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Old 02-05-2017, 12:03 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by sir sam View Post
Dear NaughtyT, thanks a lot for doing this cornertime for me.
The times get close to an hour, it now becomes really hard. I really enjoy every single participant on this thread who "did more". I really enjoy how every extra 5 minutes makes this harder.

It's interesting how you mention you wanted to imagine a strict lady watching you. Indeed that makes it hotter. I enjoy giving my pet cornertime. If she gets it, I am mostly present the whole time. She then knows she does it for me. Like you say, that adds to the sensation. For me as a dom that also gives a great sensation. Just knowing, live, that my pet is doing her cornertime while I can just walk freely.

So,... yeah,.. I can imagine you liked getting yourself the feeling of being watched. For everybody who wants to join later,.. feel free to imagine me watching you. In a sense I do that. I really enjoy handing out cornertime and I really enjoy the reports your write. If you want you can announce your attempt on this thread, but if you announce I expect you to do it within 24 hours. That way you can be assured I am "somewhat" watching you.

It's great how you were able to get yourself in the "punished" mode. It's true, you wanted to beat your record and also you promised to do it. I was actually looking forward to your contribution.

I recognize how your thoughts started drifting, how thoughts from childhood came-up that were buried somewhere. With the drifting you clearly lost awareness of time. I assume you got into some sort of zen-state. Indeed,.. suddenly more or less as a surprise, the timer went off.
Like tulipJ you felt good after the cornertime. I can only say,.. true,.. that's an other reason why I like it. Most peopel feel good afterwards.

Thanks for doing my dare.
I am happy to carry your name in my signature for a while.

50minutes has been done........ who does more?

Note: everybody who participates can expect a personal reaction from me but that can take a day. I need to choose a quite time to write a good and serious reaction.
That was quite hard. But not impossible. I think that makes good for me.
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