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Old 04-19-2010, 07:01 PM   #10
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 11

When I say I had a crap hand, I mean it was just about worthless.
I had two ‘3’s, a Jack of Hearts, a 7 of spades, and a 9 of diamonds.
What can you do with that? Bluffing is the only recourse!

It was Melissa’s turn to open, and she opened the betting with five.
Janet matched her five and raised her ten, and then I decided I did
not dare reveal my weakness, so I matched and raised another ten.
I saw a nervous expression flit across Kate’s face at that, she
matched but did not raise. Her twin, however, matched and put
another five in the pot.

We circled the table twice more, and Melissa and then Kate folded,
leaving it to me and Rebecca and Janet. I had a lot of practice at
reading my daughters’ expressions, it comes with raising them, and
I like to think I used to be pretty good at it. On the other hand,
even my youngest was now 28, so I was out of practice at really
trying to read them when they wanted to hide something.

Based on their body language, I was pretty sure that Janet was
bluffing, but Rebecca...she was another matter. As I pondered
my options, I said, “I fold.”

That left it between Rebecca and Janet, and Janet surprised me by
pushing all her chips into the pile! Rebecca grinned and matched,
and now it was down to the show of hands, and Janet looked very

As I had thought, it turned out Jan was bluffing, she had three jacks
and a 3 of hearts and an 8 of clubs. Becky, on the other hand,
was holding four tens, and raked in the pot, making her the biggest
winner that round and Janet the big loser.

“OK, ladies, let’s see some skin!” Rebecca crowed, taking a deep
sip of her wine as she did.

I sighed and pulled my favorite comfy T-shirt off over my head,
and tossed it on the pile with the other discarded clothes. I had
put on a nice white lace bra, a relatively modest one, so I was still
showing less skin than a lot of bikini tops did...and after all, we
were all girls!’s different when you’re playing strip poker,
the fact that I had to take it off made a difference! I felt myself
blush a little in spite of everything as I sat there in my bra.

The other girls had on less than I did, of course, so now they were
coming down to it. I wondered if they regretted our decision not
to bother with the original rule about the winner getting to put something
back on, but it was too late now!

Janet and Melissa stood up, Janet slid her skin-tight blue jeans off, and
was left in blue bra and blue silk panties. Beside her, Melissa was in
the process of unzipping her skirt, which she threw on the pile, leaving
clad in a halter-bra and red granny panties, which drew some smirks.

It was Kate who surprised us all, though. Instead of getting up to take
off her canvas shorts, she reached behind her back, fumbled with her
bra, and removed it and threw it onto the pile with a big daring grin! My
daughter sat there with her bare tits on display, blushing but obviously
also getting a kick out of our surprise. Like her identical twin, Kate had
34c boobs, and I have to admit they looked pretty good for a 38 year old
mother of three teenagers! Oh, they dropped a little, but they looked
good by any standard!

“What? You act like none of you have ever seen a pair of tits before!” Kate
said with a slightly tipsy giggle.

“OK, what’s the extra dare gonna be for Jan?” Melissa asked evilly.

Rebecca looked at her younger sister, and said with a smile, “I’ll give you
a choice, Sis! Three options instead of two! Either you lose another item
of clothing, or you promise never to ask me or anyone about the dog
poop on those shoes, or...”

“Yes, ‘or’?” Janet asked sharply. “Come on, spit it out, Becky!”

“Or you crawl around the room, barking like a dog, three times. It’s your

My 28 year old daughter looked at her older sister, then from one face to
another among the rest of us, and I have to admit that even I was enjoying
her discomfiture! I love my daughters, but...this was fun!

Jan looked down at herself, at the bra and panties that were all she on on,
then back at Rebecca, then she sighed and said, “I will find out about
those shoes, Beckers! Sooner or later, sooner or later!”

Then, with a defiant grin, the 28 year old got down on her hands and knees,
and began to crawl around the edge of the room, and as she did, she started
to make this rather cute barking noise! I was amazed that she had taken
the forfeit, but then again, those had been very nice shoes.

“ARF! ARF! ARF!” Janet said, blushing scarlet, as she crawled slowly
around the living room of our bungalow! The sight of a 28 year old woman,
a college-educated and quite successful businesswoman, crawling
around the room in her bra and panties and barking like a dog was...well, it
was the funniest thing I’d seen in ages! Something about her rear end,
clad only in thin blue silk, waggling back and forth as she crawled around
the room just left me choking with laughter.


Janet rounded the room the first time, still blushing but also laughing amid
her tipsy barking. As she passed us, she even playfully nipped at Melissa’s
bare leg, bringing giggles from the rest of us. Twice more my underwear-
clad youngest daughter crawled around the room, and by the time she got
back we were all, including her, helpless with laughter. It wasn’t cruel, it
was mostly good-natured fun laughter, though there was plenty of teasing!

“Wow,” she said as she got back on her feet, wiping dust off her legs and
blushing still, “I forgot how hard crawling can be on your knees!”

We poured ourselves some more win and prepared for the next round.

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