Thread: Fiction: Jonas Goes US
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Old 01-11-2010, 04:42 AM   #8
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Allmost starting lol
will9022 thanks for letting me know
I try to check spelling and grammar but as you say I'm dutch so I don't see it all.
If you find one that really annoys ya then jut tell me.
I won't mind learning

Chapter 7

School was finished soon enough and Jonas didn’t encounter much trouble, there were a few girls who checked him out but he didn’t noticed.
He went to dorm garden where he agreed to meet Kelly.
Went he arrived Kelly wasn’t there, so he sat down on a bench trying to enjoy nature a little.
He wondered what kind of solution Kelly would have for the rumors she spread, although he did kind of enjoyed the attention of the lady’s he gave math course this noon, but still he kind of hoped he could go back under the radar.

‘Hey… So ‘bout that bet from this morning you ok with it?’, Kelly first went to search out Natasha before meeting Jonas and she finally found her.
‘Yeah sure, always wanted to learn a virgin stud.’, a positive answer from Natasha.
‘I’m not sure he is a virgin, you think you could learn him how to touch women on the right spots.’
‘Maybe, depends on him, you know its different for each girl, ok most spots stay the same but some girls really have some crazy spots.’ ,Natasha thought she sounded at her mother when she said that sentence.
‘Lets try anyway you lost so when do we do it?’
‘Pick a day, to night, tomorrow night , oh Thursday and Friday I can’t, Long weekend and I go home Thursday eve, but next week should be ok swell, only deal ’ Natasha was really into it, it make her feel proud to step into her mothers shoes, or at least her job, the job she also wanted.
‘Ok I will check with Jonas, you can come if you want.’ ,Kelly invited Natasha, ‘he is in his dorm garden.’
‘Ok, let me just tell those guys, I wasn’t interested in the football game anyway thanks for the save.’, Natasha Pointed over to some guys, who all played in the football team of the school.
It took Kelly another moment before she realized that Natasha usually hangs around the cool people of school.
‘Ok take your time? I send a message to Jonas.’ , she went to stand a side and took her phone:

Hey Jona ,will be there in a second, Natasha is joining me, hang on.

Jonas had just read the message, typical he thought, He had his laptop on his knees and was going true his homework.
Who is Natasha? The question kept interrupting his homework and so he closed his laptop and started staring to see their arrival.
It took them about 10min since he got the message, but there they were.
Jonas first saw Kelly, she came around a distant corner, then next to Kelly Jonas saw Natasha.
The first thing Jonas noticed was how elegant Natasha’s long legs could step, the next was her smooth brown long hair.
But Jonas felt he didn’t had the time to check her out and he pulled himself back to reality.
The girls arrived.
‘Heyla how was your day?’, It was kelly who broke the ice.
‘I think you rumor works, or it could be my math skills but I believe its all rumors.’, He tried to say it funny and it did work on Kelly, she laughed a little but Natasha kept serious so he felt like being serious as well, ‘ So you are Natasha, Nice to meet ya.’
Natasha was checking him out, not looking at his face even Jonas could see it and he started to feel embarrassed.
‘Not bad, nice to meet you to.’, she finally looked up and saw Jonas eyes.
It went silent for a second, now it was Natasha ho had to pull herself back to reality, but Kelly avoided Jonas, who missed it because.
‘So, about the rumor I spread, well eu, I betted with Natasha and well she lost the bet and now she will learn you, if you want off course.’
‘What? You gotta be kidding me, this another prank or something.’, Jonas felt like he was pushed of a cliff or something.
‘No, it’s true, you even helped Kelly win.’, Natasha caught him from his fall.
‘What how.’, Jonas was still a bit drowsy from his psychological fall.
Kelly and Natasha started to explain.
And Natasha now got to know Jonas and saw how insure he really was, so she thought of giving him a push in the right direction, She looked him in the eyes and said : ‘But now seeing you I’m starting to wonder whether I’ve won or lost the bet.’
Jonas felt how she tried to make him relax but it didn’t really help.
Yet he felt like this was an opportunity he could not miss.
‘Ok, lets do it then, when and where.’
‘Tonight at my room?’ Kelly said.
‘What tonight? Already?’ Jonas was shocked of the speed things took.
‘Yeah, did you plan something?’ It was Natasha who replied his answers.
‘well eu no not really I thought on fixing the heaters of building 3.’
‘You know how you twitch your right eye when you lie.’ Kelly whispered in his ear.
‘What time?’, Jonas avoided and so admitted to his lie as well.
‘At eight o Clock?’
‘ok for me’ Natasha agreed.
‘ok I guess.’ Jonas seconded.
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