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Old 01-21-2017, 08:28 PM   #81
Distinguished Member
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 667

Wedgieboy votes tjlakin. Jerichohol1c votes tjlakin, Steve votes tjlakin. Tat means that tjlakin's vote is irreverent. He is wearing a white polo shirt khaki pants and black shoes when he is brought over and spins the wheel it lands on human burrito. He is brought over and before being laid down in a giant burrito shell a funnel is inserted into his undies. Spicy salsa is poured down the front and refried beans down the back. He is laid down and he gets guacamole dumped on his face and rubbed into his hair. Next comes more refried beans and salsa dumped over his boby. Then comes chopped onions and moldy cheese. As well as rotten lettuce. uncooked rice is added with some beingpoured inside his clothing before the shell is rolled up around him and it and him are rolled back and forth till every last inch of him is covered in the mess. He is the made to stand up infront of the audience so they can see how bad he got it. And then sent out to make his way home. The show again offers a reward for the best pictures of him making his way home using the hash tag #tjlakinloser.

If you wish to play again next week then please reply saying that you are in and giving a big description of yourself.
wam manly food based

dislikes piss

Limits poop, cum, animal food, illegal, eating or drinking, public, naked.

I currently don't own any toys.

talk about pictures and dress but decided on a case by case bases.

What is this signature..
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