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Old 03-15-2017, 08:08 AM   #21
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Rolled 5,6,6,4
Front yard
All the implements
Roll 5 die and multiply (6,6,3,6,6= 3888 spanks)
Reroll and triple spanks

Parents bedroom
Roll 5 die and multiply (4,6,2,5,3=720, triple =2160)
Reroll and triple spanks

100 (triple =300)
Reroll and double spanks

80 (double =160)
Done, post report

The first time through i thought was bad enough! 3888 in my front yard! i used a flexible cane in place of the switch I did 777 with each implement and the extra 3 with the cane. i did this mid morning when there are few people around. Only one neighbor came walking by and asked what i was doing. She just laughed and left. It took about an hour and a half.

Next round was in parents bedroom, but i live alone so used my bedroom. Rolling the five die was much kinder this time, but tripling still gave me 2160 with a hair brush. i have a nice wide brush that is great for this. This tome it took about 50 minutes. Was getting difficult to keep up with hatd spanks. my ass was bruising from all the hits.

Third round was a bit nerve wracking since my neighbor is always looking out back. Since it was only 300 with my hand it was pretty quick. i found it surprising how much a hand spank hurts on an already bruised butt. Only about 10 minutes.

Finally the last round. 160 in my bathroom with the paddle. This took about 20 minutes since each hit was hellish. i wont be sitting for awhile.
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