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Old 12-16-2016, 01:59 PM   #24
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Default My terrifying night

I finally got a chance to terrify myself last weekend, and i hope you will all be happy to learn that it was hugely successful, in fact almost too successful! I was truly and utterly terrified! I’m not sure i will ever repeat it, as it was a very intense and frightening experience.
As a reminder or for those that haven’t followed this thread i am doing basically this idea:
I have no idea who Laura Gibson is, but i absolutely ADORE her mind and art, i love every one of her ideas. I wish i could find more from her and i thank her and give her all of the credit for this wonderful devious awesome idea..

The setup

To begin the setup i first froze my handcuff keys in a block of ice that i expected to take 3 to 4 hours to melt so that i could expect to be tied for an hour or 2 after the movie ended, in the dark scary house all alone.

I also froze three blocks of ice to use for this suggestion
“freeze some water in some small plastic cups. On the night you plan on scaring yourself, take the ice blocks out of the cups. Use them as legs, and put a large pot filled with other pots in it on top, preferably by the edge of a counter or table. And make sure one of the "legs" is an actual plastic cup. At some point during the night, the ice "legs" will melt and the plastic cup won't - this should throw the whole thing out of balance and cause them to come crashing to the floor at a random moment”

I created sounds on my computer of footsteps, creaky floorboards, my back door banging open and closing, knocking and banging on doors and windows, screaming, some whispering and things like that. I set them up to play randomly at varying volumes for the time when i expected the movie to be over. I wish i had been able to have speakers in different places in the house so that the window sounds could come from a window and door sounds could come from the back door etc.

As the original link suggests i tried to fill the room with creepy dolls, masks, mirrors and plastic spiders but i didn’t have many so only had a few.
It also suggested leaving out knives and that got me thinking (never a good idea) and sometimes i get carried away so i hope i don’t lose anyone with the next part, but i also left near me a table with a couple of knives, a hammer, a mallet and pliers. Along with them i wrote a note for any would be intruder begging them to use all of the items on me. I know that’s going a little far, but clearly i am sure that no one will see it or do anything but i hoped the knowledge that the tools and note where there would get into my head and cause me to imagine really terrible things.

I decided to be bound and start the movie at 1 am as i thought my brain would be more susceptible to fear and inventing its own nightmare thoughts if i was tired.. Also it’s scary after midnight

Before it was time to tie myself, i added a few more things.

Because i love body writing and i was turned on from writing the note about the tools i decided to write some suggestions on me as well, and well once again i got carried away with the idea of encouraging the most brutal treatment possible should the one in a million chance of someone breaking in happen.

On my face i wrote “PUNCH ME”
On my stomach i wrote “FUCK ME HARD”
Above my tits “TORTURE ME”
On my right shin “BREAK MY TOES”
On my right arm “BREAK MY FINGERS”
On my left thigh “CUT ME”
On my right thigh “DESTROY ME”

Again i know pretty extreme, but i really wanted my mind to know that i would suffer horribly should anyone show up which i thought would intensify my fear.

As the overwhelming outcome of the poll was to leave the back door unlocked and unlatched (you are evil evil people ). I did tie it with a string, to prevent it from opening up completely in the breeze but that would not prevent any entry to the house should someone show up. Again, i think the chances of someone finding the door like that were about a million to one (when the lights were on and i wasn’t scared… it was quite another story later in the night).

Then i set up the key about the couch, and got completely naked started the movie playing and tied myself like in the picture on the original link with my legs spread wide apart and my hands cuffed behind my back.. I chose Silent Hill (thanks for the suggestion Spankinggirl321) mostly because i could borrow the dvd from a friend so it was the easiest to get of the suggestions that i hadn’t seen it before.

I also decided after much internal debate to close the curtains to block out light. The thought of perhaps being seen through the windows was tempting, but as the house was dark it would be hard to see in anyway and i thought the darkness would be more important.

