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Old 11-25-2016, 10:04 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: earth>us>midwest
Posts: 255

It wasn't long before I heard them coming down the stairs
and caught a glimpse of their half naked bodies as they ran
round the corner and into the kitchen. They both made small
little squeeky noises as they (I assume) put the bananas
into their panties, and then they retraced their steps back
up to Kim's room to finish dressing.

They were downstairs again in less time than I had figured
they'd take and then were out the door. I hurried over to
the window to watch them walk away, and it did seem they
were walking a bit like they had something extra between
their legs. Kim went off to the right, Yori to the left and
I figured it would only be a few minutes before they'd be
back as it cannot be more than 1000 meters or so to make a
complete trip round the block.

I saw Yori first, but it wasn't easy to tell who was in the
lead. By the time Yori reached the front walk it looked like
she was going to beat Kim by about ten steps, but Kim closed
on her and Yori was seated on the front step only a second
or two before Kim reached it. Yori sat down hard, I'm
guessing because she wasn't quite sure how far Kim was
behind her, and wanted to ensure the win, but in doing so
she squished any bits of the banana that had survived the
walk into mush. Kim, once she realised she had lost, sat
down more on the edge of the step and maybe didn't squish
her banana as much. They were laughing as I moved away from
the window and back to the sofa to wait for them to come
back in and send the results of their race.

Their recap was fairly short, informing me who had won, and
asking permission to remove their soiled undies. I replied
that the winner, Yori, could take her panties off, but Kim
had to keep them on until after the next dare. I pressed
send and it was pretty obvious when they had read it as it
evoked a pretty loud moan from upstairs; that did make me

Their next dare would take a small amount of setup, which
I'm sure Kim was even more unhappy with given the squishy
bits in her panties. They were going to need a deck of
cards, a pitcher of lemonade and would be sitting out on the
back patio. I sent this with the instructions to message me
when the lemonade was made and they were ready to continue.

While Kim was fussing in with the lemonade in the kitchen I
heard Yori in the other room trying to rummage up a pack of
cards per Kim's instructions on where to find them. Knowing
that her panties were still soiled with banana, and given
that an advert had started on the telly, I decided to make
Kim a wee bit anxious by going into the kitchen as she was
finishing up her mixing. I asked if she'd share some of the
lemonade she was making, and I'd sware I'd asked her to do
some major mental gymnastics with a hard math problem;
coming up with the answer seemed truly hard for her. I guess
she didn't know what the lemonade was for, nor how much
she'd be needing, and in the end decided not to share and
said "no."

I turned, filled my glass with water, and went back to my
spot on the sofa to wait for them to tell me they were
indeed ready to go. Yori found the cards and took everything
out onto the patio, set them on the table and then went
upstairs. About the same time she was leaving the room Kim's
ready message arrived, and I started typing the dare.

They were to play poker, and their bets would be half
glasses of the lemonade. The loser of each hand would have
to drink the amount currently bet. They were to continue
playing, making more lemonade if needed, until one of them
couldn't hold their pee and wet themselves while sitting at
the table. The first to pee would be the loser. The winner
would also have to wet herself, but would further torture
the loser by sitting in the loser's lap while she peed.

I had pressed send and after what I thought was enough time
for a bit of a reaction there was nothing but silence from
upstairs. I was starting to wonder if Kim had lied and there
really were chickens up there; I had just begun to type a
message inquiring if my previous message had been lost in
transmission, when their reply, a question, showed up on my

"The winner absolutely has to pee while sitting in the lap
of the loser?" they asked.

I replied, "yep, that's the dare" and asked if there were
some chickens on the IRC channel. I did tell them that after
this dare they'd be allowed to shower, or to do what ever
they thought they'd need to clean up. I wasn't sure what was
making them hesitate on this dare.

I'm not quite sure which of my comments, about the shower or
the chicken, sparked them into the game again, but their
"OK, we're going to play now" message came very quickly and
about the time I was done reading it they were headed out to
the patio.

The patio is just outside of the living room, and there is a
set of sliding glass doors that lead outside. The sofa is
angled more towards the centre of the room, but with some
sidelong glances I'd be able to watch the girls play their
game of cards. I was a bit worried that they'd not want to
do the dare with me sitting so close, and maybe it was my
presence, combined with the winner's victory pee that was
making them a bit nervous. What ever it had been, they were
past it, and were sitting at the table shuffling the cards.

I pretended not to be interested, and even got up and busied
myself in other parts of the house for about fifteen
minutes. I figured it'd take at least that long, and if they
thought I didn't much care about what they were up to, they
might forget about me completely. When I came back the
lemonade was about half gone and they were nattering on
about things that were just uninteresting.

