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Old 01-11-2017, 08:07 AM   #27
Truth or Dare Junkie
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The last report was 35 minutes. So I did 40.

I had a dare to do 40 minutes: naked, with my nose pushed right into the corner - where the walls meet. So I decided maybe it could also do for a report to this thread.

Strip. No sound although I could hear the sound of the washing machine in another room, and later on snow plows outside. I set the timer for 40:10 so I would have time to be in position before the 40 minutes started. Click. Put nose in corner - eyebrows and shoulders are against wall. If I push my face in tighter my cheeks block airflow and it is very hard to breathe, so I don't do that. Besides, that means I have to stretch my neck even further and that could get very hard. Otherwise, I tried to get my feet into a comfortable position. I was going to be like this for a while and that was a worry.

I had a false start: activity inside and outside caused me to stop after 7+ minutes to find out what was going on. So after a break I came back to do it again. Set 40:10 and Click.

The first start had been time to think about some of the things that were on my mind so this time I didn't have much to think about. I was behind already and had not even started! So I started in with what I call meditation right away. I count breaths. It is the simplest thing but it gives my mind something to do, often continuing as part of my brain thinks about other things. I think I breathe up to about 20 times per minute, but maybe as slow as 15 when trying to zen-out. So 600 to 800 would be full time, but with pauses to think about other stuff I shouldn't be counting quite that high. Too bad about the false start: nothing to do but count!

First to 100 then 200 - was that 10 minutes? Pause and consider what was on my mind: new blog for punishments, revisions to PM dares, votes for ColdToes poll on rules. I have to think about likes/limits if I can. Then back to counting. Be calm. Comfort becoming an issue. Body relaxed leaning my shoulders into the walls, but legs and feet still bear my weight. Adjust feet a bit, but they are also feeling the cold of the floor.

Count again now up to 300. By this time I don't know if I miss a number or repeat a number - most likely I might repeat them by 10s if I do. Brain on automatic. By 300 I am tired of this. And my brain is just mellowed right out - I continue to 400. Is that then maybe 20 minutes - it must be at least that. Breathing has been slower the last hundred or so, plus pauses. Half way there - I can do this.

Keep going up to 500, counting automatically - thinking is becoming harder. But now I am hurting - neck and shoulders strained from the position (not sir sam's choice of position for just this reason!) but I try to relax. As I go up to 550 my body and mind are crying out. Brain says it is mellow but unwillingly! (There was more happening here but I can't remember it later.) Numbers are a blur in the background. I can no longer think about anything. Toward 600 my neck is sore but the body is okay. At 600 I figure that with pauses and slow breathing I might be close - but I don't know, and I did start out breathing faster back in the beginning.

Carry on from 600. Counting is really meditative now - buzzed out on it. No thinking. Boredom is not there - nothing is there. 620 640 650 660 670 680 689-RING-RING-RING. It is done.

Slowly I move away from the wall - neck slow to turn as I get going again. Legs slow to move. My brain is even a bit slower to get restarted than my body. Stop that ringer and get dressed. Will start report in a little while - hoping I can remember what was going on, I was so buzzed/zenned out.

Last edited by MarvHarvey; 01-11-2017 at 09:09 AM.
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