Thread: Non-Fiction: Omegle Punishment
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Old 07-09-2016, 10:21 AM   #7
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 18

You: ya i think i can keep holding it til whenever lol
You: it isnt really going anywhere
Stranger: lol, okay then
Stranger: play around with it some more
Stranger: just laying in your bed
You: ok
You: sorry, i wish i had that turkey baster for ya
You: not sure where it went
Stranger: lol you don't have like a medicine dropper type syringe thing?
You: Oh
You: That I am almost certain I have but....its upstairs in my moms
You: wait lemme check my bathroom (pretty sure its not there)
You: wait no
You: i found it
You: lol says "for oral use only" on it
Stranger: lol
Stranger: it is about to get some anal use
You: lol
Stranger: okay, go into the bathroom for this
You: idea how this works lol
Stranger: i know, i will walk you through it
Stranger: let me know when you're in the bathroom
You: this isnt going to hurt a ton right?
You: im here
Stranger: no it shouldn't
Stranger: okay put some water in the syringe and take your panties and shorts off
You: Ok...
Stranger: let me know when done
Stranger: show me the syringe so I know how big it is
You: sent, and ok its filled, and my pantise are off
You: panties*
Stranger: okay, now stick just the small part of that into your butt hole and slowly push the water in
You: o_O okay...
Stranger: yeah
You: ok done
You: thats really weird
You: ow
You: its like cramping
Stranger: yeah, it will make you feel like diarrhea
Stranger: how does it feel now?
You: cramping
You: this little bit of water makes me have diarrhea? lol
Stranger: no, not this little bit, once you have more it will feel like that
Stranger: put another one in
You: ok...
You: this supposed to be a certain temp or no?
You: i have it like kinda cold
You: ok putting it in.
Stranger: luke warm to warm is best
You: oh
You: is cold okay? bc i just did it twice with cold now lol
Stranger: yeah its fine, it just won't be as comfortable
Stranger: how does it feel now?
You: turning the water to warm
You: still feels weird, little painful but not bad at all, just weird
Stranger: okay, go ahead and put like 2 more in with warm water then
You: ok got a cup of warm water now lol
Stranger: yeah, how big is the cup?
You: Nah i mean a cup to pull the water from lol
You: its just a little bathroom cup
Stranger: you might could put the whole cup in your
You: o_O
You: ok lemme put 1 warm in
Stranger: okay
You: ok that wasnt warm. lmao
You: hold on
Stranger: lol
You: oh ok i guess it is
You: maybe its just colder up my bum lol
You: u said 2 more right?
You: well, 1 more now*
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: you could probably put the whole cup and be fine
You: u sure?
You: btw um, how am i getting this water out later? lol
Stranger: you're going to poop it out
Stranger: squirt might be a better word
You: err ok lol
You: so i should keep going?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: how is it feeling? making you need to poop worse?
You: not really
You: just making me feel kinda...full? lol
Stranger: okay lol
You: 6th done
You: is it ok that some of it is dropping onto the towel?
You: like while i push it in?
Stranger: yeah thats fine, as long as you know some of it is going inside
You: most of it is, im sure lol
Stranger: okay lol
You: 8 done
Stranger: how does it feel?
You: still the same kinda
You: little cramping and full
You: think the cup has like 3 left
Stranger: okay go ahead and finish it
You: btw is there like a specific position i should be in? lol
Stranger: no? what position are you in? haah
You: im just like standing and bending a little bit over lol
Stranger: haha usually its done laying on your back with your legs up a bit
Stranger: but whatever works for you
You: oh
You: ok ill try that
You: Ok, done with the cup
You: this is called an enema right? i just looked it up lol
Stranger: yeah it is
You: ok what? lol
Stranger: well... how does it feel?
Stranger: need to poop bad?
You: not really. lol
You: again just feels full
You: ow and a little cramping
Stranger: okay haha
Stranger: in a minute you can poop
You: Ok.
You: I thought enemas were supposed to hurt a lot more lol
Stranger: lol usually you use A LOT more water
You: ahhhh
You: but u dont think i should?
