Thread: Fiction: Sorority Sisters by Blood
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Old 04-24-2016, 06:07 PM   #51
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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Posts: 262

Chapter 18

Mia had no idea what to make of the title but as soon as she’d finished reading it the card disappeared. She listened as a door opened behind the camera and two girls walked into view. Faye was sat right beside Mia so she turned to give her a quick look. Faye saw her, gave a quick shrug with a smile before looking back to watch her film.

“Jesus Kate, why did you drag me out here?” Faye asked, seemingly really put out, “you know I can’t eat, I’m on an all liquid cleanse and this place doesn’t even serve alcohol. I don’t even need the bathroom, why am I here?” The audience laughed knowing that Faye was planning to be a nutritionist and that she believed cleanses and alcohol both to be fairly bad.
“Trust me, you will not regret this,” Kate replied rolling her eyes. Both girls walked across the restrooms with Kate leading as they walked towards a middle stall. Kate was a tall, slender, mixed race girl, standing at five foot ten and incredibly thin. Her breasts were petit in comparison and barely visible under her shirt. Her nipples were clearly poking through the fabric though. She was also wearing a short red mini skirt and high heels. Her brown legs looked magnificent as they strutted across the room, her ass held high in the air. As she looked back over her shoulder at Faye, her long braided hair cascaded over her shoulders and a bright smile shone through. She was absolutely stunning.

Faye followed after her, appearing as the upper class white girl, trust fund, yoga goddess that she was. She was slightly shorter than Kate at 5’8 and her healthy, long blonde hair hung down below her shoulder blades. Her green eyes gave a glittery accent to the tanned, aristocratic face. Her body was insane with her natural C cups expertly supported in an expensive bra. Her stomach was flat with a toned ass and her legs attractively muscled. She could have easily appeared on the cover of a fitness magazine, now even wearing the yoga pants and sporty tank top to suit the role.

“After you,” Kate said, opening the door to the handicapped stall and looking in.
“What do you mean? You aren’t following me in here,” Faye whined. Kate rolled her eyes again before grabbing Faye’s wrist and swinging the smaller girl into the stall. She stepped in behind her and closed the door. For a moment the sorority was left staring at the outside of the stalls again.

The view quickly changes so they were inside the stall with the girls. The camera was clearly sitting on the back of the bowl facing towards the door. Kate was on the left, smiling coyly. She took her purse and hung it on the coat peg inside of the door. Faye was on the right, arms crossed in front of her chest, pouting. “Why did you drag me in here with you?” she demanded even stamping her foot. Mia giggled watching on. Kate shook her head in mock annoyance.
“Be quiet and I‘ll tell you,” Kate said and Faye reluctantly shut her mouth. “So, I just heard about an absolutely amazing new cleanse that will make you lose weight twice as fast as any other method and I want to share it with you.” Faye’s arms dropped to her sides.

“A new one?” she asked seemingly intrigued before growing suspicious, “But you said that cleanses are just eating disorders, I remember you said that.”
“So I was wrong. I read all those websites you sent me. Anyway, I hear that Emma Stone is doing it,” Kate teased. Faye’s eyes shot wide as if this was important before looking disappointed.
“I’m in the middle of a cleanse; I can’t change it up,” she moaned.
“Oh no,” Kate said, “it’s a complementary cleanse. You’re supposed to do it while on another cleanse.”
“It doesn’t interfere with the ‘scrubbing bubbles cleanse?’ It really gets out the toxins,” she explained. The sorority were all laughing now; both girls were actually quite good actresses and had the girls waiting on every word.

“Oh it is perfect for that; Kristen Stewart was on the ‘scrubbing bubbles cleanse’ when she did this one,” Kate said. Faye squealed loudly causing everyone to laugh louder.
“What’s it called?” she asked eagerly. Kate’s eyed got shifty and it was clear she was supposed to be making it up.
“It’s called the ‘purge and binge’,” she stated.
“Oh I want to do it, please tell me about it,” Faye begged. Kate looked at Faye out of the corner of her eye as if considering it but leaning against the idea.
“Well…” she started.
“Come on, you said you wanted to show me,” Faye said, clasping her hands in front of her breasts and jumping up and down.
“Oh fine, but only if you promise to do whatever I say, no matter what,” Kate said.

