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Old 01-15-2017, 02:00 AM   #189
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 26

You're going to slowly be forced into some baby bondage over the course of 10 hours.

You will start your 10 hours with the following rules:

- No toilet use
- Add a new restriction each hour.

To begin with you will double diaper up. You will insert 2-3 suppositories (some people are more sensitive than others) and one glass of water with a diurex pill.

The restrictions are as follows:

Tie a ribbon/string/rope through the hoop at the end of your pacifier. You will tie the diaper to your head you can only remove the pacifier to drink/eat.

Wear a bib and begin to eat 5 jars of baby food after pouring it into a bowl, then proceed to eat the food without your hand or utensils.

Take off your outer diaper and replace it with a new one...wrap the outer diaper over your head like a bonnet

Begin drinkin 500ml each hour from a baby bottle.

Take a one litre enema and insert your butt plug once you have released the enema (simple but unpleasant).

Tape your diapers up and lock them on with plastic panties.

Wear your lockable footed pyjamas.

Tie your ankles together leaving only 1-2 feet of slack.

Tie your wrists together with foot of slack.

No more walking only crawling.

Watch a kids film for the remainder of the dare.
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