Thread: Doctor Who
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Old 04-14-2010, 03:11 PM   #107
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by Finland4ever View Post
okay since this is quiet at the moment whos everyones favorite doctor? and side kick? along with the best third wheel? (like mickey or Captain Jack) and your favorite enemies?
I love several Doctors.

One. Two. Four. Six. Seven. Ten. Eleven.

I don't dislike the others, but I merely prefer these over them.

My favourite companions have to be Ace, Sarah Jane, Romana II, K9, Rose (series one only), Donna, Amy, Ian and Barbara. I think, if I were forced to pick my top favourites, I'd swing towards Ian and Barbara. The original companions who helped form the Doctor we know and love today.

My favourite enemies? The Cybermen are pretty much near the top. But not the god-awful Cybus "delete delete delete" ones. Fuck off.

I also adore the Daleks (how can anyone not?) but I prefer the Daleks from the 60s and the late 80s. I also adore Davros, Sontarans, Silurians, the Trickster, the Meddling Monk, the Time Lords, Morbius, the Wirrn, the Valeyard, and probably a whole lot more who just haven't come to mind at the minute.
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