“Deal!” Faye shouted, almost before Kate was even finished. They stood in silence for a moment, Faye looking like a ball of excitement, “So why do you have to show me in here?” she asked after a moment. Kate didn’t reply but instead she quickly grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and ripped it up over her head in a fluid motion. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her small, perky breasts flew into view. Faye’s eyes bulged out of her head in mock surprise.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked. Kate didn’t respond. Instead, she reached behind her back to unzip her miniskirt. As soon as it was loosened, the skirt slid down her hips and pooled on the floor. She wasn’t wearing panties and now stood completely naked in the bathroom except for her heels. Her legs looked impossibly longer when bare rising all the way to the patch of short pubic hair above her dark red pussy.

“There we go,” Kate said now naked in front of her friend.
“Do you know what a cleanse is?” Faye asked, “What the fuck are you naked for!”
“Keep it down,” Kate hissed back, looking briefly around, even peering under the stall. “Do you want someone to hear you talking?”
“No, but what is going on?” Faye whispered in reply.
“Just get naked,” Kate said causing Faye’s jaw to drop as she shook her head furiously.
“No fucking way, I’m getting out of here,” she said.
“You promised to do whatever I said,” Kate responded. Faye just seemed to ignore her reaching towards the lock on the door.
“I don’t care what I said, I didn’t realise this would be weird,” Faye stated as she slid the lock out.

“Fine,” Kate said, sounding suddenly less concerned, “Go ahead and go. I am the only person that you know who is going to be able to explain this cleanse though, unless you want to wait three months from now when everyone is already doing it…” Kate looked at her fingernails with disinterest. Faye froze at the door, looking like she was really struggling. Mia was really impressed with the acting, feeling exactly what she was trying to convey. Perhaps she could still swap out of nutrition as a career. Oscars could be in this girl’s future, or at least an AVN award.

“Damn it,” Faye finally stated sliding the lock into place, clearly wanting to be one of the first people in the trend. “This better be good though,” she stated before starting to work off her tank top. The cute bra followed quickly bringing her large, tanned breasts into full display. Her nipples were quite large and a very gentle pink. She bent over and slid off the yoga pants bringing a cheer from the crowd as her toned ass came into view. Her pussy was exposed, completely waxed for all to see, as she stood back up.

“There,” she said when finished, “Now what?” Kate didn’t answer again but turned towards her purse hanging on the wall. She rummaged through the bag for am moment and when she turned back to face Faye she was holding a large wine glass. She held it high for all to see. “Why do you have a wine glass?” Faye asked.
“It’s a part of the cleanse,” Kate said, “essential for the ‘purge’ section.”
“What do you do with it?” Faye queried, reaching towards the glass. Kate pulled it back then leant back against the wall of the stall. She proceeded to squat down slightly before taking the glass in her right hand and moving it underneath of her body, between her legs.

“What are you doing?” Faye asked, sounding a bit horrified. In just a brief moment, it became very clear what Kate was doing. Everyone could hear the sound of water splashing into the wine glass at an intense concentration. Kate was pissing into the glass. Mia was completely shocked. “Are you…” Faye started with wide eyes.
“Shush,” Kate shot back, holding up her index finger on her free hand. There was a few more seconds of noise before Kate carefully pulled the glass from between her legs and stood up straight. She held the glass of piss out in front of her. The very large glass was now about 1/3 full of a light, yellow liquid. Mia couldn’t believe what she was seeing, unsure where it was going and looking around the dining rooms, she saw jaws dropped in every direction.

