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Old 01-20-2017, 08:45 PM   #79
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The final game is pie roulette. It will work like this each player will roll a dice and then turn the knob of the catapult that many times. If you are lucky the pie will not go off and slam into your face and you will earn your team 100 points for each turn. But if you are unlucky not only will you get hit in the face but you will earn zero points. The audience will also judge if you flinch or not if you get hit not only will flinching cause you to get a bucket of pie filling blueberry for red players and cherry for blue players over the head but you will also lose 100 points from your team's score.

PieFanatic is up first he rolls a 4 and turns the crack 4 times but nothing happens. No it's Wedgieboy's turn to face the pie. He rolls a 6. and turns the crack but at 4 the catapult goes of slamming him in the face with a pie. The crowd votes that he flinched and blueberry pie filling pours down on him.

Baby is up next he rolls a 4 and turns the knobs and gets off safe. Jerichohol1c takes his place in front of the pie and rolls a 4 and is safe.

duckboyschunter is up next he rolls a 6 and starts to turn the knobs and at 3 gets clobbered in the face with the pie. The crowd votes that he flinched and cherry pie filling pours down on him. Steve takes his place infront of the pie and rolls a 5. Nothing happens.

ezeperalta is up next she rolls a 6. She turns the knobs but nothing happened. tjlakin takes his place last a rolls a 6 . He turns the knob 2 times before getting the pie in his face. The crowd votes no flinch.

So for this round Red gets 800 points and Blue gets 1300 points. So for the week Red gets 3600 but the Blue team has 3700 points so Blue wins for the week.

The teams get to clean up and change before the punishment round but as the show is on a budget there is only warm water for the winning team the losers get cold showers. Also there is not a second uniform so that means who ever gets sacrificed will be doing so in the clothes they brought to the show.

The Red team players must now vote for which of there number gets sacrificed to be punished by the winners. you can note vote for yourself. They will have to spin the wheel of torture and will get either, firing squad, pillory, no bull, human hot dog, human burito, or human sundae as a punishment.
wam manly food based

dislikes piss

Limits poop, cum, animal food, illegal, eating or drinking, public, naked.

I currently don't own any toys.

talk about pictures and dress but decided on a case by case bases.

What is this signature..
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