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Old 01-01-2017, 02:20 PM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 13

This seems like an awesome dare.

I rolled a 3 and moved from Start to 3. This is a red-colored spot, and I hoped to not encounter them until much later in this challenge. But it actually turned out doable.

I did a dry run without photos at my friends' house while they were out shopping. This is in a suburb and not on a main Street, so the risk is lower. I tried myself naked with Velcro straps to the hood of the car inside the garage and with the garage remote in my hand. First, I opened the garage door with both the inside and outside lights off. This wasn't bad. Then I closed the door, went to turn on both lights, checked that the coast outside was clear, and opened the garage door again. After a few minutes I heard neighbors talking so I closed the garage doo and undid the Velcro straps. I don't think anyone saw me, but my heart was racing the whole time. Not only was it the fear of being found naked, but the predicament I was in would be hard to explain.

I hope to do a real run sometime soon. I want to plan it out well and explore doing it on fully outside.

Happy New Year to all.
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