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Old 09-18-2016, 10:57 AM   #24
Truth or Dare Zealot
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Originally Posted by Joker50 View Post
Wow, did I ever open a can of worms, but in my opinion it needed opening.

I have just flash read the on going conversation and although it has wondered around a bit, it is noticeable that not a single mod has replied but, that doesn't mean they are not reading this thread.

Create your own button, I didn't know I could. I am not computer literate when it comes to creating things and that why it takes me forever to do anything. With respect there will be males and females just like me on this site.

An auto reply f.o. and die message sounds fun and it was suggested it was simple code. I will beg to be unclear as to how that is done.

I also didn't know that you have the option to report someone but as I understand it, you have to access someones profile to do it.

I saw the idea that when someone joins they have to wait a few days or a couple of weeks to be able to pm. I liked this but as was pointed out it wouldn't bother those we are trying to discourage and probably put off those we want.

None of us want the site to be a pay site, it does work well, so why not have the idea of volunteer mods. There are people who are on the site everyday.
I am not saying give them the power that the mods who work for the site get but make them available to be able to help out when any female newbie or long term member starts getting hassled. Perhaps a signing in thread to show that they are on site and available ?

Alternatively have a simple name and shame thread to which names of people who send these messages are added?
To report a pm. Look at the very top, it's on the top right. Can do it straight from the pm, thread post, and from profile.

Don't think name and shame would work. Same thing as hornyyoungslut said would happen. So Billy begs to cum, person says no, Billy begs again and no then Billy shames the person.

The thing with volunteer mods, it likes. Long as the requirements ain't lowered down for them. It remembers that a mod stated they don't get paid so the mods are already volunteers but they probably need more.

But you got to remember, some people don't want the responsibility of being a mod. Even if of just one thing.
Do have female parts.

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