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Old 01-14-2017, 05:27 AM   #5
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Gallifrey
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I roll my eyes as the clumsy man makes his way out of the cafe. The amount of times I pulled that stunt in high school to get some guy to notice me, I recognise it immediately. I almost feel sorry for him. If he knew the places my mind went to on a regular basis he would run away screaming and never look back. I sigh inwardly. Why was it so difficult to find someone who can handle the darker parts of me? I finish my coffee and grab my coat from over the chair, shrugging my shoulders into it. I have a ton of things to do today and I am already going to have to rush to my first meeting. Grabbing my bag I make my way outside the cafe and head towards my first destination of the day. I'm just about to enter the building when an incoming alert on my phone has me pausing as I pull it out to check it.

Before your first meeting today make sure to edge twice. I don't care where or how. And make sure your cleavage is showing.
Cursing, I glance at the time on the screen. I should just have enough time if I hurry. I follow the signs to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall before sitting on the edge of the seat and slipping my hand under my skirt. I am already wet from my earlier little adventure and as my hand circles my bundle of nerves it doesn't take me long to reach the edge either time. Grabbing a wad of tissue from the dispenser I clean myself up and reach into my pocket. This is an important meeting and I'd rather not be paranoid that someone is able to smell my arousal. I'll take any barrier, no matter how fragile.

A second goes by and my heart drops. Where the hell...?! Did they fall out on the way over here? Surely not, I stuffed them tightly inside. My finger tips graze over what I assume is an empty sweet wrapper and I pull it out, desperately searching for my panties. As my eyes focus on what I am holding and I see the written words I can feel the colour draining from my face.

The day passes so slowly. Work is dull, one of those days that seem to crawl by, the clock moving so ponderously I am tempted to check the batteries. Normally when I am this bored, I would amuse myself by sending her messages, little tasks to do through the day for me, or just teasing little notes to keep her wet, her heart fluttering.

Not today though. After sending her to edge, I decide her anticipation will flourish better if I leave her to stew in her own juices, so to speak. It's probably as hard on me as it is on her, I have grown accustomed to filling my day with the girl I have come to think of as mine.

The sun goes down, the late spring evening balmy, almost warm if not for the chill of the breeze. Dressing warmly, I head out early for the park. She is almost always late, but just in case. At 11 o'clock I climb the locked gate into the park and smile to myself at the thought of her doing the same in less than an hour. It would be so much fun to watch, but instead I make my way towards the pond and hide in a small copse of trees.

Soon, my pretty. It won't be long now.

I stand in front of my bedroom mirror staring at my reflection. Since I found the note the day seems to have rushed by incredibly fast. My mind has been racing since this morning trying to figure out who swiped my panties, who was close enough to drop the note in my pocket but I keep coming up blank. Clear blue eyes stare back at me as I wonder if I can really do this. Maybe it's just a little bit too public for me, even in the dead of night. I know the park the note refers to and even though it's usually deserted after 9pm there's always the risk of a passer-by or someone talking a shortcut home through it. I can feel the hairs prickling along my arms and rub my hands over them in an attempt to warm them up. I haven't even left the house yet and already my nerves are beginning to take hold.

I swallow hard and back away from the mirror, heading out before I can change my mind for the hundredth time. Grabbing my coat and keys I shrug into the coat as I leave the house and lock the door behind me. The park isn't far from my house and in what seems like no time at all I am standing in front of the gates to the park. I forgot that they would be locked at this time and I frown to myself. I am tiny and would rather not have to climb over it but I don't see another way in. I grip the rails and hoist myself over, and land with an ungraceful thud on the other side.

I make my way around to the duck pond, my breaths slowly becoming more rapid and shallower. Any other time I would stop to appreciate the beauty of the park but not tonight. Tonight I am too worked up, too nervous, too scared. The outline of the bench comes into view and I make my way over to it with small hesitant steps. Can I really do this? I thought I could but now that I am actually here I'm not so sure. I want to turn around and rush back to the safety of my house.

Somehow I've managed to arrive at the bench and I still for a moment as I take a deep breath in and then blow it out attempting to gather myself together. It's too dark to make anything out very clearly but it seems completely deserted.

My hands reach for my coat and unbutton it slowly before I drop it into the bench beside me. Next comes my shirt and my fingers stumble as I slide it over my head. It joins the coat and I grip hold of my leggings and slide them down before tossing them onto the ever growing pile too.

It's not that cold outside but standing here in my underwear I shiver, both from fear and anticipation. I fumble at the clasp on my bra as my hands shake slightly. That too is added to the pile before my panties join them as well. I think back to this morning and a frown tugs at my lips as I remember again the missing panties. My shoes join the pile next.

Entirely naked now except for my socks which I refuse to remove at any point. Not only do I abhor cold feet I am aware I may have to run or hide at any point. I reach over into my pocket and pull out my phone and the blindfold I brought with me before setting a timer for ten minutes on the phone. Quickly I place the blindfold over my eyes before sitting down and leaning back on the bench, my fingers hesitantly making their way to my pussy.

As I rub my fingers over myself I can feel my juices forming slightly but I'm too aware of my surroundings, hyper keen on everything around me to fully enjoy it. My heart seems to be pounding louder than anything I've ever heard right now.

I can't even get close to the edge, too nervous by this point. Too aware and too exposed. And yet despite the fact I can't even get to an edge I can definitely feel my arousal. I ponder this contradiction for a brief second before I'm back to wishing the timer would go off already.

I tense suddenly, my hands stilling. Were those footsteps? My heart stills for a moment but all seems quiet once more. I must be imagining things that aren't there, too focused on my thoughts and fears. I go back to the task at hand and just as I do...there! Those were footsteps, I am sure of it. My hands fly up and rip the blindfold off and I glance in every direction but am unable to see anyone. I know those were footsteps I heard. I wasn't sure the first time, but I am now.

I make the decision without thinking and in less than thirty seconds I am dressed and rushing back home.
♡ My Stories. FAQ.AMA
Happily loved, owned and collared by AbusiveMaster.
I Love This Girl Unconditionally. Always And Forever ♡
Get a rule from me here.

NOTlooking for a dom/sub or to play a game, exchange dares, pictures etc!
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