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Old 01-24-2010, 05:01 AM   #33
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Default My summary, just 'coz :p

Hartnell: Old and rarely wise. He only became wise towards the end. Originally, he was a dark and insensitive character, first kidnapping two teachers and then nearly murdering a caveman. He never cared about others and always put himself first, with Susan close second. He was hardly ever wise - this was often a misconception and was shown to be correct in later multi-Doctor stories. However, as time went on, he became a loving grandad figure.

Troughton: Far more than just a "silly flute player". In fact, he only did this in a couple of stories. He developed his character into a secret manipulator - he would pretend to be silly to fool his enemies, but he'd have a plan laid out in his head. He was often sensitive and cared about his companions dearly.

Pertwee: Dignified gentleman sums him up perfectly.

BakerT: Silly but fantastic. Very eccentric. The definitive Doctor really.

Davison: Some would say a bit bland and boring. He was certainly the most human in terms of character and emotion.

BakerC: Loud, rude, colourful, arrogant. The mid-life crisis Doctor. He started to calm down towards the end but was unfairly sacked and the scripts treated him badly. Deep down, he was lovely and caring. But on the surface, he was early Hartnell.

McCoy: He was a silly man in his first season. But he soon became a dark manipulator - "far more than just another Time Lords". He played deadly games with his enemies and often had to manipulate his companions in the cross-fire. Don't cross him.

McGann: The first Doctor to snog. Human-like, but still alien. Caring, kind and subtly eccentric.

Eccleston: Dark and mysterious - the first Doctor after the Time War. He cared a hell of a lot about Rose, but he had an inner dark side which could be unleashed at any moment. However, when he was happy, he was beautifully funny and great.

Tennant: Just like Tom Baker. Great, eccentic and definitive.

Smith: Time will tell, it always does.
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