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Old 01-25-2010, 02:02 PM   #3
getDare Cultist (Outer Circle)
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Part 4

(a week later)
*Heather texts Andrew "Don't forgot to come over tonight, same time as last week". Andrew rings Heather*
Heather: Hi
Andrew: Em I'm not really in the mood tonight, can we take a rain check?
Heather: Andrew, I don't think you get how serious this is.
Heather: You will come over tonight, or else
Andrew: Or else what?
Heather: I'll take legal action
Andrew: Ha how are you gonna do that?
Heather: You signed a contract, remember?
Heather: Or was your dick doing all the thinking as usual
Andrew: I don't follow
Heather: You signed a contract agreeing to be my slave for four weeks and you must come over to my house at the same time every week.
Andrew: Yeah but I wasn't in the right state of mind
Heather: Doesn't matter you signed it
Andrew: I don't believe you
Heather: Want me to send you a copy?
Andrew: Fine
Heather: Okay sent
*Andrew goes to the computer and signs into his hotmail and then reads contract. When gets to the bottom he notices his signature their. It was written very clearly and it was his signature*
Andrew: You can't do this
Heather: But I can and I did
Andrew: I'll take you to court, I was in a right state of mind
Heather: Fine but either way, do want people knowing that signed up to this and also that you do this type of stuff
Andrew: No
Heather: Good
Heather: I think it's better for both of us that you don't say anything to anyone
Andrew: Okay fine I won't tell if you won't tell
Heather: Good, at least we've reached an agreement
Heather: Oh and don't worry, you've only got three weeks left
Heather: Last week counts as the first week
Andrew: Okay good
Heather: So I will see you tonight?
Andrew: Yes
Heather: Yes what?
Andrew: Yes mistress
Heather: Good boy and don't be late tonight or I will punish you
Andrew: I won't mistress
Heather: Good slave

To Be Continued
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