“You pissed in a wine glass?” Faye asked, astonished.
“We are pissing in the wine glass, to purge our bodies of toxins,” Kate explained. Faye instantly started to shake her head but Kate ignored her and got down on her knees in front of Faye. “Crouch down a little so I can put this under you,” Kate ordered.
“No way, this is totally gross,” she responded.
“This is how it works. You know how it is; the worse it is, the better it works,” Kate explained, “This is bad, so it must be really good.” The room chuckled at Kate’s selling ability but the tension ran deeper, nobody certain of what was coming next. Faye considered what was being said.
“Emma Stone totally did this right?” Faye asked bringing a smile from Kate.
“She totally did,” Kate replied before a message appeared and flashed at the bottom of the screen. ‘Emma Stone did not perform this cleanse… probably.’ Everyone laughed.

“Okay,” Faye said before squatting down slightly. Kate carefully held her arm out between the girl’s legs, holding the cup just below her pussy. There was a pause before a tinkling sound appeared as Faye started to piss into the wine glass. Faye let out a gentle sigh as the splashing continued. From the angle of the shot a bit of the stream could be seen. It was a darker yellow colour and a few seconds later she was done. Kate pulled the glass out from between the legs and held it up. Faye stopped crouching and Kate stood back up straight. The glass was a little more than half full and was now darker in colour, particularly nearer the top. Kate looked into it as she held it high.

“So, what comes next?” Faye asked, looking uncomfortably into the glass. Once again there was no reply. Instead, Kate took her index finger and dipped it into the glass. Faye gasped along with most people in the dining room, including Mia. Kate began to circle her finger around inside the glass.
“Have to mix it up,” Kate explained as the colour of the piss began to equalise with the two separate urines mixing as one.
“This is absolutely disgusting,” Faye said and Mia couldn’t help but agree.
“It is the cleanse, just relax,” Kate said. Finally, when the urine was all mixed up in the wine glass, Kate slipped her finger out of the glass, brought it to her lips, and slipped it into her mouth. She smiled slightly around the finger and pulled it out dry. The dining room was stunned into silence.

“Oh my god Kate! What did you just do?” Faye said loudly.
“Hush, someone will hear,” Kate replied.
“You put piss in your mouth,” Faye whispered back but Kate just shrugged.
“Yeah well, that is part of the cleanse,” she explained, “You’ve already purged the toxins, so now you have to binge.” She held the glass out in front of her, towards Faye. “Your body is so full of toxins from eating processed foods that your kidneys can’t even filter it all out the first time, and your body can’t even pull the nutrients out of the food that you eat and drink,” Kate said. Everyone was still shocked but giggled at this. It was the nonsense that Faye mocked regularly.
“Really?” Faye asked.
“Doesn’t it make sense?” she asked and Faye nodded. “Think of your kidneys like a washer. Sometimes it needs a second cycle to get it really clean. The body is the same. To get the nutrients properly, you sometimes need to drink it twice.

“You want me to drink this piss?” Fayed asked, in total shock at the request. She looked at the contents of the glass, holding it up high.
“Don’t think of it as piss, think of it as… ultra organic, free ranged, recycled juice,” she stated. Mia laughed at the absurdity but began to wonder where it was going. Was Faye about to drink their piss? What would she think? Why did she feel a bit excited about seeing her do it? It was as if she wasn’t the same girl who left for college, or at least she was growing into the person she always was. It unnerved her slightly, but she couldn’t take her eyes from the screen.

“What does it taste like?” Faye asked, warming to the possibility.
“I like it,” Kate replied, before moving for the throat, “I hear it is now Selena Gomez’s favourite drink.” Another disclaimer message flashed on the screen, ‘Selena Gomez does not drink, or enjoy, piss… probably.’ The sorority were too on edge to laugh this time however, feeling that things were about to reach a head.

Faye looked more favourably at the possibility, swirling the glass once in her hand and watching the liquid move around it. “Selena Gomez, right?” she asked. Kate nodded, biting her lower lip and spreading her legs slightly. Her right hand slid up her hip and across her stomach, rubbing her skin gently. Kate was excited to see something happen as well. “What do I do?” Faye asked. Mia felt her mouth get dry; this was actually going to happen. She was about to watch Faye drinking urine and it was making her wet.

