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Old 09-17-2011, 11:26 AM   #3
I am the cutest butterfly ever
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How can they get to the bag?

Find out now in ........


But how could this be possible?

Roary ordered the teddies to huddle around so he wouldn't have to shout.

Most of the teddies did this, including Floppy dog who left his tasty bone and joined the others.

"Right, here is what we are going to do," stated Roary. "we’re going to form a teddy tower."

"What a good idea," croaked Froggie.

The teddies all started jumping for joy. they were going to solve the mystery of the missing roar and find out what was inside that bag if it killed them.

"We need as many teddies as possible - where's Leo?" asked a curious Panda, never expecting the answer he was given.

"He's got a sore leg and had heard Rachie say that chocolate makes every girl better. He's sat eating some animal biscuits, over there I think," croaked Froggie, who was in need of some chocolate medicine himself.

The teddies all rushed over to where Froggie was pointing, never expecting to see the sight in front of them. Leo was sat in Rachie's underwear scoffing some animal biscuits.

"Why you wearing that red g-string?" asked the teddies, confused and never expecting Leo to be this way inclined.

"I have to be a good girl to get better," Leo said. “’Chocolate makes every girl better,’ Rachie says."

There was a roar, croak and moo of laughter. Everyteddy found Leo to be peculiar at the best of times, but seeing his sexy ass in the used underwear certainly topped everything else.

"We need your help," pleaded the teddies.

Leo was very sore and hobbled over towards the shelf with the aid of his crutches which were made from straws.

The teddy tower started to take shape, with the mountain of teddies reaching higher and higher.

"Nearly there, keep it steady," ordered Panda who was at the top of the pile. "I can't quiet reach," he began to moan as his spotty body was still a teddy length from the bag.

"I can't reach, I can't reach," he began to wail as he realised that the shelf was just that little bit too high.

Suddenly he felt a tug on his spotty legs.

What the flubberjubs could that be? he wondered. The tug got stronger and stronger as a set of claws began to puncture one of Panda's precious spots.

"Careful, Dan O Saurus," the teddies cried, as the teddy tower began to sway and become unstable with all the added weight of Rexy.

The heavy dinosaur eventually climbed to the top of the pile, and with one big scramble clawed his way onto the shelf, moments before the teddy tower came tumbling to the ground.

"Arrrrr!" they screamed, and then the sounds of teddy thumps could be heard hitting the floor.

Looking up at the shelf, they could barely make out the figure of Rexy, way up in the distance. It appeared very high up indeed and they each wondered how Dan O Saurus Rex was going to get down. However first they had to uncover the mystery of the spotty bag and find Roary's roar.

"Drop it down," The teddies cried.

Hop in clown, heard Dan O Saurus Rex. Now even though Rexy is a dinosaur and acts all hard, he's really a scaredy cat - or rather, scaredy dinosaur. He had always been scared of clowns ever since his great uncle had scared him with one as a Dino junior.

"O.M.G hoping clowns, arrr," screamed Rexy as he rushed along the shelf at full Dino speed, with his tail wagging behind him.

Meanwhile his teddy friends were all huddling around making a plan for how to save Rexy. How were they going to reach the shelf? It had been so hard before, and now a few of the teddies had teddy ache and were rubbing their heads in pain.

"If we bouncy on the bouncy ball to a height of 18 teddy feet we can grab hold of the curtain pole. We can then swing and let go at twenty-seven degrees and land on the drawers over there, before doing a back flip and hitting the light switch. if we take a rope we can lower ourselves down to reach Rexy and haul him up with a coat hanger…"

"No, no no, I think we should ..."

TO BE CONTINUED ..........

What will happen next?

Will they manage to rescue Rexy/Dano O Saurus?

Keep reading Teddies Adventures for more cuddly fun

Hope everyone liked the picture


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