Stranger: you can
Stranger: but idk how big that cup was you put in
Stranger: show me the cup
You: It was like one of the 3oz dixie cups lol
Stranger: oh then you can do like 3-4 of those probs
Stranger: really once it starts getting super uncomfortable for you is when you should stop
You: Okay
You: im warming up the water for real this time lol
Stranger: okay
Stranger: let me know how it is going
Stranger: maybe it is weird to say, but I bet you have a cute butt hole haha
You: Lmao
Stranger: too bad I can't see it l
You: wow the warm is much more comfortable lol
Stranger: oh yeah
You: almost done with cup #2, feeling a little uncomfortable
Stranger: hmm nice
You: Ok cup #2 done
You: should i wait before cup 3 or no?
Stranger: no you don't have to
You: ok
You: btw im gonna be fine to sleep right? lol
Stranger: yeah haha
Stranger: you will get this all out of you
You: ok good
Stranger: yeah, how comes the 3rd cup?
Stranger: do you need to pee any again? its been a while haha
You: halfway done
You: no im ok
Stranger: okay
Stranger: let me know when you've finished that cu p
You: Ok finished.
Stranger: how do you feel?
You: full
You: weird
Stranger: is you tummy bloated?
You: a little bit
Stranger: wish i could see
You: lol
Stranger: well so do you enjoy the enema?
You: Enjoy? not sure lol
You: just feels kinda strange
Stranger: haha, feels like you need to poop doesn't it?
You: a little
You: but tbh, i needed to poop more before we started this lol
Stranger: that is true lol
Stranger: would you be comfortable videoing something if it doesn't show your body or anything else except the toilet? lol
You: ummm what did u have in mind
Stranger: video of you pooping
You: lol i have no idea how i would capture that
You: oooo ok im feeling it a little more
Stranger: video on your phone sorta on the toilet with your legs spread apart and the phone pointed down into the toilet through your crotch. should be easy enough to frame so that I can't see anythign you don't want me to
You: tbh, ive tried that before, and it fell into the toilet lmfaooo
Stranger: lol, well don't drop it?
You: lol
You: umm im sorry i would rather not
Stranger: darn please? haha
Stranger: if not a picture will do
You: a picture of...?
Stranger: what about audio and a picuter. audio can just be video with your finger over the camera?
Stranger: a picture of your poop in the toiler
You: oh, ummmm i can try lol
Stranger: please lol
You: ill try when i go
You: so when should i start really feeling like i need to go?
Stranger: it may or may not ever happen lol
Stranger: is it getting worse or no?
You: not particularly.
Stranger: then you can just go ahead and try to go
Stranger: remember kik limits videos to 30 sec
You: ok, quick question first tho
You: i thought enemas were supposed to have something in the water with it?
Stranger: they can yeah
Stranger: lots of different types of enemas
You: does just plain water work best...?
Stranger: depends on what you're trying to do
Stranger: for fun time, yeah
You: lol
Stranger: if you're actually constipated, they sell stuff that really liquifies your poop
You: ehh, how about stuff that just makes u really feel the need to go?
Stranger: not sure, probably just more water
Stranger: why? do you want to be that way?
You: kinda lol
You: i kinda want to try to do what i did with the pee earlier
Stranger: well then, you can put another cup of water and see what that does, otherwise you might just have to try and coordinate it with when you actually need to poop
Stranger: and you said the pee stuff was painful but now you want to try this
You: well now im exploring :P
Stranger: ooo
Stranger: well I would like to help you explore
Stranger: guide you some maybe
You: lol
Stranger: yeah, so go ahead and do a 4th cup then
You: Okay.
You: just waiting for it to warm up lol
Stranger: lol okay
Stranger: what time is it where you are?
You: like 2am lol
You: ok its warmed up, just water right?
Stranger: yeah just water
You: sorry it takes a wicked long time with this little thing lol
Stranger: yeah lol, too bad you didn't have anything smaller
Stranger: bigger*
Stranger: how goes it?
