Thread: Fiction: Jonas Goes US
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Old 01-08-2010, 04:37 PM   #6
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I know it is all starting very slow, but somehow i just start writing and before I know I got a page of what I like to call filler.
I was wondering whether to post it but I believe that I have much more possibilities this way.
Anyway because of the fact nothing much happens I give you 2 chapters.

Chapter 5

Mean time, Jonas’ lessons have come to an end.
Still unaware of the plans made by the girls, Jonas is going for lunch, lunch at witch he promised to help a cute blonde with her help, he just did not know where to meet her.
But not knowing where to meet wasn’t really Jonas’ biggest worry, no he didn’t catch her name last time. And to be honest he couldn’t have caught her name cause she never told but even so Jonas felt like he should know, he just started to hope she wouldn’t come to his table.
When he arrived at the dining place, the row of people wasn’t that long witch meant that he would have lunch pretty fast. Since he was at school 7/7, school provides breakfast and one warm meal at lunch time and because he skipped breakfast, Jonas was hungry.
While waiting for some people to make their decisions about what to eat, Jonas took a look at the Menu.
- chicken, salad and French Fries
- Meatballs in tomato’s and French Fries
- Salad
Jonas got irritated again, each time when there were fries on the menu it was, as now, called French fries.
Now you see Jonas is from Belgium, and if there is one thing that Belgium is famous about,… …ok you can say chocolate and stuff but Belgium Fries are the best.
Because of these Jonas made a difference, Belgium Fries are all fries that are thick fat ones and French Fries would be the smaller sticks, like the ones they give you in fast-food-chains.
But here on this school they usually gave Belgium Fries and call ‘m French fries anyway witch irritated Jonas.
He always wanted to take a black marker and change French into Belgium but he convinced himself that the day that he would do it, would be the day that they really serve French Fries and so he was able to calm himself again.
‘Hey, what you gonna take.’, the cute blonde suddenly asked behind his back.
Dazzled by the fact that she was there and still calming himself down over the fries issue he combined it in to answer: ‘Meatballs with Belgium Fries.’
‘Menu says French Fries.’
‘I know, it says that each time, but they serve Belgium ones instead, anyway where are you seated.’
‘Over there, you mind Sofy joining us? she doesn’t really scores high on math either.’
She was pointing to a table where only a single girl sat.
‘Yeah no problem, I guess.’
‘Do you join us for lunch or you come after your done eating.’
‘I will come as soon as I have my lunch.’
‘Then tell what you want, I don’t got all day.’, the guy who was handing out the food interrupted them.
‘The meatballs.’
‘Meatballs and French fries it is.’ The guy took a plate and started putting meatballs on to it.
‘You mean Belgium Fries.’, Jonas could not calm himself this time.
‘Eu only have French Fries dude, can’t help ya.’, the guy looked like one of the stoned people of the school probably got caught and punished to hand out lunch.
‘I ‘m not having this discussion again, just give me what you think are the French Fries.’, Jonas really needed to get over his stupid fries issue.
‘Whatever dude.’
Jonas took his plate and went to the table where both girls sat.
On the way there, he bumped up to some jerks, who thought they were cool.
‘Oh, your one of those concierge helps, there is a mess over here please clean it up.’, one of them said.
Jonas looked up, it was Sam, he didn’t knew the boy well but Jonas did know that Sam’s uncle was in the cleaning crew the school hired.
‘We have a cleaning firm for stuff like that, why don’t you ask you uncle, if I’m not mistaken I believe he has the afternoon shift.’
Sam mount was shut and so it remained cause he had no answer to Jonas’ fast comeback.
Jonas continued his walk and finally arrived at the girls table.

Chapter 6

As he finished his lunch, in witch he finally discovered that the blond cutie was named Cathy, he knew it was time to test the girls motives.
Where they both here about the rumors or was it really math course they needed?
‘So where is the problem in Math, what part is it that blocks your progress?’ he asked?
‘Well its that part where they start to use equations into asymmetry.’ , It was Cathy who answered his question and Jonas failed to see whether she was making this up.
‘Yeah me to, It’s a pain in the ass part if you ask me.’, Sofy tagged along.
‘Ok, lets see.’ He opened his books and started looking for the right page.
When he found it he started to ask out to see where the girls got stuck, seeing how math is one logic fact after another, question is witch fact you don’t understand.
He helped the girls out and after a while he started thinking they didn’t knew anything about the rumors at all, they really needed his explanation for not failing on math.
‘Really thanks Jonas, it’s so obvious now, how come I didn’t see it earlier, I mean the teach explained it like 5 times but I didn’t understand.’ , for the third time Cathy thanked Jonas.
‘Teach said there will be a task tomorrow, you mind helping us, don’t understand me wrong I think I get it but, just to check on mistakes we might make?’ ,Sofy suddenly ask.
‘Think I can make some spare time, but I need to check a few things, I mean I fixed this other heater of pool area and I think it’s completely fixed but I want to be sure and there are a few other things like that.’, this is what Jonas does if he gets an invitation he mumbles it away.
‘You work to much.’ Cathy noticed, probably cause he lied about the evening to come.
‘It have certain privileges.’
‘Name one.’ Sofy jumped in offence.
‘Just one I know a few but here goes one, how about it if you would have a key to every building, classroom, bedroom or whatever needs a key in this school.’
‘No way.’ Both Cathy and Sofy didn’t believe him.
Jonas opened the front of his bag and revealed a chain with keys, he pulled them out and started counting them.
’38 most of them fits on multiple doors, or this 2 for example I don’t know why I will ever need them, but this 2 opens all the lockers in the whole damn campus.’
‘O my got, you got a key for my room?, figured Cathy.
‘Eu yes but I never use the dorm keys unless needed.’
‘So you can enter all bedrooms, where is our privacy?’ Sofy now felt somehow violated.
‘Do you honestly believe that the school would give all keys to somebody they can’t trust or now that you had a brief chance to get to know me, do you believe that I would start breaking into everybody’s room cause whether I have the key or not going in uninvited is still breaking in.’
‘Yeah sorry still, I don’t see why you need all keys.’
‘Imagine, thanksgiving you re home with family and suddenly a water pipe somewhere breaks, I can figure it out seeing the pressure meters but finding out witch room it is if most of you are gone is hard without a keys if you are there somebody just yells but… you see.’
‘It’s ok ‘, Cathy wasn’t really interested, ‘ here is my number call me if you checked your things and know if you can help us tomorrow eve.’
‘Ok’ He took the paper she handed.
‘We ‘re off bye, hopefully till tomorrow.’ Cathy said that last part barely understandable but Jonas heard it clear.
‘Bye, see ya’, Sofie took off and followed Cathy.
Jonas was content and pleased with himself for once, he didn’t blew it and he got the cute blonde, Cathy’s number.
He took his cell phone to save the number, cause he knew he was going to loose the paper otherwise.
And as he had his cell phone, he saw he had a message:

Hey Jona, got something 2 tell you, 2 complicated 2 tell over phone meet me
after school in the garden of your building, answer me plz I don’t wanna wait 4 nothing.

Only kelly used Jona, she thought is sounded funny.
Jonas answered that he would meet her after school, and took off to the next classroom where Biology was about to begin.
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