners swimming trunks. “But first, lets get to know everyone a little better. My name is Dana, I am 14. This here is my friend Jenna, and she is 14 also. And over here is my brother Mitch, he is 12.”

“Okay, my name is John, I am 14. This here is Ben, he is 13, and that is his brother, Tanner, he is 12.”

When I said this both Tanner and Mitch stared at each other for a good 5 seconds before staring at their older siblings. “Okay,” said Dana, “let the games begin! Umm, who goes first?”

“ME!” said Jenna. “Okay, umm, Ben? I umm dare you to uhh, do a hand stand!”

Ben looked at me with anger and then I swam over to him and whispered, “they will only see your legs.” Ben smiled and then went under the water and did a hand stand. His legs went up but nothing we visible past his mid thigh, much to the girls disappointment. He got back up and looked around.

He pointed at Dana and told her, “I dare you to take off all your clothes!!” He could never have sounded more eager or more like a 13 year old boy.

Dana turned three shades of red and then finally undid her top. It fell to the water and she picked it up and quickly sunk a little into the water. And then took off her pants.

“Tanner, I dare you to dead mans float.”

Tanner looked confused and asked, “Whats that mean?”

“Well, you float like a dead body. Oh, and you have to stay like that for 10 seconds.”

I swam over to tanner and whispered to him, “They never said you have to do it belly up. Do it upside down, that way hey only see your butt.”

He smiled at me and went under the water, her came up just as a dead person would, his entire back, neck, legs and ass were visible for all to see. After 10 seconds he went back to normal. He looked around and said, “Jenna, I dare you take off your top of your swim suit and let me hold on to them for you.”

Jenna looked really red, but she took them off without too much hesitation and up came a little green swimsuit top. She handed them to tanner and she looked at me. “Josh I dare you to—“

“Actually,” I interrupted, “my name is John.”

“Whatever, John I dare you—“

“Actually, that’s my name, please get it right.” I was stalling, she wasn’t gonna make a mistake like last time.

“Fine! Sorry! I dare you too—“

“Wait, you already went, didn’t you?” I was not gonna let her finish without having her make some mistake. “Mitch didn’t go yet.”

“It doesn’t matter!” She was a sound level below screaming, “He will go soon enough! Now, I dare you to—“

“When will he go?” I interrupted again.


“Fine. Is it my turn?” I simply asked.

“Wait, what?” she said, a little confused.

“You told me to not interrupt you, that’s your dare to me. Its my turn now…” I said in my best calm voice. She was pissed and Ben and Tanner were applauding. “…Mitch, I dare you to go naked, also you must hand your trunks to me.”

He took his trunks off and handed them to me. I looked down at him and told him, “I said naked.” He hesitantly took off his boxers and handed those to me also.

“Okay, done. John, I dare you to do a belly up dead mans float for 2 minutes!”

I was confused but then I saw Jenna and Dana high five their brother. I couldn’t back out. I went belly up and everyone could see my 4” erection and my balls. Dana told Jenna, “Well, if that isn’t the cutest thing you ever saw.”

I grew red and I wanted to quickly move this along. “Jenna, I dare you give Ben your goggles and let him take off your bottoms for you.”

Jenna shook her head and then Dana told her, “You have to! Or else we will be dared 3 times and we only get to dare them twice!”

After some convincing Jenna handed Ben her goggles and Ben went under the water. After a good amount of waiting Ben came up with a giant smile saying, “This is much better then playing with you guys.”

When he came back up I went back to normal, keeping my privates well below the surface.

I high fived him and he said he got a great look. “Okay, you perv, I dare you to let me feel your penis for 30 seconds.”

Bens smile instantly vanished and he looked at me. I shrugged and he said, “Fine.” Jenna swam over and held on to Bens member, you could tell by Jenna’s face that she has never held a penis before. She was in pure ecstasy. After the thirty seconds were up she swam back and started to whisper to Dana, probably about what Bens erection felt like.

Ben looked at Mitch and said, “I dare you and Tanner to compare penis sizes, loser gets dared by the other team.”

Tanner was embarrassed, partly because he had to show himself, but mostly cause Ben just remembered, Tanners penis is probably smaller then mine. But it was a gamble, Mitch was the same age as tanner and roughly the same size. Tanner did a dead mans float and his little boner was in the air. Mitch did the same and it was clear that although Mitch was the same height as Tanner, he had a much larger member, by at least 2 inches… In fact, his is probably bigger then mine. (Disappointing for me, I know.)

This was surprising how a 12 year old had a 5” boner, but rules were rules, and we lost. The other team huddled and they discussed and when they were done Dana said, “Tanner, since you lost we dare you to collect all the clothing and go to our spot on the beach right over there. Put all the clothes in the bag and then come back. Also, you can’t tell anyone why you’re naked.”

Tanner was horrified and then after a little debating he finally asked for everyones clothes. We handed him everything. He went under the water and swam to the beach. As soon as he got to where the water was low he had to expose himself. A lot of people saw and it was obviously by all the laughter. Everyone was laughing and pointing, even us. I mean it’s a naked 12-year-old kid on the beach, classic. He had to walk up pretty far up the beach to find the towel they described. And then he sprinted back to us. When he got back he explained to us how everyone saw him and his nudity.

He wanted revenge, he looked at Dana and said, “Dana, I dare you to let me feel your boobs for a minute.”

She was red as hell and stuttering, she didn’t want this to happen but it did. Tanner swam over and put his hands on her breasts for a good 30 seconds, when all of a sudden she jumped and said, “HE PINTCHED ME!”

“Well, you lose.” I said.


“You failed, he didn’t touch for a full minute.”

“But…but…but… he pinched me!”

“Doesn’t matter.” Ben came in, “When Jenna was feeling my erection she squeezed kind of hard, but I didn’t stop her.”

“FINE!” Dana said, “Go get them guys.”

“Its Tanners turn again.” I said. I swam over to tanner and told him to get Jenna out next.

“Okay, Jenna, I dare you to finger yourself for a minute, where we can all see your vagina.”

Jenna looked more embarrassed then anyone, but she agreed and did a dead mans float and we all got a great view of her pussy. She started to finger, not putting much emotion into it. But after a minute, she was finished. “Okay, Ben, I dare you to do a dead mans float and jack off for 30 seconds where we can all see.”


“Then you will lose.”


“Fine, Ben your out.”

Ben swam away from us and looked at his watch, “Guys… Its 12:30. We have to go… NOW!”

“Fine.” I said, “Lets finish this up. Mitch play rock paper scissors with Jenna, tell us who loses, best out of three.”

After the games it was Mitch who won. “Okay, now we are gonna play a game of Chicken, Mitch on top of Jenna, and Tanner on top of me. Losers Lose.”

I went under the water and picked up tanner, it was kind of weird, I had to go under his legs and I felt his balls on my neck and his erection on the back of my head. But it was the only way, he wasn’t strong enough to support me and we would have surly lost.

Before long we were all ready and we fought.

Hello everyone.

You can read my life story of dares. They are 95% true. Some dialog didn't actually happen, but I needed to edit it for the story's sake (context). You can read it here:
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