Thread: Fiction: My new life as a girl.
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Old 09-06-2016, 11:34 AM   #17
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Sweden
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by pt26
Wow.... this an amazing story. I feel like you have just dropped us as the readers right into the story. Anyway can't wait to see what's next. Keep up the great work!!!!!
Originally Posted by Wolf007
Yep, she's great! The JK Rowling of gD...

Great grammar also. Did you read many English books before?
Oh I love you guys! <3 Thank you so much!

I hope you enjoy the next chapter!


Chapter 9

We were instantly greeted by a very pretty young girl. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a big smile on her face when she said “Welcome back mr Woods. I hope your trip was enjoyable.” Stephen smiled back at her and said “It was, Lisa. I want your to meet your new sister, Lucy”. Lisa instantly hugged me and said “Welcome to the family Lucy!”. I was a bit taken off guard but I smiled back at her and said “Thank you.” Stephen told Lisa to “Show your new sister the ropes around here. What’s expected of her and whatnot. You know the drill, you’ve done this before.” He started walking towards an elevator on the other side of the lobby. “And send her to my room when you’re done.” He stepped in the elevator and the doors shut.

Lisa led me behind the a counter, where another, seemingly very happy, girl was sitting. She smiled and greeted us, and then looked back at her computer. Behind the counter was a normal looking door, made from a light coloured wood. Lisa opened it and told me to step inside. Inside was a large room with multiple couches, a television, and a kitchen area in one of the corners. There were another five, very pretty girls, lounging in the couches. They all waved and greeted us when we stepped in. Lisa cleared her throat, “Everybody! I want you to meet our new sister, Lucy! Mr Woods adopted her on his vacation in Germany.” She then turned to me, “Lucy, this is the cafeteria for the employees. We wait around here until we get a job, or are assigned a task. We rotate who is sitting in the reception each day and who’s greeting the guests at the door.”

One wall in the cafeteria was lined with a bunch of lockers. Lisa walked over to one and opened it. “This one is yours. You need to change into these clothes.” She handed me a pile of clothes that were in the locker. I unfolded them and looked at them. It was identical to the ones all the other girls was wearing. It was a short black dress with white lace around the bottom, a pair of black fishnet stockings and a pair of black high heels. It was what I would describe as a classic sexy maid's outfit that I had seen in various pornos. There seemed to be no underwear whatsoever. “Go on” Lisa said, “Don’t be shy. Try them on!” All the girls were looking at me as I undressed. I felt embarrassed. More so than being naked in front of, at least, eight, completely, to me, strange men. I didn’t really know why but if I were to guess it was probably because I never really had been this close to a girl before. I certainly had never been naked in front of one before. When I took my skirt off I was a bit nervous when they would find out I had a penis, but no one even raised an eyebrow. Did they all have penises? I put on the dress which ended just below my butt. If I were to bend over when someone was behind me, they would see it all. I’m guessing that was the point though. When I put the dress on, Lisa gave a small squeal of approval “Man, you’re cute!”. I couldn’t help myself and a wide grin spread across my face. That was the first time a girl, who wasn’t my mother, have ever payed me a compliment. I put the high heels on and took a few steps forwards. It wasn’t pretty. Lisa contained a laugh “It’s harder than it looks isn’t it!”. I nodded. “But you’ll learn.” She said and gave me a kiss on my cheek. “Now follow me!”. She left the cafeteria and I stumbled after her.

We stepped in an elevator and as the doors closed she looked me in the eyes. “I’m sure Stephen have told you that we’re a brothel. It’s illegal to run a brothel in the UK but no one cares. Stephen is paying the entire police force in london for them to turn a blind eye. Quite a few of them are even clients. So at any time, a customer can order one of us girls, to his or hers room. The girl who is requested, then have to do exactly what the customer wants or she will be punished.” She frowned and said “Trust me. Doing whatever the customer wants, is going to be better than getting punished.” I nodded, a little scared. “But don’t worry” She continued and smiled, “they almost always just want a blowjob or a quick fuck”. The elevator stopped when the little lamp that showed what floor we were on hit ‘penthouse’.

The doors opened and we stepped into a extremely luxurious hotel room. An entire wall was made of glass, giving us an amazing view out over most of London. My jaw dropped as we stood there, looking at the view, for a while. “This is Stephen's room. He should be waiting for you behind those doors. I’ll be waiting right here.” She gave me a little kiss again and whispered in my ear, “I’m looking forward to get to know you better”. She winked and opened the doors leading to the bedroom.

Stephen was lying in a huge bed, naked. He smiled and told me to join him when I entered the room. I took all of my clothes off and climbed in bed with him. He began rubbing my body all over, squeezing my boobs. His dick was already rock solid. “You are so beautiful” He moaned as he slid a finger up my butt. He reached over to one of the bedside tables and picked up a bottle of lube. He smeared some on his dick and told me to sit down on it. I squatted above it for a second and then started to slowly lower my body onto him, impaling myself on his dick. He moaned loudly when I bottomed out. I started riding him, up and down, faster and faster. It didn’t take long for him to cum inside me. He grabbed me by my collar, pulled me down and gave me a kiss on my lips. My limp exhausted body couldn’t resist. I didn’t really find him attractive but I didn’t really mind it. It made me proud. He told me to get off him and put my clothes back on.

