Thread: Non-Fiction: Omegle Punishment
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Old 07-09-2016, 10:19 AM   #5
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Default Pee/Poop Holding

Another episode of my omegle adventures! As always, I am NOT actually a girl, but I DID actually do everything the other person said to do, and no, it was not pleasant...

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like dares.
Stranger: hey
You: Heyy
Stranger: how are you?
You: Very bad
Stranger: uh oh, how come?
You: I've just been a very bad girl today
Stranger: oh have you?
You: Yes I have
Stranger: what have you done?
You: I cursed at my mommy today and she's really upset
Stranger: uh oh, thats not good
You: Nope I feel really bad
Stranger: aww
You: I think I might need to be punished because i've been bad
Stranger: I think you need to be punished too
Stranger: do you have a kik?
You: Yes, but do u mind if we chat here for awhile? much easier to type
Stranger: sure, can I go ahead and have it though in case we get connected?
Stranger: mine is [REDACTED]
You: Sure, ill chat u
Stranger: okay, but like you said we will stay on here for now
Stranger: what sort of punishment you think is in store?
You: Right
You: Maybe a spanking?
Stranger: hmm, I think that is a good start, but I was thinking something a little more long term. cursing at mommy is pretty bad
You: Okay, what were you thinking?
You: Btw if u want, u can call me baby girl, thats what my parents always call me
Stranger: well, baby girl, I think you're not going to be allowed to use the bathroom for a while. Maybe feeling the constant discomfort of needing to use the bathroom will remind you to never curse at mommy again
You: Ok, I can do that
Stranger: okay, good girl. Do you need to go to the bathroom any right now?
You: a little
Stranger: pee pee or poopy?
You: pee
Stranger: okay, well you're not going to be allowed to use the bathroom without my permission
Stranger: so you better get used to it
You: ok
Stranger: also, I think to help you out some, you should have some to drink.
Stranger: to determine the amount, what was the curse word used?
You: b**h
Stranger: so 5 letters?
You: yeah, sry lol
You: b***h
Stranger: well then, that is 5 cups of water you're going to have to drink. Drink one every 15 minutes.
You: thats a lot of water
You: ok, let me get a cup now
Stranger: send me a picture of the cup on my kik. I'll make sure it isn't too big. If it is I'll have you drink less cups.
You: sent
Stranger: yep, that is the perfect size
Stranger: start drinking now, I'll time you 15 minutes
You: Ok just drank it
Stranger: if 0 is no need to pee, 5 is when you would normally go, and 10 is accident. tell me what you are at now baby girl
You: like 1ish
Stranger: okay
Stranger: good. I think this will be a sufficient punishment for you
Stranger: have you ever held your pee before baby girl?
You: Not like this
Stranger: okay, good
Stranger: what baby girl?
You: this is just gonna be boring waiting foreverrr
Stranger: well, we can do plenty while you wait
Stranger: how long can you usually hold it for?
You: umm idk actually lol
You: i havent had an accident in years lol
Stranger: lol, well there has to have been some times were you needed to go really badly, and started to worry you might have an accident?
You: Ummm never pee, i've almost pooped plenty of times lol...
You: too many long road trips hahaha
Stranger: oh haha, so you have more trouble holding poop than pee?
Stranger: how come?
You: ya i guess haha
You: Idk, always had a somewhat weak stomach
Stranger: me too. I have IBS so yeah, I know how the whole 2 minute warning to crapping yourself goes
You: hahahaha gotchaa
Stranger: yeah, maybe to kick start the process you should go head and have 2 more glasses?
You: err...ok
Stranger: don't fill your stomach up too much
Stranger: is that too much baby girl?
You: Umm, it should be ok i think
Stranger: well just drink 1 more for now and let me know how you feel
Stranger: I would hate to upset that weak stomach while you're not allowed to use the bathroom
You: thank u
You: brb
Stranger: okay
You: Ugh il be back in a couple, sry!!
Stranger: its okay, i'm not going anywhere
Stranger: your 15 minutes is up as well
You: Sorry!!! i'm back now
Stranger: yyay
You: Ok so drink my third cup?
Stranger: yep
You: okk
Stranger: do you need to pee any worse now baby girl?
You: Yea im at like a 3.5 ish
Stranger: okay whats the worst /10 you can remember being ?
You: In my entire life??
