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Old 03-24-2010, 04:03 AM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Trophy Who wants to be the dare champion?

The title says it all i guess :-).

How it will work: I will post a dare every sunday starting 4 april. Then you have one week to do this dare and post how you did. Then I will make a ranking and everybody will get as much points as his weekranking says. So at the end of all the dares (don't know how much yet) the person with the least points earned over the weeks will be the champion.
If one week there's a dare that's against your limits, you won't have to do it, but you will end up last that week offcourse.

Also, at the end every player will have to do a dare for every player who ended up before them in the overall ranking.

Right, to compete you have to post I'm in and roll 3 dice for the person above. I will explain later what they are for.
I will roll for the last person joining us.

By the end of next week everybody has to do 3 things and post how they did. Those are: 1) do as many push ups as you can (in one try)
2) do as many sit ups as you can (also in one try)
3) go to a track and run 5 laps (2km) as fast as you can
The one who did best will then be the first leader of the game.

If someone has ideas for dares, you can allways PM them to me and then maybe I will use them to one of the next weeks. just make sure they can be done by guys and girls and that it's possible to see who did best, otherwise it's impossible to make a ranking...

right that's it.
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