“You just drink it,” Kate stated. “Take your time. One big gulp to start, then sip on it,” Kate advised. Faye nodded looking down into the glass and holding it like a chalice. She slowly lofted it with the dining room totally frozen in suspense. It reached her lips, and she seemingly breathed through her nose, smelling the contents. Her nose wrinkled slightly but she turned it up farther. The liquid pushed against her lips and Mia felt her own breath become shallow. The piss was now over the top of Faye’s lips, almost touching her nose.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Faye opened her mouth wide. A large mouthful flowed past her lips and her mouth closed to seal it in. She moved the glass away from her lips, cheeks bulging with hot liquid. Mia watched her tongue moving around inside as her eyes watered slightly but she didn’t spit it out. In fact, after a few seconds, her throat moved and suddenly her cheeks were no longer bulging. She had swallowed some of it.

Mia moaned but was not the only one. She wanted to touch herself desperately. Looking around the room, everyone looked like they were in the same state. A balance of arousal and disgust with people branching to either side was spread around, but no one was touching themselves. Watching Faye drinking piss wasn’t only having an effect on the dining room though. Back on the screen it was exciting Kate. As Faye swished the fluid around her mouth, Kate’s hand started to snake over her thigh and between her legs. Faye opened her mouth slightly and played with the frothy piss with her tongue. This was near unbearable for Kate whose index finger now quickly darted between her own legs. Her fingers circled her clitoris, dipping in occasionally. As Kate began to masturbate, Faye closed her mouth and swallowed the remainder in her mouth.

Mia couldn’t wait for the end of the film to find out what was going on and turned to Faye who was bearing a nervous smile. She whispered into the other girl’s ear, “Is this for real? Did you do this?” Faye continued looking at the screen for a moment before turning towards Mia looking slightly embarrassed.
“Yeah, it’s real. Every bit,” she said clearly telling the truth and Mia couldn’t believe it wasn’t some sort of trick of the camera or fake piss.
“Why? Have you done it before?” Mia asked, glancing back at the screen to see Faye licking her lips.

“No, I don’t know. I’ve never done it before and they said to be shocking. It was the most out there thing I could think of and I figured it would astonish everyone. I was sort of curious about it, wondered what it was like and… well, it just seemed like if there was a place to try things it was here. Everyone seemed so… open about weird stuff here and it seemed safe,” she said, blushing. Mia realised her question might have been taken the wrong way. She wasn’t judging her.
“Hey, I’m just impressed; it’s bonkers. This is coming from a girl whose sister licked her ass,” Mia said. Faye looked at her with a blank face before smiling broadly and running a hand through her hair.
“I guess so,” she said, “It’s a strange week.”
“Yep, but I’m missing the movie, and I am a big fan,” Mia said turning back to the screen. Faye was just finishing savouring her first big gulp and opened her eyes.

“You’re right. That’s good. So now I just…” Faye said before seeing what everyone else already knew. Kate’s hips were moving rhythmically against her right hand while her left hand explored her breasts. She was already panting. “What are you doing?” Faye asked, shocked, “What does this have to do with the cleanse?”
“You ask too many questions,” Kate replied. Her hand shot from her breasts and went between Faye’s legs. Faye let out a high pitched squeal of surprise.

“What…” she started to yell, but Kate’s finger found Faye’s clit. The question melted into a low moan as her eyes rolled back a little and she leaned back against the other side of the stall. Kate kept the other hand on her own slit, her fingers now moving across both her own pussy and Faye’s. The hands were moving at the same speed. Both index fingers slipped into their respective pussies while pressing thumbs against the two clits.

