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Old 02-25-2017, 11:09 AM   #125
sir sam
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Originally Posted by kay878 View Post
Sorry I have not checked in on getdare. I have a bad memory. I did do it,
SO I did do it. Finally.

I did more, I did 100 minutes of cornertime

- How did you experience your cornertime?
I turned on the timer for 110 minutes (I added 10 extra minutes as a little punishment for myself. So when I think my time is up I can either stay until I hear the beep or I could leave at what I think of the 100 minute mark and risk re doing it for this thread.)
I pulled my pants down, for that added humiliation.
Started the timer and instantly put my nose to the corner and hands on my back.

- What were your thoughts at the beginning of your cornertime?
Excited to do it again. I've been trying to push myself lately. I don't know why, but doing corner time is always hard especially with ADHD so I do feel accomplished when I do long times. If I fail, I feel really bad, give myself time to recover and try again. Because it bloody sucks. So I wasn't in a bad state of mind starting. 100 is a 3 digit number so I was more excited this time around than the last times.

- What were your thoughts at the middle of your cornertime?
Its crazy to think that the middle of the corner time WAS ALMOST AN HOUR IN!
I am so bad with time so what I think was around 50 minutes in (but I have no way of knowing) was where I got those thoughts that made me worry.
What was that noise? Is my roommate home? Was my sister visiting? If so, did I lock the door? DID I SHUT THE DOOR? When did I last eat? (I need to watch my blood sugar because sometimes I don't feel low and will collapse) Did I turn the tv off?
The aching in my feet were starting to set in. I hate having my hands behind my back, should I just let them fall to my side? If I stay like this longer, I risk jerking my hands to stay behind my back when it begins to slip and just hurt my shoulders more. Or I could always pretend like it was behind my back the whole time? No. Because thats cheating. That isn't fair. Keep them behind your back, Katherine. You gotta do this. I had to tell myself constantly. I hated this. I really did but for making you wait longer than 3 days, I feel bad and therefore I MUST. This is why I also added the extra time for me
I am bored. Out of my mind. I am a writer, I have published a few things. I have that imagination so it shouldn't be hard for me to think of something in my head, right? But isn't the whole point to be bored? Yes. It is. So I can't do that. Plus I was always silently listening hoping every noise I heard was just my cats knocking stuff over and not my roommate or my sister coming to visit like she randomly does.
I was ready to cry. Not that I was sad, I was just so bored.
I was thinking about some other people in this thread and their reports. I thought how dave actually took notes right after.
Maybe I should do that? Maybe it will improve my report quality? (I am always working to improve my writing)
Should I sit? No. You did that last time and only because you were on your feet all day that day. You had the day off and had been in bed. You can withstand Katherine. I started thinking about how I sometimes talk to myself like that, like in third person. It reminded me all the pet names my old masters/doms use to call me. There was the sweet names like snow bunny, foxy, etc. But there was also those dirty names. Which did I like better? I never had a preference thinking about it. I guess it depended on the mood and setting.
The thing that really pushed me through was knowing someone will top my time. May not be today, may not be tomorrow, may not be for even another month but one day.

- What were your thoughts at the end of your cornertime?
I regretted telling myself to not sit and to keep my hands behind my back the whole time. I cried a tiny bit because of just standing up, still, bored, etc. Stop making promises, Katherine. All you do is just make stupid promises in which puts you in situations like these.
I was tired aswell. It was getting late and I was ready to hit the sack. Glad I am a little happy I do not have a dom right now. I can be a little defiant and if they knew how much I hated corner time but loved to please, I would always be in the corner. I giggled at that thought. Though sometimes it is lonely and I do wish I could find someone to guide me a bit and for me to call my dom, I am just lucky I don't have one at this second. I had to keep talking to myself so I didn't look over at the timer. No one would know if I did but then if I didn't say that in the report, its cheating in a sense, right? And that takes away the painful boring point of this corner time.
Is the 100 minutes up? Do I risk checking now and maybe redoing the whole thing as a punishment, this time with the alarm set to 101? OR do I just wait it out. I didn't think of what I would do when the time came to it. I settled on waiting, which I think was a good thing. I am pretty sure if I left my spot, I would have had to re do it ALL OVER AGAIN.
When will this dagum time end? I laughed at myself for saying this. My friends down south say that and I guess skyping them made me start saying it here and there. I was in pain. Pain from being tired. I did not hurt myself or anything, just the ache in my feet, shoulders, neck, I hated it. I really did hate this.
Beep. Beep.
Did I? Was that? Could it be? Did I last in position? Yes. I did. I got up and went to my bed to relax. I did it, my 3rd attempt.

(If you want to know about the first 2, I can go into detail about them but in short, first time I couldn't sit still and 2nd time I looked at the clock and wanted to scream at myself. So I got up and left the position. I was doing well in those times. First time I got up at like 20 minutes in, second time I looked at like 87 minutes in.)

In short, I did 100 minutes. (the last ten minutes was just a little something I felt I should do for being late in like ALL my reports. THEREFORE THE last 10 minutes of my time, was not for this thread. think of it like I did 100 minutes and a 10 minute corner time, the 10 minute just happened to be right after the corner time I did for this thread.)

Next person does 105 minutes, right?
Thanks,.. Thanks,.. Thanks!!
For starters,.. your report is magnificent! I loved every word from it. I found it very arrousing! Sure qualifying to be a fricking hot report!

Thanks for doing cornertime for me!
Your start does not surprise me. You are clearly eager to follow this thread. Eager to read contributions from others. It is clear you want to be part of the group that did the "harder times". You want to be proud, you were excited that you could retrieve your pole-postion.

Your report of the middle of your time is simply amazing. You describe it soo lively. I could "feel" your emotions. the boredom, the worries, the insecurities, all little sounds. It is a long part (well,... you had plenty of time to "have" the thoughts ) it does justice to the rush of emotions that you did experience. Wow,.. you had a rollercoaster!
It is funny that "knowing someone will beat your time" actually motivated you! It is true (I hope),... I don't expect times to be beaten very often. But the intended beauty of this thread is "that it happens some day". A devious plot.

And true... the end-phase is just hard. Hard hard fricking hard. It belongs to the challenge. Starting excited, ending in pain. Thank you for sharing some ponderings about "not having a dom". These "end of time ponderings" i guess come directly from the heart.
Finally the beep. Oh yes you hated it... but you are on top!

Thanks for doing cornertime for me.
Thanks for writing this beauty of a report.
To be honest i am getting really proud at all of you!! All of the latest reports are of superb quality!

Soooo.... 100 minutes has been done. 105 minutes is challenged.
M, Europe, dominant

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Last edited by sir sam; 02-25-2017 at 11:13 AM.
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