I could see that Kim was slightly rocking back and forth in
her chair; a clear sign that she might be needing to pee
soon. Not knowing Yori at all it was hard to tell how she
was doing, but I did notice that she seemed to be pressing a
fist between her legs looking like she was fighting to hold
it in. Yori lost the next two hands and I think that sent
her over the edge as I heard her exclaim "oh shit!" which
was soon followed by pee that seemed to flow everywhere as
it soaked through her skirt and through the mesh of the
patio chair.

Kim's look of pain turned to a look of joy as she had won,
this challenge at least, and I have to imagine she was very
eager to let her bladder go to relieve all of that pressure.
She stacked the cards, and motioned Yori to scoot her chair
back a bit. Then, quite unexpectedly, she hiked her skirt up
showing her panties that were clearly wet with banana goo,
and sat on Yori's lap. I couldn't quite see her face, but it
was only a matter of seconds before her pee was puddling all
round Yori's chair. Kim finished and as she stood I could
see that her panties were absolutely soaked. Yori stood and
there wasn't much of her skirt that was dry.

As girls started to gather the stuff on the table and come
inside I quietly took my laptop and headed up to my room. I
think they had forgotten about me and I wanted to be out of
the way as they came in to clean up. Only a few seconds
after I settled on my bed, with a nice view down the
hallway, did I hear them start up the stairs whispering as
they turned the corner and headed into the bathroom.

I heard the shower start, and then Yori said "shit, we
aren't allowed to close the door!"

I wondered if they would remember that, and I actually
wondered whether or not they'd comply with that rule given
that "Wade" wouldn't know. To their credit they left the
door open, but unfortunately, I couldn't see into the
bathroom from my room. I'm sure from their point of view
that having the door open was very unnerving. Soon enough
the water shut off and I saw them, wrapped in towels,
heading back to Kim's room.

Their dare report contained a pretty decent accounting and
then asked what next. To that I replied with their next

They were to put on panties, skirts, bras and tank tops and
then go down and watch the telly. I assigned food adverts to
Kim and beauty product adverts to Yori; each time one of
their assigned adverts came on they had to take off an item
of clothing. They could only lose one item per block of
adverts, so that this dare wouldn't be over if there were
four food ads in a single break from the programme. I also
added that clothing had to be removed from outside in; they
weren't allowed to remove a piece of underwear before the
covering outer layer was taken off. The first one naked
would be the loser.

I received a short message, something like "right, going off
to do" and then I heard them shuffling round getting
dressed. I tried not to be obviously watching for them as
they came down the hallway and headed down to the living
room. The telly flipped on, and small bits of sound from
some drama programme drifted up the stairs.

I gave them about 15 minutes and then decided to go down for
a drink of water. As I passed the living room I poked my
head in and noticed that Yori had already lost her shirt. I
said "hummmm, this looks interesting," and I think I scared
the daylights out of them as they both jumped. Kim glared at
me, and Yori couldn't decide whether or not to try to cover
herself. Just then an advert for biscuits came on and Yori
was again caught up in the competition; turning to Kim she
said "food, food, food. You need to take something off!"

Kim was clearly annoyed. Playing dumb, I made a comment that
this seemed very interesting and that I might stay and enjoy
some of the show too. Kim glared daggers at me, and Yori
continued to prod her to ditch a piece of her outfit. Kim,
trying to figure a way to get me out of the room, said "you
can only stay if you are going to play" figuring that I'd
leave before taking my clothes off in front of either of

It was a twist I hadn't expected, and I needed to make a
quick decision. Finally I said "OK," and asked about the
rules. Kim said that she needed to go find out what advert
type I would be assigned and Yori chimed in that we then
needed to start over. I said that I needed to send a text to
finish a conversation I was in and would be down in a
second; Kim and I went upstairs leaving Yori in the middle
of getting a fresh start by putting her shirt back on.

Upstairs I quickly joined the IRC channel from my phone and
hoped that Kim wouldn't notice the burble of leave and join
messages. Her message finally arrived, explained the turn of
events and asked for extra instructions. I quickly sent back
that her brother would be assigned car adverts, and that she
needed to ensure that he was wearing just four items of
clothing. I also added that the last one left with clothes
on would be the winner and that both losers would be doing a
difficult loser's dare.

Continued in next post....
Lizard !

Likes: Humilliation, CD, marginally risky dares, outdoor/public, self bondage, pee/diapers

HARD Limits: dangerous, perminant, feces, directly involving people/family, long dares, cutting/blood, food play/messy, nudity, pics, animals

Boring, so don't bother: wedgies, edging
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