You: halfway gone
Stranger: okay
Stranger: how are you feeling?
You: same
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: how often do you usually poop?
You: like 1-2 times a day
Stranger: okay, well if this 4th cup doesn't work, then we will have to try something tomorrow maybe?
You: Ok, u dont think adding anything to it would help
You: ?
Stranger: not at this point. I don't think there is anything you can add to it that isn't like medicine you would have to get at the store
Stranger: but if you need to poop 1-2 times a day then there should be plenty of opportunities if I simply restrict your pooping rights tomorrow
Stranger: are you free all day or?
You: Um
You: kinda, not really
You: i need to pack up my entire room tomorrow lol
You: But we may be able to work it out
Stranger: lol okay well I have my kik all of the time
Stranger: how is your 4th cup going?
You: just curious, what would salt do?
You: almost gone
Stranger: I don't know
Stranger: i'll look it up
You: 4th cup is done
Stranger: okay, how do you feel?
You: More full, my stomach hurts a lil bit
Stranger: okay, try massasging your stomach and intestine area sorta massasing in a downward direction torward your butt hole
Stranger: how is it?
You: Well, i just cummed. lol
Stranger: oh you did? what caused that? lol
You: No idea. lmfao
Stranger: you weren't rubbing yourself?
You: ok im just gonna try to empty this, i gotta head to shower and bed.
Stranger: how do you know you came? haha
You: Maybe I was. :P
Stranger: okay can you do the audio and pic?
Stranger: i bet you were
You: ok well i think all the water came out.
Stranger: thats good, what about the poop?
You: Nothing yet. lol
Stranger: lol did you get any audio for me?
You: yes :P
Stranger: yay
Stranger: can't wait to hear it
Stranger: maybe some more once the actual poop comes
You: ow my butt is hurting now lol
Stranger: haha big poop?
You: no, just pushing so much
Stranger: oh haha
Stranger: something tells me you liked this poop stuff more than the pee stuff lol
You: well this was much easier...
You: just took longer lol
Stranger: lol
You: and hurt a lot less
Stranger: understandable
Stranger: how goes it?
You: Just rtying to push it out lol
You: gimmie a few mins
Stranger: lol okay
You: ok not sure im gonna do this again lol
Stranger: the enema stuff?
You: ya
Stranger: whats wrong?
You: just stomach is hurting
You: and i dont want to do something that could be potentially dangerous bc i didnt do something right in the future lol
Stranger: yeah that tends to happen. it will go away quick. and fair enough haha. just normal water isn't that dangerous but yeah, better just holding plain ole poop
Stranger: have you pooped any yet>
You: a little bit, but not what I had felt before lol
Stranger: lol it might come in a bit
You: Is it dangerous at all to go to sleep without knowing if its completely gone?
Stranger: no, the water will get absorbed by your intenstives and filtered by your kidneys into your bladder. So the oly side effect might be waking up in the night to poop or pee
You: ok
Stranger: yeah, done trying to poop for now?
You: im still trying, think im gonna shower and then try again
You: then go to bed
Stranger: that should be good
Stranger: can you send me the audio and pic before you get in the shower?
You: oh ya
Stranger: thanks haha
You: ow ok ya its still in my butt lol
Stranger: lol, i bet you get it out after your shower
You: ok i hope
You: sent
Stranger: got it
Stranger: looks like mostly water this time haha
You: ya
Stranger: well if you do end up pooping after the shower feel free to send it to me
Stranger: but i am getting off omegle
Stranger: you can always reach me on kik and skype tho
You: Okayy
You: So u are sure im gonna be fine right?
Stranger: yea i am sure
You: Ok, sry just little scared haha
Stranger: you might be a little sore or have some cramps like an upset stomach, but you'll be fine by when you wake up
Stranger: its okay haha
You: Okay
You: thanks
Stranger: youre welcome
Stranger: kik me if you need me
Stranger: bye on here
You: Okay
You: seeya
Stranger has disconnected.
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