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Old 01-16-2017, 02:20 AM   #19
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 22

I do not know why everyone who replied thinks I am abusing her somehow. In my original post I say:
"However, when I try to initiate an activity she does not like, she seems to get upset and is absolutely negative about it."
I am not saying that then I tie her down and rape her. Or do things she does not like. Or anything without her consent. I do not know why everyone replied to me in such way.


To make things quite clear.

First of all, thank you all for the answers. Some people helped me more with their words, some did not, but thank you all.

From what I have read in your replies, I figured out that I must slow down. Things are going very well in our sex life which is somehow constantly evolving and I guess that is why I am really excited about what is about to come. I am going to slow down. I got that. I was thinking about that.

What you did not understand from my posts above, is not that I want to do something to her that she does not like.

What I am saying is that I am looking for the best way to try with her (WITH HER CONSENT, OF COURSE) more things. As someone said I should try to find what is causing her behavior to be like this. I am sure the problem is mental. Something is blocking her mind somehow, and my best guess is that it has to do with her family/religion.

By the way, she had her first orgasm 2 days ago. At a day I denied her to touch my cock and I did not fuck her at all that day. So... She orgasmed while I was playing with her pussy.

So, to sum it up people.

What I am looking for, is a way to make her have more orgasms. Stronger orgasms. More fun in general. And I feel that she somehow denies me that, by not being open to new things. I DO respect that and I am just gonna take it easy I guess and see where it goes.
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