There you have the setup (i hope i haven’t missed anything), now on to the experience.

The experience

First i would like to apologize for my lack of writing skill. It (hopefully) didn’t matter in the setup section as that was just telling you what i did, however in this section i am sure that i will fail to properly convey how i felt throughout the task. I will do my best but please understand that i am not a great writer.

It started out ok, the movie is mysterious at the start but not particularly scary and as i had just set everything up my mind hadn’t yet had time to start playing tricks on me. However eventually the movie did get scary with the woman being chased around the town and i started to feel a bit afraid looking around the dark house lit only by the glow of the tv screen. I can’t say how much later this was as i had made sure there were no clocks in my view so that i would have no idea of the time.
Well the movie got scarier and scarier and i got slightly more nervous, however still not too bad and getting a little turned on from the slight fear i had going on. I was reading the writing on me and think about the note over and over again and think how bold and crazy it was to suggest such horrible things but it did help make me more excited.

The movie wasn’t scaring me as much as i had hoped. I think in part because it wasn't all that scary at least to me, and more so that it didn’t work well for this situation because it takes place in a particular place so it didn’t make me fear that those scary nurses (yeah the nurses got to me the most) were going to appear in my house and attack my defenseless naked body. Also they only attacked movement so being unable to move, i would have been safe
I think maybe if i were going to do it again i would try for a movie about things happening to a woman in her own home.

However my sounds started up before the end of the movie, and they were much more effective than i had expected. I didn't expect them to start so early, so when i heard knocking on a door before the end of the movie, i didn’t even think that it might have been my sounds and really thought there was knocking! I started to struggle to get free but was of course unable to which begain to intensify my fear.

The knocking stopped and for a while there was just the movie. However as luck would have it only a few minutes later came the sound of knocking on a window. I couldn’t have set that up better if i had tried as it seemed now like someone was going around the house knocking on the doors and windows and i became very aware of the open back door. Shortly after that the movie ended and the screen went dark plunging me into what seemed like total darkness. Then a door slammed and i jumped (well tried to) wrenching my hands and ankles in their bindings. I was now frantically trying to get free and becoming very scared.

The sounds continued on and off, by know i knew that it was my recording of course, but there was a large part of me that insisted that the first sounds had been too early to be my sounds and much have been real. That made me worry that maybe some of the sounds i was hearing now might also be real.

When the scream played i hurt my wrists and ankles again when i reacted. The sound of my back door banging open terrified me and i was pulling at my bonds harder and more desperately than i ever have before. I was no longer turned on at all! This wasn’t sexy fear, this was verging on panic. With the impeccable timing that seemed to be ruling the evening it was shortly after this that the table decided to drop the pots and pans creating an horrible racket and making me think that perhaps someone really had come in the door and then knocked the table over. I i had set up the paint can backup release method suggested by wingman i would have used it. However i had chosen to not use that instead having a friend come over the next morning as my safety. Good thing as i would have ruined my carpet and couch for nothing.

Well of course nothing happened, Eventually the ice melted and the keys dropped into my hands and i was able to free myself. I was still very wary and nervous and actually picked up one of the knives and searched through the house, just to put my mind more at ease.

I have marks on my wrists and ankles still from my attempts to free myself, but they are fading and hopefully will go away completely before anyone notices them

So it was quite successful and i hope you al have enjoyed reading about my terror.

I would love to hear your thoughts, and opinions either here on in pms. Please send anything you like, tell me how foolish i am, tell me i’m too easily scared, encourage me to do it again, laugh at me for scaring myself so badly, whatever you have to say, i’d love to hear it.

Thank you all for your help and ideas.

I love risk and danger. i love dares that involve me risking extreme humiliation and/or pain. It must be just risk though, all dares should allow me to have nothing happen if i'm lucky.
Also enjoy predicament bondage or situations.
heavy verbal humiliation and emotional abuse.

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