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Old 10-08-2007, 04:40 PM   #47
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Default Part VII, Day 6, Tuesday

The rest of Monday was quite and slow, every min that passed felt like ten. I assumed it was my emotions, once again, over powering me. That night I went over the past events over and over again, reliving every second of them in my mind. I don’t remember falling asleep, but i did, eventually.

the next morning i woke up and got ready and finished up some homework. When I arrived to school I realized how grey it was out side. The clouds were thick with a layer of rain building within them. Today was so long and I was right, it did rain around lunch. I didn’t think about Jason, or Leann all day. Today felt right like it was before this drama started.

When I got home I went straight to the computer and logged on msn. It turns out Leann was on yesterday and was pissed I didn’t go back on.

“Why weren’t you here on msn like I told you?”
“I was and I stayed for like an hour and you weren’t there so I just thought you were gone.”
“Hold on let me get this straight, you’re my slave right?”
“Yes” I wanted to write what choice did I have but I thought that would tick her off even more.
“So I own you. When I want to talk to you from now on you be there. I think you need a reminder of what happens when you disobey me.”
“I’m sorry, your right” I said hoping to soften her up some
“Your right to be sorry. Now go get duck tape, clothes pins, rope, and a bowl. And don’t forget to take pics”
I took a pic of all the things and replied a cold “ok”
“I want you to strip and cum in the bowl. You have 5 min. When time is up show me pic that you did.” I did it just in time. I was so scared what she was going to have me do.
“How long are you alone?”
“The next three hours” Why didn’t I lie? I could have said ten minuets but I guess I got caught up in the moment
“now put the bowl on floor. Duct tape your legs together and your breast nice and tight. Once that is done send a pic and tie your hands together.” I did it and it was so hard to type with my hands bound. My chest was so tight as so were my legs, I felt like a caterpillar trapped in a cocoon.
“ok” I typed slow and dreading to press enter.
“now go on the floor lick your cum up, one lick at a time till it’s all gone, and stay there for 2 hours and think about what you did wrong. I will be back on in exactly 2 and a half hours, you must be to.” Amenity after I saw this she signed off. It was 4:21 so id need to be out of my bondage and have the cum gone before 6:51.

I barely made it out of my chair without killing my self and put my face near the bowl. The smell was horrible, I couldn’t imagine the taste. I slowly stuck out my tongue and went to lick it. I couldn’t reach it so I move closer, so close it was touching my nose and smearing in my hair. It was the worst thing I ever tasted.

I had finished in about 1 hour due to the breaks I took. By that time I had it all over my face and in my hair. I just laid there for a while and then thought I’d look at the clock. 6:42. Oh my gosh. I had just 9 min to untie my self and get on the computer.
I got my hands undone using my mouth and tried to get the duct tape off. It was hard but I did it. I got to my computer and saw the time. 7:05

This i would have to say is very short. I ran out of ideas so if anyonee has one, pm. Thanks, and Enjoy
Ok News time. I live down in San Diego, California in the US and there has been a HUGE wildfire. There are 8 different fires all over the county. 250,000 people evacuated, 100,000 acres burned, around 15,000 homes gone. I am ok and so is my house but my aunt and uncle and their little 7 month baby are homeless and have nothing left. They are staying with us, but, they lost everything. This is the biggest fire ever seen in my state and is still happening. 10/25
0.oLove Ya..... Tink^.^
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