When I was wearing my clothes again, Stephen walked over to a big dresser with a bunch of drawers. I opened one and picked up a small black device of some sorts. It looked like a cellphone. He pressed a button on the side and a screen lit up, covering the entire front face of the device. He started tapping on the device’s screen and eventually pointed it towards me. “Give us a sexy pose.” He said. I froze for a second. How the hell do I pose sexy? I did some of the poses I did for Greg when he photographed me. Stephen chuckled. “I’m going to have to get some of the girls to teach you I guess. Just look at the camera as a big juicy dick”. I smiled at first, thinking he was joking, but then I saw it. He was holding the best looking dick I had ever seen. It was squirting cum everywhere. I licked my lips and stared at it. *CLICK* The dick disappeared and he was holding the black device again. “There it is!” He said in a triumphant tone. He handed me the device and I saw a photo of myself with a, if I could say so myself, really sexy look. I was staring straight into the camera, with lust in my eyes. I was hot! He told me to scroll down. When I did a list of information appeared on the screen.

Name: Lucy
Age: 16
Height: 5’5
Weight: 105lbs
Body: Slim
Boob size: B
Body hair: Shaved

“That is your personal pager. Keep it on you at all times, no exceptions! The money is transferred as soon as the customer makes his request so don’t let him or her down.” He looked at me with a stern look for a while but eventually said. “I think that is all for now. You can go and join Lisa outside.”

When I started walking I could feel some cum running down the inside of my leg. Lisa was sitting in a couch outside the bedroom. Her face lit up when I stepped through the doors. “Let me look at your pager.” She said and snatched it from my hands. “Daaaamn!” She exclaimed. “You look hot, girl!”. I laughed “Thank you.”. She smiled and brushed some hair from her face. Her smile turned into a surprised expression when the pager buzzed. “Oh already!?” She handed the pager back to me and on the display, there was nothing but a number. ‘302’. “Someone has requested you already” Lisa said. “Swipe to the side to see what he wants to do.” I swiped on the display and ‘Blowjob’ came up. I was relieved. This was something I was good at. “Come, I’ll show you where it is.” Lisa said.

We got back in the elevator and she explained, “See, the first number is the floor they’re on. The second two is the room number. So your client is on floor three, room two.” We arrived at floor three and walked up to the first door on the left. The one opposite it, on the right, had the number 1 on it. “I’m sure you will do great!” Lisa said as she knocked on the door. She quickly left and got back into the elevator. “I’ll be in the cafeteria, when you are done” She said and winked.

The door was opened by a handsome man in his 50s I would guess. He was only had a towel wrapped around the lower half of his body. He smiled when he saw me. “Come on in!” He said and took a step to the side. I stepped inside and he closed the door behind me. He held his hand out towards me and said “Hi, I’m Peter.”. I shook his hand and presented me as Lucy. He smiled “That’s a pretty name”. I smiled back. “Well should we just get right at it then?” He asked and dropped his towel. He had a beautiful, thick, uncut cock, with no pubic hair. “Could you take your clothes off?” He asked. He was being very polite. This wasn’t what I had expected when I had first learned, I was going to sell my body to earn money for another man. I smiled and said “Ofcourse.” I took them off and his dick almost instantly got hard. “Wow” He said under his breath. He walked over and sat down on his bed. I knelt in between his legs and rubbed his thighs with my hands.

I started by sucking on his nuts. He started moaning immediately. I worked myself up towards the head of his dick and put it in my mouth. I swallowed all of his dick down my throat and held it there for several seconds. He began moaning louder. “Oh my god” he said. “You’re amazing!”. This spurred me on. I started bobbing my head up and down faster, playing with his dick, with my tongue. After a little while he grabbed the back of my head and held it in place while he shot his cum down my throat. When he let go, I started cleaning his dick eagerly, swallowing any cum that I could find. I kept licking and sucking on his dick until it was completely limp again. “Allright” he laughed. “You can leave now”. He leaned back on his bed and watched me while I put the dress back on. “You were really good. I’m probably going to request you next time as well” He said and smiled. I thanked him and left the apartment.
I joined the others down in the cafeteria. Lisa ran up to me as soon as she saw me. “Sooo, how did it go?” She asked eagerly. “It was fine” I said. “I just sucked him off until he came. That was pretty much it.” She folded her arms and frowned at me. “You little tease” She said. “You are going to tell me E-VE-RY-THING!”. I smiled back at her. The truth was I didn’t want to do anything else but tell her everything. I just wanted to be with her. That’s when the pager buzzed again.
27/bisexual/f from Sweden :3

Check out my finally finished story: My new life as a girl

I don't do dares and I won't send you pictures.

Kik: AnnaWestin93
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