“Just enjoy the cleanse, and drink your piss, or I won’t make you cum,” Kate said. Faye seemed immediately less inquisitive and nodded jerkily before gasping. She remembered the glass of piss and shakily lifted the glass back to her moth taking a little sip. She moaned, savouring the flavour before swallowing it down. This patter continued for a few minutes. Kate’s hands stayed at work, while Faye braced herself against the stall wall and with her right hand repeatedly brought the wine glass to her mouth.

Every few moments, Faye would tilt the glass back to allow more piss to pool in her mouth, before savouring the taste, swishing it around her mouth, even gargling occasionally before swallowing. Drop by drop, the glass started to empty. It disappeared into Faye’s stomach and the more she drank, the more she seemed to enjoy it. The grimaces were gone and she was smiling, although some of that might be from the touch.

Faye stopped momentarily with the drinking with only three or four mouthfuls left in the glass. Kate noticed and moved in closer. The two girls leaned in closer and the lips met in the middle of the stall and it was passionate. Kate moaned and moved her fingers quicker. After several minutes of passionate kissing, Faye abruptly pulled away. Kate looked confused but Faye smiled and then lifted the glass to her mouth. She tilted her head back and poured the piss into her mouth. Once again her cheeks were bulging. She brought her chin down and the piss poured down her cheeks over her chin and down her chest. It cascaded over her nipples and slipped down into Kate’s hand.

Kate sensed what Faye had in mind and as soon as it was coating Faye’s body and glistening on Faye’s breast she leaned in. Her tongue came out and she started licking the piss off of Faye. Her tongue roved over Fate’s body missing no spots. As she did so, Faye’s body became rigid. She licked her lips and her body began to shake. She threw her head back and her mouth opened making a croaking sound. She shook powerfully.

Seeing and feeling Faye orgasm had an effect on Kaye. She latched her lips around Faye’s nipple and her fingers moved rapidly between her own legs. She moved her other hand out from between Faye’s legs and plunged them into her mouth. The taste was enough to take Kate over the edge. She moaned loudly and began shaking, actually falling to her knees. Finally, her body went still. Both girls leaned back against the stall walls, catching their breath.
They looked at one another briefly and then giggled. “So, do you feel cleaned?” Kate asked and they both laughed.
“Well, I actually feel a little dirty,” Faye replied, “But, at least I’m not thirsty.” The screen faded to black.

The room was silent as the video ended. You could hear a pin drop. Mia looked briefly around and saw absolute shock on every face. Everyone had inklings, as the video progressed, that it would lead this way, but believing and seeing were different. Mia looked at Faye who looked nervous and started to clap and even whistle a bit. Soon, everyone joined in and it was the loudest so fat. People were just so shocked they had to let it out. The sisters began to talk, asking if anyone had seen anything so strange, and Faye looked relieved.

Mia’s body felt absolutely electric. She felt an intimate connection between all of her sensitive areas; her breathing was shallow and her legs felt weak. She wondered if she was going to somehow have an orgasm from what she’s seen. Any earlier concerns no longer registered; the sorority had opened up a deep intensity and she wondered if the well went any further. Would she be willing to do something worse? Has she already? Her thoughts shot to Steph and she looked back at her. Steph’s face was flushed and she was talking excitedly to another senior girl. Mia looked quickly back to screen to avoid Steph getting angry with her.

“Well ladies,” Alexis said above the crowd and everyone grew quiet, “I have to admit, that might be the most… transgressive video in the history of this sorority. It might not exactly be my cup of…” she paused dramatically, “But you really went for it. It was a very intense submission. Thank you very much.” Everyone cheered again seemingly thinking the same thing. Even if you weren’t into puss, it was really hot seeing two girls who were.

“Faye said, if I drank the first drop, she’d drink the rest,” Kate explained and everyone laughed.
“Yeah, but no one made you suck it off my tits, that was all you in the moment,” Faye retorted. The meeting risked breaking down into discussion so Alexis quickly popped in the new memory stick. Mia knew there was a fifty-fifty chance this was hers. The other girls noticed that the video was starting and looked to the screen. In very large letters a title card appeared: “Chloe and Jenny Present: The Dean’s List.”
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