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Old 05-19-2016, 05:53 PM   #13
getDare Devil
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Okay most important thing if you have a crush on one of the guys, you need to find if he's possibly gay, bi-sexual or bi-curious.

Now I assume you guys are going to have some nights where alcohol will be involved. That's when you can start figuring out. Unfortunately there's still too much of a taboo on guys being anything but straight, online it's easy because it's anonymous. However in real life you might have friends for a long while and you probably met them before you even knew you were gay. Those kinds of things are really tricky.

So since you can't be straight forward (ugghhh I hate people for this) you can ask things in a round-about way during drinking games. You can even download apps such as spin the wheel, which have space with things such as drink one, drink two, give three, dare, truth and more.
Very good games are things like Never have I ever, truth or dare and things were people have to choose between one option or the other option.
You can ask things like would you kiss a guy for a 100€/$, have you ever thought a guy was sexy, etc, etc.
If you're at a bar or camping you can involve other people in dares if you're not too annoying and pick the right people.
You can do dares like, bring someone to the dance floor and dance with them.
Sing a humiliating/childish song for someone.
Beg some people for money, this is extremely embarassing when I had to do it and they actually gave me money, I felt so guilty. In the end everybody laughed luckily.
Flirt with security personel or a waiter (be careful with this one)
Propose to someone with a key ring or similar object (I really don't mind doing this one).
Ask someone from the same gender if you can sleep at their place. One of my friends had to do this one.
Said down at a table where you don't know anyone and try to join in on the conversation. You're not allowed to explain anything, regarding the dare and you don't get to choose the table. This is really doable, trust me and pretty funny (I've done it often enough).
Make a nasty cocktail for some one.

Anyway involving some drinks and these kinds of things will help people to open up.
And when everybody is asking dares you can strike with a truth, like have you ever thought about kissing a guy or even actually kissed a guys, yes or no?

Anyway good luck with it, but don't push it too much, I'm assuming you don't want to ruin the friendship.
If you want to see them naked some simple dares will suffice.
Most of us guys especially the ones that are not gay XD, are so damn "proud" that we won't back down from a challenge, going skinny dipping or something is really easy.
If one of them says they don't want to just ask him, are you scared or something.
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