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Old 05-15-2016, 12:04 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 57

This part might not be as good as I wanted it because I wrote it all out...Then Firefox crashed

"What do you mean by everything" Ryan asked shyly

"We'll discuss that tomorrow, for now here is our key. We expect breakfast in bed at 9 A.M. and you must wear your costumes when you bring it to us." Laura said

The guys not wanting to ruin the chances they still thought they might have with these girls complied. As they went to leave they peaked out of the doorway to make sure no one was in the hall and then raced across and got into their apartment.

They took the costumes off and got in ged.

"Weird night" Ryan said laying there

Zach didn't even have to reply to be in agreement, and both drifted off to sleep.

They woke at 8:15 to their alarm and rose like zombies with the lack of sleep. They both took a shower, and then grabbed the uniforms and raced over to the girls apartment. They checked the fridge and realized they could cook up bacon, eggs and fruit for everyone.

Ryan and Zach switched off cooking so they could get their costumes on before they brought the breakfast to the girls. The finished up and plated the food, and brought it to the girl's bedroom. The shook them to stir them and then placed the plates on the girls laps.

"Here you go, we are going to eat out in the living room" Ryan said

"Did you use our food to cook" Liz asked sleepily

"Yes" Zach replied without a thought

"Did we say you could cook food for yourself with our food?" Liz inquired

"We just thought..." Ryan got cut off

"We'll let you eat it but you have to eat it on your hands and knees without using your hands"

Zach and Ryan, although they thought it was humiliating figured it wasn't that bad and they both got down on their hands and knees and started to eat.

They finished eating and looked up at the girls only to find both Liz and Laura filming and giggling.

"Why are you filming now?" Zach inquired in a pissed of tone

"We think it's cute, that you listened to us" Laura said innocently

"Whatever" Zach said

"Thanks for breakfast, now before we head to class you do have something else to do for us. You can take off the costumes obviously, but you will be wearing these" Laura held up a pink lace thong and Liz held up a blue lace thong.

"No.." Ryan started

"You'll do as we say" Liz said in a strict manner that took both Ryan and Zach aback

They eventually complied both out of fear of the videos and there infatuation with these girls.

The now all walked to class, both Zach and Ryan pantied and holding the girls back packs.
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