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Old 05-16-2016, 09:55 PM   #6
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 91

Thanks for the votes and posts so far. It's very exciting to see how this is playing out. I'm a little surprised more days haven't been added to my denial time, but not complaining.

My wife asked me some questions about what I thought of the different options myself and how the poll was going so far, and then said I should share some of my answers here.

In order, who do I think would keep me locked the longest?

This is a tough one. I'm really not sure what her mother would do. Could go either way.

As for the others, her best friend could probably be pretty mean and might make me wait quite a while. Since we work together she would have plenty of chances to verbally remind me about her control over me. That being said, the other two options might keep me locked even longer.

Her little sister might not really be all that mean about it, but in a way I could see it going that way. Plus she would probably not think about it very often and so a long time might pass before she thinks of returning the key.

As for the bi girl with the obvious crush on my wife: she clearly may have motivation for wanting to prevent me from having sex with my wife (possible jealousy) and might even see it as a possible advantage.

So, if I had to guess who'd keep me locked/denied the longest, I'd guess wife's coworker for longest, then sort of a tie between wife's best friend and wife's sister, with wife's mother most likely to be nicest (or I may be totally wrong; these are just guesses).
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