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Old 12-31-2016, 05:00 AM   #2
sir sam
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Originally Posted by Wedgiebondagebabe View Post

10 minutes.

I am sometimes a fan of corner time but not always. I did however want to try this dare before it got too long.

Ill set the scene. I am doing a permanent wedgie due to a rule I have so I was butt naked minus the wedgie and a bra. I am a figiter so my nose did not stay on the wall the whole time and there was 2 times I turned around to check the time since I could not have the sound on due to being at my parents and not wanting them to find out.

At the beginning beginning, I was looking forward to trying this. I thought I was going to feel the wedgie more, but I ended up stopping the corner time two times to restart it because I forgot to set a timer to go off a couple minutes after so I would know time is up. I also forgot to change the settings on the website so I ended up with 15 minutes on the first time and I was not having that. On the third try, i stayed for the whole 10 minutes.

As I continued, my arms started getting sore sitting on top of my head and I felt a crick in my shoulders. I just toughed it out. I was focused a lot on what the actual time was because the second time, I felt like I was getting close, but I was only 3 minutes in. SO time is just a hard thing for me.

In conclusion, I still don't really like corner time. It is definitely more of a punishment for me, but I am glad I tried it. It made the wedgie a little bit more interesting since I had adjusted to a sitting position and then had to readjust to standing.

Thanks for the task!
To be honest, it is really nice to see some of my friends doing this dare.
When the time at stake gets longer I will allow people to have hands on the back. I would not want people to quit because of discomfort. Discomfort is not what cornertime is about.
You did well!!!
Ouch,.. you made it hard on yourself!

Yes, I know the app, I used it often with my pet. I did make several custom texts for it. Including an end-text allowing for an orgasm once. I would however not advice people to use it for this thread. This thread is about pure,.. boring,.. enduring, non-distracted cornertime.

You did well. Yes,.. it's tiring...
We will see how this goes. I deliberatelt asked for start, mid & end-reports. For these short times they will not differ much but I expect differences if this thread makes it into getting people to do longer times.
I expect reports to become real interesting then.
(there is a reason providing cornertime is a big like for me)
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