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Old 07-31-2016, 03:17 AM   #15
Isabellakim50's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Australia
Posts: 56

Have you ever peed in your underwear/clothes? Ehh not really. I can sort of hold my bladder pretty well..I think (Don't quote me for this)
If so, when was the last time you peed yourself? ^
If so, what were you wearing when you peed yourself? ^

Would you ever do it for a dare? I don't mind, Hahah

Do you ever wait so long for the toilet you think you won't make it? Yeah, there was once, During a meeting. If you were wondering, I got to the toilet just in time.

In a toilet queue, would you rather pee yourself fully clothed, or pull your clothes up/down and expose yourself to pee? Wow, this one is hard. Hmmm I think I would expose myself..its the toilet anyways :x Right...? But I've never been in such situation. (If I see a long queue, I'll look for another toilet)

Have you ever worn an outfit that was difficult to take off when you needed a pee? Yeap, During a dinner event.
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