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Old 08-02-2016, 03:13 PM   #2
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Default Intimate Sleepover (chapter two)

Sorry again for the slow start, but thanks if your here reading this chapter.

Chapter Two


“Sooo... What do you guys wanna do?” Asked Mia.

“Let’s eat. I’m hungry.” Aya stated. As they walked sat down at the table and got the food out, Mia asked

“What do people want to drink?”

“How about this?” Said Alex, pulling a bottle of beer out from inside the fridge.

“Silly! We can’t drink that!”

“Why not?” Alex replied. A mischievous smile spreading across her face, Mia divided the bottle into six drinks, setting one aside for Colette.

“And everyone better drink it!” She added.

Once their meal was over, and the dishes cleaned, they all walked back into the living room, all slightly wobbly.

“How about a game of truth or…” Pariya started to say, but interrupted by the doorbell. Mia went to the door and opened it, and Colette stepped in. She was holding a backpack and was wearing a tight red dress.

“Hey guys. Hope I’m not too late.” Colette said.

“Oh no, not at all, we just finished eating.”
“Cool. So what’s happening next?”

“I was just suggesting we start a game of truth or dare.” Pariya chimed in.

“You guys know me well enough to realize what my opinion on that is.” Colette said. Mia laughed as she picked up the glass and gave it to her.

“First you have to drink this. Oh, and as a punishment for being so late, I’ll give you the rest of the bottle.”

Half the girls then went and pushed the coffee table back to the end of the room, and the others pushed the couch back the opposite way. Now with a big open space, they sat down in a circle. Mia nervously glanced around the room and took in each person. They were all so lovely. Pariya, with her tank top and tight pants, Aya, wearing her beautiful blue skirt and purple blouse, and Colette, oh how Mia wished her body was like Colette’s. Mia’s eyes started at her large round breasts, and as their outline blended into her perfectly shaped curves, Mia’s eyes continued down to her tight ass and luscious long legs.

Mia’s envious thoughts were disturbed by a loud knocking on the stairwell. Her Dad was walking down and began to say “It’s about 10:00, so I think I’m gonna turn in for the night and continue working in my room. You girls have fun, and get some sleep while your at it.”

As he turned around and headed back up, everyone shouted “Goodnight!” To him and focused back on their game.

“So. Who wants to go first?” Pariya pressed.

Raising her hands, Aya said “Ooh! I will. Mia- truth or dare?”

Sticking to the careful side, Mia answered “Truth?”

“Umm… Oh I know! Do you shave your legs?”

A little confused and disappointed, Mia said “Um. Ya? Almost everyone does.”


“Anyways. Yvonne- Truth or dare.

“Truth I guess.”

“Who’s your lesbian crush?”

“Umm… You?” Yvonne mumbled. Surprised, Mia sat back and relaxed a little more. “Pariya, truth or dare?”


“Umm. Describe the last time you uh, masturbated. Oh ya and if you have never masturbated, describe how your first orgasm would go down if it had to be tonight.”

“Well… My family is very religious. So I have never actually masturbated before… but if it had to happen tonight, I would be naked and tied to the floor while everyone except Colette pees on me, who would be the one doing the rubbing.” Pariya stated. After a little pause and noticing some people’s faces she said “Well this is kinda awkward so Alex, truth or dare?”

“How about a truth?”

“Ok… Explain your favorite recent masturbation session as detailed as physically possible.” Demanded Pariya.

“If you say so. But just as a warning- it might get most of your pants dripping wet.”

“Oh stop bragging” Colette teased.

“I’m just saying. If we need to get some rags for the floor, let’s do it now. Ok well I normally find doing right before bed the most relax- Oh yeah, if anyone feels the need to start rubbing their own clit, go ahead, perfectly fine, I won’t mind.”

“Stop stalling!” Pariya complained.

“Ok fine! My ultimate favorite orgasm I ever had was two months ago. My parents were out of town and I had just gone off to bed. I normally close and lock my door, to make sure no one came in. But this time I was feeling really risky, so I left it open. I then got naked, but duck taped my dirty panties into my mouth. The feeling of insecurity was growing as I stood in front of my door. Then I felt the first drop slip down my legs and fall to the ground. It had only been a matter of seconds, and I was already dripping!

Shivering with excitement, I went to my closet and pulled out my secret basket. Taking off the basket’s disguise, I pulled out a pair of nipple clamps, and put them on. I then reached for my anal toy, which is basically a stick that you insert, which then starts extending and bringing back the top. All geared up, I felt the risk rising, and walked to my brothers closed door. Coming up with a scary idea, I left a note just outside his door that said: ‘come to my room.’

When I got back to my room, I opened my computer and searched up some BDSM porn. The video had a hot chick being tortured by multiple guys. Near the end, I saw my brother, standing in the hallway, staring. Then I completely lost control and squirted on my bed.” As Alex finished, she looked up, and realized her own pants were damp. Ignoring her akward situation she said “Colette, truth or dare?”
19 Male.
Likes writing and browsing.
So ya.

Last edited by Eragon504; 08-02-2016 at 03:23 PM.
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