Thread: Non-Fiction: Omegle Punishment
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Old 06-17-2016, 09:53 PM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 18

Here's another punishment I got on omegle, again fake details, I did the real punishment though!

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like spankings, and spanking.
You: i have been bad and deserve a reminder spanking to be a good girl, can you please give me a punishment spanking and corner time?
Stranger: hiii
Stranger: Yes I most certainly will!
You: Oh thank you!
Stranger: How old are you if it's okay if i ask
You: I am 15
Stranger: 17
You: how about u?
You: ok nice
Stranger: Do you get spankings in real life
You: no i asked my mom one time but she wouldn't do it
You: are you a boy or a girl if i may ask?
Stranger: boy
You: ok
Stranger: Daddy needs to give you a good spanking, doesn't he
You: yes he does
You: i've been a really bad girl, i gave my little brother a wedgie the other day
You: i apologized but i still feel bad
Stranger: What are you wearing for your spanking, little missy?
You: Well right now im wearing my snow white panties, they are one of my fav pairs!
Stranger: oh how cutee! Like a bad little girl who needs to have her bottom spanked
You: they are actually really cute!
Stranger: do you have kik
You: no i don't
Stranger: How old do you want to be for your spanking?
Stranger: it's okay if you want to be little hehe
You: ughh ur making me blush lol, my mommy stopped spanking me when I turned 9 so I wish I was 9 again
Stranger: Awww good and how did she used to give you your spankings?
You: well i obviously didnt like them so i was usually screaming before she pulled me over her knee and took my skirt and panties down
Stranger: Would you like me to sit in a chair or the side of the bed?
You: side of the bed pls
Stranger: one last question, what is daddy spanking his little princess for?
You: i told u i gave my little brother jake a wedgie in his little tighty whities hahahaha
Stranger: What else are you wearing besides your little disney panties?
You: i'm wearing a cute white dress with some dafadils on it
Stranger: Sweetie, is there something you need to tell daddy? *gets down on one knee and looks you in the eye*
You: i um, i mayyyyyyyy have given jake a little pull on his undies
You: just a little pull tho
Stranger: *spins you around quickly and gives you 3 sharp spanks*
Stranger: Tell the truth, young lady!
You: owwwwww ok ok, i pulled his spiderman undies up, but he was laughing so it couldn't have really hurt!!
Stranger: Look at daddy, you're going to march right into your bedroom and wait for daddy to come and give you a
Stranger: NICE
Stranger: LONG
Stranger: S P A N K I N G
Stranger: Well that's too bad, princess
Stranger: Now march your little tushy in there and wait for daddy!
You: FINE!!!!!!
Stranger: *waits for you to go*
You: *ugh im getting tired of waiting* DADDY ARE YOU COMING OR NOT?!
You: Come on! I want to get this over with!!!
You: Daaaaaaadddddyyyyyyy?
Stranger: I walk in
Stranger: *I sit down on the side of your little bed*
You: h-h-hi daddy
Stranger: Turn around, sweetie
Stranger: Lift up your dress and stick your bottom out
You: Cant i keep my dress on?? it hurts less that way!
Stranger: No, you most certainly may not!
You: fine, there its up!
Stranger: *i give you 10 spanks while you're standing*
Stranger: *pats my lap* now lay across daddy's knee
You: OWW!!!!!
Stranger: Lay across daddy's knee like a naughty little girl!
You: ok ok ok
Stranger: You're lucky i don't get your good friend, billy the belt!
You: but daddy you've promised me you would only ever use your hand
Stranger: That's not true! You got to feel billy a couple days ago
You: Well ok i forgot, but please don't use him now!
Stranger: *rubs your bottom over your panties*
You: ow it stings daddy
Stranger: we're just getting started pumpkin
Stranger: Do you want a couple warm up spanks over your undies? Or do you need to have your panties pulled down now?
You: warm me up i guess
Stranger: *starts spanking nice and firm every 2 seconds over your panties*
Stranger: Naughty naughty naughty!
You: owwwwie how long daddy
Stranger: until daddy decides you've learned your lesson!
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