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Old 05-12-2016, 07:37 PM   #795
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 25

Hello potential Masters!

I am a 27 years old boy looking for a long-term relationship with a young master.
I am slim, have a big dick and look much younger (like 19-20 years old).

I would like to be controlled and humiliated. I am very kinky and can do different tasks.
I am not much into anal play but could do some if my Master requires.
I look good (bit nerdy but cute or so they say). I have a scar on my stomach from the surgeries I had when I was younger. It's the only thing about myself that I don't really like. If it will bother you then rather not contact me.

My ideal scenario and something I fantasize about would be to give someone total control, reveal personal info (full name and everything), maybe even give all my passwords. I am NOT out so by having all this + my naked pics/videos you would essentially own me. We could even do some blackmail games, as long as we agree upon it beforehand.

What I require of potential Masters:

Be young, average or good looking (no chubs please) and be ready to show on cam so I know you're real. Before giving you total control I would also like to see your face, at least very briefly. I am not looking for top models, just someone I can trust not to fuck me up.

Contact me here or through my Kik: valsim88
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