Thread: Fiction: My summer and beyond
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Old 08-18-2016, 04:39 AM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
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B]Chapter 2 - Home Alone[/B]

My parents had taken a well deserved holiday from work, and were taking the yacht up the coast on a sailing holiday. They left around 7am, well before I had woken up. Ellie had gone to stay with mom's parents for the weekend, so I had two blissful days of peace and quiet, to do whatever I wanted. Well, almost. I had tennis practice at the club at 10am, then Summer, one of my closest friends in my friendship group, was coming round for the afternoon. And then there was the fact that dad had arranged for an extension to be built to the outhouse by the beach, as if we needed more space, so the builders had already started work. In fact it was the sound of workmen shouting and swearing and heavy machinery in use that woke me up. I looked at my phone to check the time. 9am already?!

I stepped out onto my balcony to see what was happening. I had a lovely view from my room, about half of the view was obscured by palm trees in the garden, but the other half took in the jetty, the beach and the outhouse. The only thing spoiling the view today was the builders and their equipment. Dad had asked me to check that they weren't slacking off and make sure that they were looked after while they were working. I reluctantly pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt, tied my hair up in a ponytail and went downstairs and walked across to them.

'Morning!' I said, doing my best to sound cheery and awake.

'Hey, nice to see someone finally awake' one of the 4 guys said turning round, sniggering.

Asshole. I thought to myself. I smiled sweetly. I felt disgusting with my hair up, no make-up on, unshowered and wearing yesterday's clothes, but it didn't stop the workers eyeing me up, making no attempts to hide it.

'Do you need anything?' I asked, trying to be polite. 'Maybe a coffee?'

'Sure honey, a few coffees would be great' he said.

I went back inside the house, unable to shake the feeling that I was still having my butt ogled at.

I made the coffees, and one for myself, and took them out.

'Cheers love' said the man who seemed to be in charge of the group. I set the tray down on a table outside the outhouse and made polite conversation for a few minutes. I felt a mix of disgust and delight that the workmen were being so obviously distracted by me, but I guessed any woman could have provoked it. As I returned to the house, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of lewd sexual comments might be made about me.

Realizing that time was getting on, I ran back upstairs and gathered my tennis clothing and equipment. I drove to the club and changed into my gear in the locker room. By the time I got out on court, the sun was beating down. The weather forecast had been for 90 degrees today, and hitting with my coach it felt like it was approaching that already. We went through my warm up and then practiced my serve for a half an hour. Next was my daily fitness exercise, running from side to side, hitting forehands and backhands alternately. After 10 minutes, I was dripping with sweat.

'Take your shirt off if you want' my coach said, seeing my suffering. It was against the rules of the club to reveal too much skin, but no else was on court in this heat, and as my coach was a woman, I didn't mind stripping down to my sports bra.

'You've toned up haven't you Izzy?' she said as I pulled off my top.

She wasn't wrong, I had been focusing on my core lately, and my abs were looking particularly toned, accentuated by the sweat covering them. We continued for another 20 minutes, before we called it a day and returned to playing a set. When I was done, I was exhausted.

Back in the locker room, confident I was alone as no one else had been playing, I stripped down, glad to have my sweaty clothes off me. Usually I showered back home, but I was craving some relief and grabbed a towel from the table and walked into the showers.

I turned the shower on as cold as it would go and enjoyed the relief. Still panting from the hard session, I put my hands and head against the wall and let the cold water run down my back.

'Morning Isabelle!' a voice said suddenly. I jumped, stood up and looked at the entrance to the showers, where Holly, one of the other coaches was coming in. Holly was tall and lithe, with long limbs. I didn't know her age exactly, but I guessed she was in her late twenties.

'Oh hey Holly! Didn't see you on court!' I said, unsure whether to cover my modesty. I decided not to, Holly wasn't even looking. She was wearing her underwear, until she hung up her towel on a peg and unhooked her bra. I had never shared a shower with anyone before, and suddenly felt an uneasy feeling about etiquette. Should I make conversation? Holly then, with her back to me, hooked her thumbs into her underwear and pulled them straight off. I averted my eyes for a moment, keen to not be seen watching her.

'Yeah, my shower at home has stopped working so I'm showering here today! Good session?' she asked, turning on one of the showers.

'Yep, really good, although it's pretty hot out there' I answered, feeling awkward.

Holly began to wash her hair. I sneaked a look at her, knowing her eyes were shut. She was facing me, with her head tipped back, making no effort to cover up. She had small, but not non-existent breasts, and well-defined abs. As my eyes drifted lower, I realized for the first time that she had no pubes. I caught myself staring after what must have been too long. I blushed, scarcely believing I had just willingly looked a girl up and down in the shower. Now would be a good time to say, I'm certainly not a lesbian by any stretch. As I said, I had a boyfriend, and enjoyed my relationship with him. I had never liked a girl in that way before, or rather I had never thought about it. I did, however, find the female body attractive, which I guess is why I had been unable to stop myself looking at Holly. Holly on the other hand, barely looked at me in my nudity, or if she did it was while my back was turned.

Feeling ever more awkward, I vacated the shower and dried off, got re-dressed and went back home.

Sam - 26 / F / Bi / 32D / 5'10 / 130lbs
Josh - 26 / M / Straight / 6’2 / 180lbs

Likes: Masturbation control / Nudity / Truths / Shaving / Anal / Commando / Public / Flashing / Spanking / Squirting / Friends / Wedgies / Forced orgasms / Edging / Post orgasm torture

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