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Old 01-06-2017, 03:27 PM   #212
A Butterfly Princess <3
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My AMA has been dead for 11 months lol! That's ok, I like answering questions....

Originally Posted by Matt: View Post
Are you superstitious at all?

Not really. I don't believe in Friday the 13th or things like that and I don't have any good luck charms.

What's the best live music concert you have ever been to?

Rascals Flatts in New York, NY

What's the best event of any kind you have ever been to?

I used to love going to Family Reunions when I was younger. I got to spend time with my cousins who I only saw once a year.

Do you have a bucket list? If so what's on it? (or if not, what would be on it?)

I've never written out a bucket list but it would include things such as: getting married, making a difference in somebody's life, swimming with dolphins, going to Europe, shooting a gun, learn to play piano and visit every province in Canada.

If you could do any job/career in the world, what would it be? (or what would your dream job be?)

I think something like a party/wedding planner would be my dream job. Or a writer

If you could live as someone else for 1 month (could be anyone in the world) who would it be and why? (assuming there's no consequences)
This one is super difficult. I think I would want to live as my Dom/fiance. I would love to see what he goes through on a daily basis. I think it would give me more insight into who he is.
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My heart belongs to my Husband: Mr. Devious
Being tortured frequently by my Dom SleepySloth
Served by my loyal worm Jaro
Caring for my little TheBrat

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