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Old 09-21-2016, 12:28 PM   #60
getDare Devil
hornyyoungslut's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: where you aren't
Posts: 1,090
Blog Entries: 6

Tell me ten things that turn you on?
A sense of humor, enjoys to eat, loves to exercise, muscular build, slight beard scruff, porn, vibrators, spankings, dominance, and BBC

Five things that turn you off?
Annoying, feet, scat, females, and lots of body hair

What sex toys do you own? (household objects used for personal 'pleasure' such as clothespegs, candles, phallic vegetables etc do count!)
Vibrators, Dildos, Clothespins, Belts, etc.

What sex toys do you want to have, but don't?
More impact toys like a cane, flogger, paddle, etc.

What is your favorite toy?
My vibrator

What is the most perverted thing you have ever done?
I don't do perverted things so I guess watch porn

What is the most painful thing you have done for sexual pleasure/a dare?
Took like 200+ spankings with a belt

What is the most disgusting thing you have ever done for sexual purposes/a dare?
Got peed on (severe punishment)

What is the biggest thing you have ever had inside you?

How many times do you masturbate in a day, and how?
Once or twice, with my fingers (only edging)

What real life encounter has had you most turned on and horny?
My boyfriend starting being extremely dominant without me telling him to in bed one day

What is your most perverted/twisted sexual fantasy?
Being kidnapped and used a sex toy/pain slut

What is your favourite fantasy, if different?
It's not different LOL

Do you like the taste of cum? What about your pussy juice? Pee?
Cum, no. Pussy juice, I get very sick from. Pee, no.

What is the longest you have ever been tied up for?
2-3 hours I think

Describe the most sexy outfit you own?
My birthday suit

What do you like about Getdare?
The community

What do you dislike about getdare?
Some bitches in the community

What is the dare you most enjoyed doing?
Painful dares

Which dare did you enjoy doing least?
"spank/edge" dares

What two things do you love the most. Why?
My life & cooking. Even though my life is shitty, I have a very blessed life with very blessed people in it that I love dearly. Cooking because it helps me to explore different cultures and relaxes me.

What do you hate the most?
People filled with hate.

what is your favorite activity to do with friends?
Going on a hike

What is your greatest strength?

What is your greatest weakness?

What is your biggest vice?
This site????

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Speak all languages fluently

Which superpower would you most like?

Have your dreams come true, or make someone else's?
Yes & yes.

What do you miss most about being a kid?

Be a dragon, or have a pet dragon?

Cuddles, or sex?

Cake, or death?

Winter, or summer?

City or Country?

Classic, or 'new and improved'?

Dark or milk chocolate?

Dogs or cats?

Fiction, or non-fiction?

Picnic, or nice restaurant?

Driving or walking?

Books, or films?

Bacon, or cheese?

Tea or Coffee?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
I hate cats so I don't really know or care

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Companies are lying. No major companies uses "real" produce, it's all synthetic.
call me Car.

23.f | straight | owned

(dis)likes & limits | pm dares

denied by daddy.

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