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Old 03-04-2017, 04:37 AM   #9
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Thinking of a favourite is almost impossible with how many their are, but a few that come to mind:

"We're terrible at realising what goes on in other people's heads because we are trapped inside our own."
- Derren Brown

"There is so much we can learn from TV. It's a window on the world."
- Stephen Fry

"It is a cliche that most cliches are true, but then like most cliches, that cliche is untrue."
- Stephen Fry

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."
- Albert Einstein

"Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that who cares? Hes a mile away and you've got his shoes."
- Billy Connolly

"When people say 'Its always the last place you look'. Of course it is. Why would you keep looking after you've found it?"
- Billy Connolly

"A lot of people are too easily offended. Religious people, for instance. They've been offending other people for centuries."
- Billy Connolly
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