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Old 04-28-2016, 03:14 AM   #120
Truth Freak
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Wow that's a lot of questions!! May not be able to answer them all in one go, so will answer some then edit post to answer more as I have time.

Originally Posted by BondageLisa View Post
Watch, Star Wars, or Star Trek? Use whichever moves you find most relevant.
Star wars

Read on a Kindle or paperback book?

Go to a play or musical?

Go to the theater or a movie?
Depends, but maybe theater

Hike or bike?
Probably hike get to see more

Wear jeans or chinos?
Jean's I think.

Have a Margarita or Pina Colada?
Don't drink much, but maybe margarita

Drink a glass of Guinness or Fat Tire?
Don't think I've heard of fat tire? So Guinness I guess!

Crash with friends or stay in a hotel?
With friends

Visit Europe or Mexico?
Mexico as ha e not been there

Vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why?
Alaska think it would be an amazing experience and scenery would be stunning, although not keen on the cold lol

Go skiing or snowshoeing?
Snowshoeing I think

Travel by plane, train, or automobile?
Probably automobile I think, more freedom

Enjoy a houseboat or speed boat?
Speed boat

Go climbing or zip lining?
Zip lining, less strenuous lol

Go to a comedy club or dance club?
Comedy club I think?

Have a night out or evening in?
Really depends on how I feel lol maybe evening in

Watch TV or read a book?
Read a book

Go canoeing or waterskiing?

Camp in an RV or stay in a tent?

Use Facebook or Twitter?

Choose a free trip or money?
Money got more options then.

Win the lottery or find your perfect job?
Hard one, perfect job I think, get more satisfaction

Swim in a pool or the ocean?

Travel by sailboat or cruise ship?
Sailboat, Cruise ships are just like a massive hotel lol

Watch sports or play sports?
Both? Do like to play though.

Play dodgeball or kickball?

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
Maybe Bear Grills, help me survive lol

If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?
Maybe go skydiving! Always wanted too

If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Travel the world I think, love seeing new places

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?
New Zealand looks stunning, just time it takes to get there that puts me off!

What is your favorite memory?
Maybe my brothers wedding, he been through some very though times, so to see him so happy was great!

Who is your favorite author?
Don't think I have a favourite author, I don't tend to stick to one author, like variety. I do like Tolkien books

What is your favorite book?
Again, don't think I have a favourite, I did like the Lord of the rings books.

What was your favorite activity in gym class?
Probably aerobics

What has been your biggest challenge?
Erm probably at work, I had to create a brand new training programme that would be rolled out across all branches, was a massive project.

What is your biggest success up until now?
Probably completing the project above!

What does your perfect day look like?
Just spending quality time with family and friends

University or life experience, which do you feel best prepares you for life?
Life experience, you can't learn that at uni.

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
If you were to create a piece of art, what would the subject be?
An amazing view

What one thing would you change if you had to do it over?

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
Never thought about that before, off the top of my head, when they 1st landed on the moonmoon, for some reason always thought it would have been cool to be around when that happened.

What does your life say about you?
That's a very deep question! Think it's more for others to judge than me to say.

How would your friends describe you?
When did you last masturbate?
Last night

What did you use?
My dildo

What did you think about?
Was watching Matt on cam lol

What was the last thing you inserted anally?
My button plug

Did you enjoy it?
It was okay, I don't find it amazing, but is pleasant

How long was it there for?
Around 1 hour

Was it clean when it came out?
Pretty much

Is your vagina uneven?
Maybe a little

Has anyone ever found out a sexual fetish of yours?
Yes a friend

What happened?
She saw some pics I had of Matt on my phone lol (sorry Matt!)

Have you ever been really ashamed of something sexual you did?
What was it?
I don't think know I have done anything I'm ashamed of

Do ever wear a butt plug?

If so, where do you wear it?
Just at home usually, have occasionally gone out with it in for dares.

Have you ever had anal sex? Describe.

Have you ever had a real life slave/Master relationship?
Not with me as a slave.

What is the most embarrassing dare you have done?
I did a dare where I had to go to night clubs dressed really sluty and not wearing any underwear. I also had to hit on guys and girls! And let them groap me. Was very embarrassing!!

What is the most dangerous sexual thing you have done?
I did have unprotected sex with a guy I didn't know very well once

Does pain or humiliation turn you on?
Not really, maybe just a little bit occasionally, and only very light humiliation.

What type of porn do you like?
Not into porn at all really, I sometimes enjoy some lesbian porn (even though I'm mainly heterosexual!) some cfnm can be interesting lol (light stuff nothing hard core)

How frequently do you masturbate?
Varies a lot, from several times a day, to just 2 or 3 times a week.

Do you punish yourself? If so, how?
Not unless you count stuff I do for dares

Does someone else punish you? If so, how?

Have you ever had your genitals punished? How did it feel?

Do you get turned on my getdare?

Favorite degrading name to be called?
I'm not into that.

Least favorite degrading name you've been called?
Any degrading name really!

Favorite way to be humiliated (public, exposure, tit/ball pain, writing on self, etc.)?
Don't like to be humiliated

Do you enjoy being humiliated at your body's expense?

If you were to be humiliated via pet play, what animal would you pick to be and why?
Was going to say a dog but actually I think a cat would be less embarrassing I think.

Would you rather be humiliated for your weight, your tit size, or your body hair?
Prefer none lol but if had to choose, body hair as at least can cover that up!

If one person in your life found out about your kink for being degraded, who would be you want it to be (ex-girlfriend, mom, best friend, etc.)?
I don't have a kink to be degraded?

What would be more humiliating for you? Being told you're an ugly, useless whore after sending a face pic, or being compared to a pig, told that you're fat and dirty after sending a full body pic?
I guess the 1st?

Favorite way to be humiliated?
Don't like being humiliated, so no favourite way lol

Most degrading fantasy?
Don't have any.

What do you consider to be your worst pyshical feature? Do you enjoy having this picked out and made fun of, or are you self conscious about it?
Maybe my feet, but I'm not self conscious about them.

Would you rather have a master/mistress who, when you are bad and don't obey orders, washes your mouth out with soap and sits you in the corner, make you kneel naked and act as a foot stool for several hours, or clamp your nipples and forces you to go out in public with them on under your shirt?
Go out with nipped clamps on

What do you consider to be the most degrading kind of porn?
Gang bang porn I think

Would you rather be forced to fuck a homeless person in his/her "spot" beneath a populated bridge (with a condom) or a rich woman/man in their office with the door slightly ajar (no condom)?
If I had to choose homeless person with condom?

What would be more humiliating? Singing karaoke in a bar filled with people, having to buy condoms and cucumbers together at the store, or not being allowed to wear panties with your skirt?
Probably singing lol

Do you find having to shave pubic hair humiliating? If not, what do you feel about it (it's great, it's a hassle, etc.)
It's a bit of a hassle, but not a big deal.

Hope i have wasted your time,

much love,

Last edited by Sam~; 04-28-2016 at 04:05 PM.
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