Stranger: well, just that you can remember lol
You: lol ummm
You: Probably like an 8 or 9
Stranger: haha, any story associated with that?
You: I dont remember much of the details lol, but I was like 10 i think and we were coming home from six flags, and i decided it would be a great idea to drink 2 cokes and not go to the bathroom lol
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i have a small bladder so any road trip is difficult for me
You: Haha i understand that
You: plus my dad is the type of driver who doesn't like to stop for any reason unless its like over 5 hours
Stranger: oh god
Stranger: i would need a dia per or cup
Stranger: lol
You: lmao im so sorry, that must suck
Stranger: eh, i get by i guess, but yeah. small bladder combined with easily upsetable stomach is difficult sometimes
Stranger: so then whats the closest you've ever come to pooping yourself?
You: How about actually doing it? lol
Stranger: oh lol, story time
You: lol
You: Well, this was when I was like, maybe 7???
You: Not at all.....lmao
You: God i cant believe I can laugh at the now
You: was so terrible
Stranger: i can imagine
Stranger: i've never done it. I don't know how, considering how often it almost happens, but I did have a friend who did it once.
You: eww its the absolute worst
Stranger: yeah, we were on the trails for a run at running camp, and there wasn't anywhere to go, not even in the woods because the trail was winding up the side of this mountain. So he ended up pooping his pants. It was terrible, felt so bad for him because like 200+ people saw and smelled it
Stranger: what sort of punishments are you into? or just whatever I want you to do?
You: Oh my god thats so embaressing...
You: Well I may do whatever you want, I usually get spankings and sometimes wedgies
Stranger: well, I can be more creative that that haha
You: btw im at like a 5 now
Stranger: oh are you? filling kinda fast then
You: Oh and I need to go eat dinner in like 20 minutes
Stranger: hmm... think you can hold it through dinner?
You: Ummmm
You: not sure
You: im eating with my mom so she might know something is up
Stranger: hmm, well, i could let you go now, and then we could continue after dinner. that way you would be pretty full after dinner is over
You: That could work
You: i still have like 20ish minutes until then though
Stranger: yep... i will make a decision on that as time to dinner gets closer
Stranger: for now, it is time for another cup of water
You: ugh ok
Stranger: you don't have to if you really don't want to or if your stomach is full
You: no its ok
Stranger: you sure?
You: ya
You: just filled it, here we go haha
Stranger: haha good, you're being a good baby girl
You: ok drank it, and thank you
Stranger: so just so you have time to think about it. if I decide you get to pee before dinner... it won't be in the bathroom. you'll just have to go somewhere else. Unless that is absolutely impossible for you
You: Ummm, it'll probably be impossible...we're kinda selling the house right
Stranger: lol okay, well you could go into a cup?
You: Um, I would...but my mom is in hte kitchen cooking now and i cant really get one lol
You: Maybe i could just go in the bathroom for now, and maybe something else later
You: btw im at like a 6/7 now, stomach hurting a lil bit
Stranger: okay bathroom for now is fine. Bring a lager cup with you after dinner. And since your stomach is hurting, no more water for a bit.
Stranger: when you go pee in the toilet will you show me a picture or video of it?
You: Um,, of the toilet with pee in it? lol
Stranger: yeah lol
You: Yeah sure np
You: got 10 mins left
You: Nevermind, 5 mins lol
You: she just called down :P
Stranger: okay, and yeah. well, then I think you get to pee, because you're filling really fast and I don't want you to not make it through dinner
Stranger: how long is dinner anyways?
You: Um maybe 20 ish minutes?
You: 20-25 i'd say
You: cant promise anything tbh lol, mom is weird
Stranger: okay. then yeah, go pee before and you should be able to hold it through dinner
Stranger: I understand that haha
You: :P
You: Ok, brb lol
Stranger: okay
You: Heyy just finsihed up dinner
You: Sorry that took up longer than I expected lol
Stranger: lol its fine
Stranger: how are you doing?
You: Okayish lol
Stranger: what does that mean?
You: lol, need to pee and poop :P
Stranger: uh oh. how badly?
You: Um, pee like, 6, poop like 4
You: out of 10 lol
Stranger: okay haha. well, you're not allowed to use the bathroom
You: Great...
You: Had quesadilla and apple juice lol
Stranger: its you're punishment. you get to deal with the discomfort. sounds good lol. Apple juice makes me need to pee, probably will have the same affect on you
You: Ya i think so lol
Stranger: lol... did you manage to get a container?
