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Old 02-19-2010, 02:41 PM   #22
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Yeah, somehow I really wanna give up on a lot of things myself, like first, E.D's. Then, smoking. Fags, because a joint at some party, once in a while has never killed anyone. As long as it's not everyday, and worse, all alone, etc.

Plus I'd like to finish my novel, or at least the first part, start doing some exercise, like an hour a day or something, and lead a healthy life. Because I feel like my body is giving up on me and I don't like it, at all. When you want to do something, you feel like doing it, but your health stops you from doing it. uh!

So I'd say, I'm trying to get rid of my E.D's, and reducing my amount of cigs per day. =D

Anything you've ever wondered about Teeks? Ask there please

29 y.o | Female | Straight | France (GMT+1)

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