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Old 04-24-2010, 12:05 AM   #34
Misschievous's Authority
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,552

Considering that you posted back to back questions in my thread don't you think you should lift that rule now?
I am allowed to ... but ok rule is lifted making me not different anymore *goes to cry in his cave*

Oooops I posted back to back questions on your thread... What now?
You need to get to the cave too

When's your CD coming out?
Still working on it

Can I get a signed edition?
For a little extra fee

What's a bar yoke? YOKE BARRRRR.
You are to tiny for it

Why are you always awake? [Chloe Edit: He isn't!!! Believe me!]
Because i fall asleep when i want to talk to chloé *goes on to cry*

Why aren't you doing that undone report right now?!
Look at the 2nd of my 3 negative things about me...

What's with your obsession with bananas?
Just like to play hide and seek with them and chloé
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