You: well i got like a cup, i can send u a pic, wasnt exactly sure what u wanted
Stranger: yeah send me a pic
Stranger: that cup is good
You: ok good
Stranger: not sure what you can do about your need to poop though... just keep me updated on that
You: ok lol i will
Stranger: do you think it will get bad fast? or that you'll be good?
You: Um depends haha, ill let u know if i really really need to go
Stranger: okay lol, anywhere besides the bathroom you could do that?
You: Um.........what were u thinking? lol
Stranger: idk, for poop it would just have to be like a plastic bag or something. maybe a garbage sack or grocery sack
You: Um probably not, only because it would smell like hell and my mom would DEF smell it lol
You: Sorry i'm not very "exotic" when it comes to how i use the bathroom lol
Stranger: okay, well then for now, just hold it lol. and its okay
You: okay, thx
Stranger: so omegle is nice to type on, but sooner or later we will get disconnected and not be able to get reconnected lol. I do have a skype chat if we ended up needing to use that
You: Ok, well if that happens, I can give u my skype over kik later
Stranger: sounds like a plan. I just wanted to let you know I do have one
You: Ok cool
Stranger: so, can you tell me what you're wearing baby girl?
You: Just a t-shirt, some white panties and matching bra, and shorts
You: I'm comfy haha
Stranger: sounds nice i like girls in comfy clothes
Stranger: hopefully those white panties will stay white
You: Haha... ha.... (worried look)
Stranger: lol what is there to e worried about?
You: Them...not staying white.... lol
Stranger: lol... well if you hold everything in, that won't be a problem
You: Haha i'm trying
Stranger: haha, you shoulnd't be having to try that hard yet
You: Im not trying too hard yet, but the feeling is still there
Stranger: okay
Stranger: have you ever done anything with your nipples?
You: Umm i've pinched them before I guess lol
Stranger: lol yeah thats what I mean, ever put clamps on them?
You: Err no, dont have any
Stranger: well, chip clips or clothes pins always work too?
Stranger: but it depends on if your nipples are "clampable" haha
You: Tbh, i dont have either of those lmao, like i said we're selling the house so a lot of stuff is packed/gone
Stranger: lol thats fine. Just wondering
You: ok
Stranger: your fingers will have to do then
You: Yay lol
Stranger: hehe what do you think about that?
You: ummmm not sure yet, little scared
Stranger: aww baby girl, don't be scared, just nervous or anxious
You: ok nervous i guess then
Stranger: okay
Stranger: so, while we wait. how about you tell me a secret?
You: err ok, what do u want to know?
Stranger: doesn't matter, you pick the secret
You: Ummmm i really don't know lol, i'm sorry, i just dont think i have any secrets lol
Stranger: lol, well then how about the naughtiest thing you've ever done
You: Hmmmmm im thinkin
You: Im so sorry, i really am drawing a blank right now for some reason
Stranger: haha, its okay
Stranger: i'll wait
Stranger: but while you think, what /10 are you pee and poop?
You: Like, 6/10 pee & 4/10 poop
Stranger: hasn't changed then. how full is your stomach?
You: Its ok, dont think i want to eat anything more lol
Stranger: lol, what about drink?
You: Well do I want more to drink, not really, but I could drink more
You: Im still trying to think of the naughtiest thing lol, ummm do u mean like sexually or just in general?
Stranger: okay then drink another cup of water
Stranger: and go ahead and do both haha
You: k 1sec
Stranger: okay
You: ok just drank it, after i got up from laying down I went from 6/10 to 7/10 tho lol
Stranger: okay
You: Ummm (ok this is gonna sound stupid sorry), in general tho...i've gone like a week before taking a shower once
Stranger: as your bladder begins to get fuller, let me know if you see it swelling out any
Stranger: hmm, okay, how come?
You: I was at a sleepaway camp and I used to be kinda selfconcious lol, so i just didnt shower for the week
You: and okay lol
Stranger: okay lol, and yeah do you think it will swell?
You: ummm i dont think so? but idk, ive never really noticed lol
Stranger: lol, well tonight I want you to pay attention
You: lol
You: ok moving up to a 8/10...
Stranger: could you show me what that area looks like now without being swollen? Like your bladder/lower stomach area. So later on I could see the difference
You: Um...i'd rather not send u that one....
