Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Rent Free (R-18)
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Old 08-26-2015, 07:41 PM   #92
getDare Succubus
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Default It all falls down... 1

There was a knock at the door. Justine quickly checked up on her daughter, still resting in their bedroom. She closed the door there and made a detour by the computer room before heading to answer from the hall. She didn't even bother checking through the spyhole.

Samson was standing outside the door, flanked with his two favorite bodyguards, the same ones that had accompanied him the first time he had come. He pushed his way in.

"Hello again, Justine."
"Sir," she replied in her most stoic tone.
"I'm here for some loving..."
"I'm sorry," she replied. "That's not possible."

He was surprised by her reply.

"I thought we had an understanding," he replied, his eyes harboring a threatening glance.
"You had one. I started working at the Dragon Lounge, dancing. They own me now."
"...well tough luck for you. I'm still going to get what I want."

He looked past her at the bedroom door.

"If not from you, then from your daughter..."
"Don't you dare!" Justine replied.
"So our understanding stands, then..."
" need to leave."

Samson was bewildered by her reaction. The slap across her face echoed across the room, and Justine fell backwards to the floor.

"You ungrateful bitch!"

He had one of his goons pick her up and sit her on the table.

"We made a deal... if you don't do it, then your daughter will, and I won't be kind about it..."
"She's not here."
"Is that so?"

He motioned one of his henchman towards the bedroom.

"She's with her friends..."
"You're lying."
"What? Are you spying on us?"
"I look after my investments."

The thug opened the door, confirming the girl was indeed in the room. Samson's tone was mean.

"I'm gonna bend you over the table, and I'm gonna stuff your ass. Then, Tony here is gonna to the same, and then Jorge. And you're gonna like it."
"So you're going to rape me then..." she replied, tears in her eyes.
"What is it with this chick today?" Samson laughed, pulling her off the table.

He pushed her face front on the table.

"If your daughter knows what's good for her, she'll stay quietly in her room while we go about our business."

Of course, Tina was hearing everything from the other room. She actually called out to her mother.

"Stay in the other room, Tina..."
"Good call," Samson said, "because is she comes in here, she becomes fair game... Better scream though. I want to make sure she knows I'm not faking it when I dump my load in your ass..."

It didn't take long for Samson to get going...
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