Stranger: okay thats fine
You: sry
Stranger: its okay lol
Stranger: so what is a 8/10? how does that compare to normal day to day needing to pee
You: Like I normally would have gone already at this point
You: normally i pee at like a 6
You: or maybe 7 if im busy
You: 8 is more of a distraction, but its manageable i think lol
Stranger: hmm, well since you can't ever remember having an accident, you might not be as accurate about how long you can hold it haha, but maybe you are, we will see
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I guess your bladder is more or less overshadowing your need to poop?
You: Yeah, that has kinda taken a backseat
You: Btw this is soooo not what i imagined lol
Stranger: haha, what do you mean?
You: Well i've never been punished like
You: like I said, i'm usually just spanked
Stranger: hmm. well I can do spanking stuff too. But I think this is more fun, personally. What do you think so far?
You: I think it's very uncomfortable...
Stranger: well thats sorta the point... it is a punishment haha
You: lol i know.
Stranger: so then what do you think about it as a punishment?
You: Idk its a really weird feeling
You: It's also really different, usually im in physical pain, not in...this kind of pain lol
Stranger: lol if this isn't physical then what is it?
You: Well i mean it is, but its different lol
Stranger: do you need to go worse than you can remember needing to go before yet?
You: probably about the same as the worst time...
Stranger: what time would that be?
You: nothing super specific, just a long freakin car ride without a rest stop anywhere nearby lol
You: U know like when u are on the highway and sometimes there isnt an exit for like 30 miles?
Stranger: yeah, that is terrible
Stranger: I have contemplated peeing in a bottle before
You: that just sounds awful hearing about it...
You: Ok now the need to pee is getting distracting...
Stranger: good
You: ugh no not good lol
Stranger: now it is really starting to turn into a punishment
You: ughh lol
Stranger: lol if it makes tou feel any better, i'm holding along with you
You: awww but are u drinking along with me?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: I'm probably aa 7-8/10
You: ok so u are about the same as me, but are u actively trying to hold it yet? ll
You: lol
Stranger: yeah sorta
Stranger: you?
Stranger: are you having to do anything to hold yourself?
You: yes definetely
You: im just crossing my legs tight
Stranger: hmm, could you show me?
You: ummm
You: I'm really sorry, i know u want to see me but im just really uncomfortable with it
Stranger: its okay, i understand. maybe some other time when you're more comfortable. I just like the pictures because it makes it feel more like I am there with you
Stranger: I never want identifying information in the pictures
You: Ok, maybe some other time, i'm just not comfortable yet
You: Well, especailly not comfortable right
Stranger: thats fine, I hope we are able to do these sorts of things again
Stranger: and haha i know
Stranger: what out of 10?
Stranger: are you a leaker?
You: 8.5
You: sometimes
You: not usually
Stranger: okay haha, let me know if youleak tonight
You: well i would prefer to go to the bathroom before then!!!
You: ok im at a 9 now
You: this is getting really hard
Stranger: the bathroom isn't allowed remember baby girl
You: until when??
Stranger: until i say so
You: okkkkkk
Stranger: I am going to push you pretty hard
You: D:
You: Ok well i am definitely at a 9, pushing a 9.5, its starting to cramp
Stranger: good
Stranger: describe to me how it feels
You: My bladder has like this little sharp pain
You: and my heart is racing a little faster, and im starting to get really hot
Stranger: you're getting really really desperate then
You: ok no im at a 10, i cant hold this much longer
Stranger: is your bladder swollen out any?
You: i think so
Stranger: thats nice
Stranger: might want to have that cup handy
You: i have it, but im going to easily fill it
Stranger: perhaps take your shorts off, leave panties on for now
You: ok
Stranger: does taking your shorts off make any difference?
You: actually yes
You: im probably down to a 9 again
You: still painful though
You: like a little pin is being pressed into me down there really slowly
Stranger: can i ask pretty pretty pretty please to see your bladder bulge? lol its my fav. but if not okay. and good, think about that pain and how you won't curse your mom again
You: im really sorry i really really dont want to send u that
You: but it really hurts and i promise i wont curse at my mommy again, it was an accident
Stranger: okay, well keep holding it still
You: owww ok now its like a really sharp pain
You: owwwww god
You: ok ok ok i cant last here much longer!!!
Stranger: any leaks?
You: err no
You: if i relaxed a tiny bit i would though...
Stranger: would you make a small leak in your panties and then remove them and take a picture of the leak on them for me
Stranger: itll give you a chance to let off some pressure
You: im afraid if I do that, i wont be able to stop lol
Stranger: oh you'll be able to stop. don't push any out, just relax and let a little come out, then shove your hand on it to stop it
Stranger: if for some reason you can't stop then use the cup, but you really should stop
You: ughhh ok ill try
Stranger: thanks baby girl
Stranger: how goes it?
You: its not working!!!
You: I havent peed in my undies since i was a little kid so i like literally can't force it out
Stranger: then good, it should keep you holding
You: ughhh yes but it will also keep me in pain
You: i see what u mean now about this being physical pain too
Stranger: mmhmm
Stranger: would you like to remove your panties?
You: nooo if i do that I may pee
You: and im laying on my bed so i REALLY can't do that
Stranger: okay, well that might not be the best place to be with a bladder so full
Stranger: you have the cup handy?
You: lol
You: yes i do
Stranger: good
Stranger: i imagine you're not letting it out of your sight
You: its laying right next to me
Stranger: so this is by far the worst you've ever needed to go?
You: Yes it definetly is, pee wise anyway
Stranger: poop still a 4?
You: ya poop idc about right now, thats the least of my concerns lol
Stranger: try spreading your legs and pressing on your bladder 3 times. see if that gives you a leak in those nice white panties
You: omg noooo
Stranger: do it
You: do i have to????
Stranger: yes
You: ughh fine let me atleast get off my bed
You: is it okay if i lay on a towel?
Stranger: yep thats fine, if you leak any, take the panties off and show me them and whatever wetspot might be on the towel
You: ok no that didnt make me leak
You: made it hurt more though
Stranger: how do you feel about that?
You: how do u think?!?! in pain!!
Stranger: yes, but do you like it?
You: NO!
You: like im usually ok with pain, but this is really really really uncomfortable
Stranger: hmm... too much for you?
You: Yes!!! it really hurts!!
You: Like it's like a burning pain!!
Stranger: well, if you want to, you can pee in the cup now. or you can keep seeing how long you can hold it
You: Its up to u i guess, i did say i would do what u said before
Stranger: well i want you to keep holding, but I don't want to make you do something that will make you not want to play with me again
You: oh, no i will play with u again maybe, u've been really nice
Stranger: okay,so are you keeping holding or peeing in the cup?
You: I guess im keeping holding bc thats what u want
Stranger: okay
Stranger: what time is it there?
You: 10:22p
Stranger: you can pee in the cup at 10:30
You: thank u <3 <3 <3 <3
You: this is gonna be the slowest 7 minutes in the world i can tell lol
Stranger: oh yeah it will be
Stranger: and show me the pee in the cup once youre done.
Stranger: but no pooping yet!
You: Ok, if it is about to overflow, can i use the toilet?
You: Wait what???
Stranger: if the cup is about to overflow, then stop peeing and tell me. I really don't think it will be, but I will be here adn tell you what to do. After you pee I will also give you instructions on pooping
You: okkk, again im not sure if ill be able to stop, but ill try.
Stranger: do it over the towel, so if it overflows that will catch it
Stranger: should bt pretty clear and mostly water by now anyways
You: okk
You: is that good? lol
Stranger: 5 minutes
Stranger: yeah thats fine
Stranger: i like pee of all colors lol
You: lmao
You: ughhhh it hurts
Stranger: almost over with
Stranger: i bet you wont curse at mommy ever again
You: i won't
You: ugh all this for saying one little swear?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: this isn't THAT bad
You: Yes it is!!!
Stranger: i could've just made you pee your pants and be embarassed to tell your mom
You: omg absolutely not!
You: not happening, sorry, that I will NOT do lol
Stranger: lol i figured
You: holding it this long isnt like bad for my health is it??
Stranger: no
You: ok good
Stranger: your bladder will be a little sort and you wont be able to hold as much for the rest of the night, but thats all
You: Ummm, i wont like pee myself over night right???
Stranger: 1 mminute
Stranger: no you shouldn't
You: ok
You: sorry im just super nervous lol
Stranger: its okay lol ask any questions you have
You: omg come on 10;30
Stranger: haha
You: this is not funny!!
Stranger: now
You: YES 1030

~Continued on next post
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